Title: Boost Your Child's Vision
Summary: Vision problems often run in families, but there are some factors that you can control in your child’s environment to help their eyesight. Try these tips to give your child’s vision a better chance.
Keywords: vision, eyes, sight, vision loss, loss, family, kids, children, child, kid, parenting
Article Body: Vision problems often run in families, but there are some factors that you can control in your child’s environment to help their eyesight. Try these tips to give your child’s vision a better chance.
Brighten things up. Unfortunately, your mom was right: reading in dim light can wreak havoc on your eyes. Buy your child a good reading light, or make sure that homework is done in plenty of natural light.
Give them space. Place a pillow about eight feet away from the TV, and tell your child they have to watch it from that distance. Sitting too close to a television leads to the same focus problems that your child can develop from using computers and video games.
Take breaks. Experts agree that kids’ increased computer use can cause focus problems, particularly the ability to refocus on objects far away. Take note of how much time they spend in front of the computer, and make sure they take a ten-minute break every hour.
Buy shades. Your child may not need glasses, but it’s a good idea to buy them sunglasses. UV exposure can lead to macular degeneration or the early development of cataracts.
Don’t skip eye exams. Children should be screened by an eye doctor or pediatrician between 6 and 12 months, 3 and 3 ½ years, at 5, and then annually after that.
It’s not too late for adults to start practicing these techniques, also. Make them a family habit, and you could slow the loss of your vision as you age. It’s important to set a good example for your children, too.
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Breastfeeding Your Child
Title: Breastfeeding Your Child
Summary: Breastfeeding refers to the process by which a mother feeds her infant with milk directly from her breasts. Assuming the mother does not have certain illnesses, breast milk is widely believed to be the most beneficial for feeding young infants. It is even said that breastfeeding can strengthen the bond between mother and child. Still, some mothers choose not to participate in breastfeeding their infants and opt for store bought formula instead.
There are a number of benefi...
Keywords: breastfeeding
Article Body: Breastfeeding refers to the process by which a mother feeds her infant with milk directly from her breasts. Assuming the mother does not have certain illnesses, breast milk is widely believed to be the most beneficial for feeding young infants. It is even said that breastfeeding can strengthen the bond between mother and child. Still, some mothers choose not to participate in breastfeeding their infants and opt for store bought formula instead.
There are a number of benefits, which result from breastfeeding for infants. Among them, immediate milk that does not have to be heated as it is already at body temperature. In addition, some experts believe that breastfeeding decreases the risk of certain ailments, while increasing the healthy development of teeth and gums.
Along with the infant, there are positive results that stem from breastfeeding for the mother. Among them, a nurturing feeling toward her infant, a quicker return to the mom’s pre-birth weight and may help to prevent certain illnesses later on in life.
Often, the infant may refuse breastfeeding at first for a variety of reasons. Normally, these can be determined and corrected with proper instruction from a physician. These may be occurrences that go away by themselves or it may be an indication of an infant that has certain medical conditions that prevent them from feeding properly.
Mothers who have certain medical conditions or are taking certain medications should not participate in breastfeeding her infant. The reason is because either the illness or the medication itself may be transmitted to the infant during this time, which can be very harmful to him/her. For this reason, the mother must inform her doctor about any medications or ailments that she currently has prior to beginning to breastfeed her child.
Many new mothers do not realize it, but breastfeeding may cause soreness and even bruising. This is not unnatural, but can be a sign of improper positioning. These instances will usually clear themselves up, but should be checked by a physician just to be safe.
This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or recommendations for or against breastfeeding. Before deciding to breastfeed their child, the new mother must consult a licensed medical doctor in order to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation and the safe feeding of her child.
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Summary: Breastfeeding refers to the process by which a mother feeds her infant with milk directly from her breasts. Assuming the mother does not have certain illnesses, breast milk is widely believed to be the most beneficial for feeding young infants. It is even said that breastfeeding can strengthen the bond between mother and child. Still, some mothers choose not to participate in breastfeeding their infants and opt for store bought formula instead.
There are a number of benefi...
Keywords: breastfeeding
Article Body: Breastfeeding refers to the process by which a mother feeds her infant with milk directly from her breasts. Assuming the mother does not have certain illnesses, breast milk is widely believed to be the most beneficial for feeding young infants. It is even said that breastfeeding can strengthen the bond between mother and child. Still, some mothers choose not to participate in breastfeeding their infants and opt for store bought formula instead.
There are a number of benefits, which result from breastfeeding for infants. Among them, immediate milk that does not have to be heated as it is already at body temperature. In addition, some experts believe that breastfeeding decreases the risk of certain ailments, while increasing the healthy development of teeth and gums.
Along with the infant, there are positive results that stem from breastfeeding for the mother. Among them, a nurturing feeling toward her infant, a quicker return to the mom’s pre-birth weight and may help to prevent certain illnesses later on in life.
Often, the infant may refuse breastfeeding at first for a variety of reasons. Normally, these can be determined and corrected with proper instruction from a physician. These may be occurrences that go away by themselves or it may be an indication of an infant that has certain medical conditions that prevent them from feeding properly.
Mothers who have certain medical conditions or are taking certain medications should not participate in breastfeeding her infant. The reason is because either the illness or the medication itself may be transmitted to the infant during this time, which can be very harmful to him/her. For this reason, the mother must inform her doctor about any medications or ailments that she currently has prior to beginning to breastfeed her child.
Many new mothers do not realize it, but breastfeeding may cause soreness and even bruising. This is not unnatural, but can be a sign of improper positioning. These instances will usually clear themselves up, but should be checked by a physician just to be safe.
This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or recommendations for or against breastfeeding. Before deciding to breastfeed their child, the new mother must consult a licensed medical doctor in order to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation and the safe feeding of her child.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Bathing and Cleaning Infants To Childhood
Title: Bathing and Cleaning Infants To Childhood
Summary: Cleanliness is essential to the infant's health. The principal points to which especial attention must be paid by the parent for this purpose are the following:
Keywords: babies, infants, children, bathing infants, bathing children
Article Body: During Infancy ---------------
Cleanliness is essential to the infant's health. The principal points to which especial attention must be paid by the parent for this purpose are the following:
At first the infant should be washed daily with warm water; and a bath every night, for the purpose of thoroughly cleaning the body, is highly necessary. To bathe a delicate infant of a few days or even weeks old in cold water with a view "to harden" the constitution (as it is called), is the most effectual way to undermine its health and entail future disease. By degrees, however, the water with which it is sponged in the morning should be made tepid, the evening bath being continued warm enough to be grateful to the feelings.
A few months having passed by, the temperature of the water may be gradually lowered until cold is employed, with which it may be either sponged or even plunged into it, every morning during summer. If plunged into cold water, however, it must be kept in but a minute; for at this period, especially, the impression of cold continued for any considerable time depresses the vital energies, and prevents that healthy glow on the surface which usually follows the momentary and brief action of cold, and upon which its usefulness depends. With some children, indeed, there is such extreme delicacy and deficient reaction as to render the cold bath hazardous; no warm glow over the surface takes place when its use inevitably does harm: its effects, therefore, must be carefully watched.
The surface of the skin should always be carefully and thoroughly rubbed dry with flannel, indeed, more than dry, for the skin should be warmed and stimulated by the assiduous gentle friction made use of. For this process of washing and drying must not be done languidly, but briskly and expeditiously; and will then be found to be one of the most effectual means of strengthening the infant. It is especially necessary carefully to dry the arm-pits, groins, and nates; and if the child is very fat, it will be well to dust over these parts with hair-powder or starch: this prevents excoriations and sores, which are frequently very troublesome. Soap is only required to those parts of the body which are exposed to the reception of dirt.
During Childhood ----------------
When this period arrives, or shortly after, bathing is but too frequently left off; the hands and face of the child are kept clean, and with this the nurse is satisfied; the daily ablution of the whole body, however, is still necessary, not only for the preservation of cleanliness, but because it promotes in a high degree the health of the child.
A child of a vigorous constitution and robust health, as he rises from his bed refreshed and active by his night's repose, should be put into the shower-bath, or, if this excites and alarms him too much, must be sponged from head to foot with salt water. If the weather be very cold, the water may be made slightly tepid, but if his constitution will bear it, the water should be cold throughout the year. Then the body should be speedily dried, and hastily but well rubbed with a somewhat coarse towel, and the clothes put on without any unnecessary delay. This should be done every morning of the child's life.
If such a child is at the sea-side, advantage should be taken of this circumstance, and seabathing should be substituted. The best time is two or three hours after breakfast; but he must not be fatigued beforehand, for if so, the cold bath cannot be used without danger. Care must be taken that he does not remain in too long, as the animal heat will be lowered below the proper degree, which would be most injurious. In boys of a feeble constitution, great mischief is often produced in this way. It is a matter also of great consequence in bathing children that they should not be terrified by the immersion, and every precaution should be taken to prevent this. The healthy and robust boy, too, should early be taught to swim, whenever this is practicable, for it is attended with the most beneficial effects; it is a most invigorating exercise, and the cold bath thus becomes doubly serviceable.
If a child is of a delicate and strumous constitution, the cold bath during the summer is one of the best tonics that can be employed; and if living on the coast, sea-bathing will be found of singular benefit. The effects, however, of sea-bathing upon such a constitution must be particularly watched, for unless it is succeeded by a glow, a feeling of increased strength, and a keen appetite, it will do no good, and ought at once to be abandoned for the warm or tepid bath. The opinion that warm baths generally relax and weaken, is erroneous; for in this case, as in all cases when properly employed, they would give tone and vigour to the whole system; in fact, the tepid bath is to this child what the cold bath is to the more robust.
In conclusion: if the bath in any shape cannot from circumstances be obtained, then cold saltwater sponging must be used daily, and all the year round, so long as the proper reaction or glow follows its use; but when this is not the case, and this will generally occur, if the child is delicate and the weather cold, tepid vinegar and water, or tepid salt water, must be substituted.
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Summary: Cleanliness is essential to the infant's health. The principal points to which especial attention must be paid by the parent for this purpose are the following:
Keywords: babies, infants, children, bathing infants, bathing children
Article Body: During Infancy ---------------
Cleanliness is essential to the infant's health. The principal points to which especial attention must be paid by the parent for this purpose are the following:
At first the infant should be washed daily with warm water; and a bath every night, for the purpose of thoroughly cleaning the body, is highly necessary. To bathe a delicate infant of a few days or even weeks old in cold water with a view "to harden" the constitution (as it is called), is the most effectual way to undermine its health and entail future disease. By degrees, however, the water with which it is sponged in the morning should be made tepid, the evening bath being continued warm enough to be grateful to the feelings.
A few months having passed by, the temperature of the water may be gradually lowered until cold is employed, with which it may be either sponged or even plunged into it, every morning during summer. If plunged into cold water, however, it must be kept in but a minute; for at this period, especially, the impression of cold continued for any considerable time depresses the vital energies, and prevents that healthy glow on the surface which usually follows the momentary and brief action of cold, and upon which its usefulness depends. With some children, indeed, there is such extreme delicacy and deficient reaction as to render the cold bath hazardous; no warm glow over the surface takes place when its use inevitably does harm: its effects, therefore, must be carefully watched.
The surface of the skin should always be carefully and thoroughly rubbed dry with flannel, indeed, more than dry, for the skin should be warmed and stimulated by the assiduous gentle friction made use of. For this process of washing and drying must not be done languidly, but briskly and expeditiously; and will then be found to be one of the most effectual means of strengthening the infant. It is especially necessary carefully to dry the arm-pits, groins, and nates; and if the child is very fat, it will be well to dust over these parts with hair-powder or starch: this prevents excoriations and sores, which are frequently very troublesome. Soap is only required to those parts of the body which are exposed to the reception of dirt.
During Childhood ----------------
When this period arrives, or shortly after, bathing is but too frequently left off; the hands and face of the child are kept clean, and with this the nurse is satisfied; the daily ablution of the whole body, however, is still necessary, not only for the preservation of cleanliness, but because it promotes in a high degree the health of the child.
A child of a vigorous constitution and robust health, as he rises from his bed refreshed and active by his night's repose, should be put into the shower-bath, or, if this excites and alarms him too much, must be sponged from head to foot with salt water. If the weather be very cold, the water may be made slightly tepid, but if his constitution will bear it, the water should be cold throughout the year. Then the body should be speedily dried, and hastily but well rubbed with a somewhat coarse towel, and the clothes put on without any unnecessary delay. This should be done every morning of the child's life.
If such a child is at the sea-side, advantage should be taken of this circumstance, and seabathing should be substituted. The best time is two or three hours after breakfast; but he must not be fatigued beforehand, for if so, the cold bath cannot be used without danger. Care must be taken that he does not remain in too long, as the animal heat will be lowered below the proper degree, which would be most injurious. In boys of a feeble constitution, great mischief is often produced in this way. It is a matter also of great consequence in bathing children that they should not be terrified by the immersion, and every precaution should be taken to prevent this. The healthy and robust boy, too, should early be taught to swim, whenever this is practicable, for it is attended with the most beneficial effects; it is a most invigorating exercise, and the cold bath thus becomes doubly serviceable.
If a child is of a delicate and strumous constitution, the cold bath during the summer is one of the best tonics that can be employed; and if living on the coast, sea-bathing will be found of singular benefit. The effects, however, of sea-bathing upon such a constitution must be particularly watched, for unless it is succeeded by a glow, a feeling of increased strength, and a keen appetite, it will do no good, and ought at once to be abandoned for the warm or tepid bath. The opinion that warm baths generally relax and weaken, is erroneous; for in this case, as in all cases when properly employed, they would give tone and vigour to the whole system; in fact, the tepid bath is to this child what the cold bath is to the more robust.
In conclusion: if the bath in any shape cannot from circumstances be obtained, then cold saltwater sponging must be used daily, and all the year round, so long as the proper reaction or glow follows its use; but when this is not the case, and this will generally occur, if the child is delicate and the weather cold, tepid vinegar and water, or tepid salt water, must be substituted.
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Beauty Pageants Should You Enter Your Child In One
Beauty Pageants: Should You Enter Your Child In One?
Are you the parent of a toddler or an elementary school aged child? If you are, have you ever thought about entering your child in a beauty pageant? If you are like many other parents, there is a good chance that the thought has at least crossed your mind before, but it is a good idea?
When it comes to deciding whether or not you should enter your child in a beauty pageant there are a number of important factors that you should take into consideration. One of those factors is your location. Where do you live? If you do not live near a big city or a popular one, like Hollywood or New York City, there is a good chance that you would have a hard time finding pageants to enter your child into. Yes, you may be able to find a number of local beauty pageants, but if you are really serious about getting your child into modeling, you may find yourself having to travel long distances and spending quite a bit of money on that traveling.
In addition to costs associated with travel, it is important that you examine the other costs associated with regularly entering your child into beauty pageants. With beauty pageants, your child is often required to wear different items of clothing, as well as perform in a talent show. Many parents spend thousand of dollars or more each year buying clothing for their children to wear or on courses for learning a new talent, like dancing or singing. Do you have that much money to spend? If you don’t, you can still proceed with entering your child into beauty pageants, but you may find it difficult to compete with other families who do have more money to spend.
The work that goes into regularly participating in beauty pageants is something else that should be examined. You should look at the work and the sacrifices that are often made from two different angles. As a parent of a beauty pageant child, you may find yourself traveling a lot, spending a lot of time away from your home and other family members. You may also experience financial hardships, as that is something that many families report. As for your child, toddlers and elementary school age children often love spending time with their friends and just being a kid. If you take beauty pageants seriously, they may not have time to do everything that they know and love. Of course though, your child may prefer participating in beauty pageants.
Speaking of your child, it is important that you include them in on the decision to participate in beauty pageants. Unfortunately, too many parents make the mistake of believing that their kids are too young to make the decision on their own. Yes, a toddler may be, but it is still advised that you discuss entering beauty pageant with them. What you may want to think about doing is entering them into one or two beauty pageants and then wait to see how it goes. You never know, but your child may deicide that he or she does like participating in them after all.
The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you may want to take into consideration before automatically deciding that your child should regularly enter beauty pageants. As a reminder, it is a decision that shouldn’t be made by just one parent, but the whole family.
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Are you the parent of a toddler or an elementary school aged child? If you are, have you ever thought about entering your child in a beauty pageant? If you are like many other parents, there is a good chance that the thought has at least crossed your mind before, but it is a good idea?
When it comes to deciding whether or not you should enter your child in a beauty pageant there are a number of important factors that you should take into consideration. One of those factors is your location. Where do you live? If you do not live near a big city or a popular one, like Hollywood or New York City, there is a good chance that you would have a hard time finding pageants to enter your child into. Yes, you may be able to find a number of local beauty pageants, but if you are really serious about getting your child into modeling, you may find yourself having to travel long distances and spending quite a bit of money on that traveling.
In addition to costs associated with travel, it is important that you examine the other costs associated with regularly entering your child into beauty pageants. With beauty pageants, your child is often required to wear different items of clothing, as well as perform in a talent show. Many parents spend thousand of dollars or more each year buying clothing for their children to wear or on courses for learning a new talent, like dancing or singing. Do you have that much money to spend? If you don’t, you can still proceed with entering your child into beauty pageants, but you may find it difficult to compete with other families who do have more money to spend.
The work that goes into regularly participating in beauty pageants is something else that should be examined. You should look at the work and the sacrifices that are often made from two different angles. As a parent of a beauty pageant child, you may find yourself traveling a lot, spending a lot of time away from your home and other family members. You may also experience financial hardships, as that is something that many families report. As for your child, toddlers and elementary school age children often love spending time with their friends and just being a kid. If you take beauty pageants seriously, they may not have time to do everything that they know and love. Of course though, your child may prefer participating in beauty pageants.
Speaking of your child, it is important that you include them in on the decision to participate in beauty pageants. Unfortunately, too many parents make the mistake of believing that their kids are too young to make the decision on their own. Yes, a toddler may be, but it is still advised that you discuss entering beauty pageant with them. What you may want to think about doing is entering them into one or two beauty pageants and then wait to see how it goes. You never know, but your child may deicide that he or she does like participating in them after all.
The above mentioned factors are just a few of the many that you may want to take into consideration before automatically deciding that your child should regularly enter beauty pageants. As a reminder, it is a decision that shouldn’t be made by just one parent, but the whole family.
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Monday, February 27, 2012
BCAA Warns Owners About Cars Pets And Children
Title: BCAA Warns Owners About Cars, Pets, And Children
Summary: The British Columbia Automobile Association, or much commonly referred to as the BCAA, has just warned drivers and car owners about the possible risks that could take place when you have pets and children inside the vehicle. And with the temperature predicted to get even hotter, the results of locked pets or children inside cars could prove to be fatal for these little tots.
Keywords: auto parts,Chevy,classic Chevy truck parts,Chevy parts,Chevy accessories
Article Body: The British Columbia Automobile Association, or much commonly referred to as the BCAA, has just warned drivers and car owners about the possible risks that could take place when you have pets and children inside the vehicle. And with the prediction of having even higher and hotter temperatures coming in a couple of days and weeks, it is best that drivers and vehicle owners are aware of the risks involved.
According to Ken Cousin, “When we receive a call from a member notifying us that a child is locked in a car, we drop everything. We dispatch the nearest resource to get there as soon as possible.” Ken Cousin is the road assist director of the BCAA. And this kind of situation has become quite normal and ordinary for the organization, according to this director. So far for 2006, the BCAA has been able to rescue at the very least 130 children from cars which got locked. The number of course does not include the forty or so pets that they also rescued from these cars.
When children do play about or when pets scamper around the vehicle, they could accidentally lock themselves in. And what could be very unlucky would be getting these children or pets locked in with your car keys also inside the vehicle. This could happen anytime even when you just get out of the car for a couple of seconds to pickup the new set of classic Chevy truck parts that you may have purchased. Situations like this could also arise when you get distracted over some trivial things. And with the temperature predicted to get even hotter, the results of locked pets or children inside cars could prove to be fatal for these little tots.
BCAA recommends that as drivers or car owners, you should never ever leave kids and pets alone inside a car. If you have to go some place for just a short amount of time, it would be best to bring the pets or the kids along.
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Summary: The British Columbia Automobile Association, or much commonly referred to as the BCAA, has just warned drivers and car owners about the possible risks that could take place when you have pets and children inside the vehicle. And with the temperature predicted to get even hotter, the results of locked pets or children inside cars could prove to be fatal for these little tots.
Keywords: auto parts,Chevy,classic Chevy truck parts,Chevy parts,Chevy accessories
Article Body: The British Columbia Automobile Association, or much commonly referred to as the BCAA, has just warned drivers and car owners about the possible risks that could take place when you have pets and children inside the vehicle. And with the prediction of having even higher and hotter temperatures coming in a couple of days and weeks, it is best that drivers and vehicle owners are aware of the risks involved.
According to Ken Cousin, “When we receive a call from a member notifying us that a child is locked in a car, we drop everything. We dispatch the nearest resource to get there as soon as possible.” Ken Cousin is the road assist director of the BCAA. And this kind of situation has become quite normal and ordinary for the organization, according to this director. So far for 2006, the BCAA has been able to rescue at the very least 130 children from cars which got locked. The number of course does not include the forty or so pets that they also rescued from these cars.
When children do play about or when pets scamper around the vehicle, they could accidentally lock themselves in. And what could be very unlucky would be getting these children or pets locked in with your car keys also inside the vehicle. This could happen anytime even when you just get out of the car for a couple of seconds to pickup the new set of classic Chevy truck parts that you may have purchased. Situations like this could also arise when you get distracted over some trivial things. And with the temperature predicted to get even hotter, the results of locked pets or children inside cars could prove to be fatal for these little tots.
BCAA recommends that as drivers or car owners, you should never ever leave kids and pets alone inside a car. If you have to go some place for just a short amount of time, it would be best to bring the pets or the kids along.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Bad Breath In Children
Title: Bad Breath In Children
Summary: Although we adults are quite aware of bad breath, it can be a problem for children too. Bad breath in children can be dealt with, using a few easy steps.
Keywords: bad breath in children
Article Body: There are specific reasons that there may be problem of bad breath in children. There are several factors which may influence the production of bad breath, and some of these are particularly likely to be found in children.
Depending on their age, children can have a habit of putting things up their noses, which may become lodged and lead to bad breath. It's not unusual for children to poke small objects into their mouths and noses. If there is a suspicion of this, it is probably best to allow a doctor to probe and remove the foreign object. There may be an indicator of this activity if there is a discharge from the nose. It's also been reported that small swallowed objects can become lodged in the passages and cause bad breath.
The habit of oral hygiene needs to be instilled in children while they are growing up. It's fairly well established that children are not necessarily fastidious in keeping their teeth and mouths clean, and the presence of old food may provide a good breeding ground for the bacteria that cause decomposition and smelly breath. Children should always be encouraged and taught to maintain the highest standards of oral hygiene, as this is a habit that they will carry with them through their lives.
When considering a case of chronic bad breath in children, the usual factors that create the problem in adults should not be ignored. These would include dry mouth, which creates an environment conducive to the bacteria flourishing. While it should be expected that children would not be so prone to bad breath from chewing tobacco, or from drinking alcohol, they are more prone to diseases that affect the saliva glands, and to getting respiratory or throat and mouth infections. These in themselves may cause direct odor, and they will also aggravate the problem by causing mouth breathing and drying out.
Post nasal drip is a particular problem found in young children which can cause bad breath. The bacteria causing the smelly breath tend to be at home on the back of the tongue, and this is exactly where the nasal drip concentrates. The nasal drip itself is a chemical compound that is reported from research to act as a fuel to the bacteria. It contains protein made up of amino acids that are broken down to hydrogen sulfide and other smells.
If it appears that your child has a persistent bad breath problem, it would be wise to consult your physician for assistance in diagnosing and curing the issue.
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Summary: Although we adults are quite aware of bad breath, it can be a problem for children too. Bad breath in children can be dealt with, using a few easy steps.
Keywords: bad breath in children
Article Body: There are specific reasons that there may be problem of bad breath in children. There are several factors which may influence the production of bad breath, and some of these are particularly likely to be found in children.
Depending on their age, children can have a habit of putting things up their noses, which may become lodged and lead to bad breath. It's not unusual for children to poke small objects into their mouths and noses. If there is a suspicion of this, it is probably best to allow a doctor to probe and remove the foreign object. There may be an indicator of this activity if there is a discharge from the nose. It's also been reported that small swallowed objects can become lodged in the passages and cause bad breath.
The habit of oral hygiene needs to be instilled in children while they are growing up. It's fairly well established that children are not necessarily fastidious in keeping their teeth and mouths clean, and the presence of old food may provide a good breeding ground for the bacteria that cause decomposition and smelly breath. Children should always be encouraged and taught to maintain the highest standards of oral hygiene, as this is a habit that they will carry with them through their lives.
When considering a case of chronic bad breath in children, the usual factors that create the problem in adults should not be ignored. These would include dry mouth, which creates an environment conducive to the bacteria flourishing. While it should be expected that children would not be so prone to bad breath from chewing tobacco, or from drinking alcohol, they are more prone to diseases that affect the saliva glands, and to getting respiratory or throat and mouth infections. These in themselves may cause direct odor, and they will also aggravate the problem by causing mouth breathing and drying out.
Post nasal drip is a particular problem found in young children which can cause bad breath. The bacteria causing the smelly breath tend to be at home on the back of the tongue, and this is exactly where the nasal drip concentrates. The nasal drip itself is a chemical compound that is reported from research to act as a fuel to the bacteria. It contains protein made up of amino acids that are broken down to hydrogen sulfide and other smells.
If it appears that your child has a persistent bad breath problem, it would be wise to consult your physician for assistance in diagnosing and curing the issue.
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Automobile Safety For Children
Title: Automobile Safety For Children
Summary: Automobile accidents are responsible for the injury or death or thousands of children and young adults each year. Many of these events could be prevented by proper use of seat belts and other safety features of cars.
Outside of a car, it is important for children to know how dangerous moving vehicles can be. When playing outside, never chase balls or other objects into the street without looking for traffic, and never run between parked cars into the street as it is hard f...
Keywords: attorney, lawyer, personal injury, law firm, minneapolis mn, minnesota, car accident
Article Body: Automobile accidents are responsible for the injury or death or thousands of children and young adults each year. Many of these events could be prevented by proper use of seat belts and other safety features of cars.
Outside of a car, it is important for children to know how dangerous moving vehicles can be. When playing outside, never chase balls or other objects into the street without looking for traffic, and never run between parked cars into the street as it is hard for drivers to see over them. Teaching children these behaviors at a young age is an excellent way to prevent accidents in the future.
In the car, there are a set of effortless rules that new drivers and young passengers should always follow. The way to prevent most serious injuries is to simply always buckle up. Even if no one else in the car is wearing one and the trip is just around the block, it is important to wear one regardless. In a case like this, it wouldn’t hurt to insist that everyone else buckle up as well to ensure their safety.
When wearing a seatbelt, older children should be tall enough to sit without slouching with their feet on the floor. The lap-shoulder belt system will not fit most children until they are about 4’9” tall and weigh about 80 pounds. The lap portion of the belt should fit low and tight across the upper thighs, while the shoulder portion should fit over the shoulder and chest. Although it may be more comfortable, never put the shoulder belt under the arm or behind the back of the child.
Reckless behavior in and around automobiles is also a large contributor to the injury and death rate. Never stick arms, legs, or any other body part out of the window of a moving car. If another vehicle is passing too close it could cause serious injury. One of the most dangerous but easily preventable behaviors is drunk driving. Never try to drive after drinking, and never ride with anyone who has been drinking. It is important to always have a designated driver, or at least someone to keep keys hidden.
New and young drivers cause many of the accidents because they may have not yet learned how to handle a car properly, may drive at speeds to fast for the conditions, and are more likely to perform risky behaviors. Although they are commonly given a negative image, being a back-seat driver can save lives by telling a reckless driver to be more attentive or to slow down.
Concerning very young children, there is even more information to be aware of related to accidents and safety. Generally, the back seat is the safest place in a car accident, and any child under 12 years should ride there, especially if the vehicle has a passenger side are bag. Infants should be placed in rear facing car seats in the back seat until at least 1 year of age or around 20 lbs. Forward facing seats are acceptable after this point. In either case, always read the child restraint manual for proper and effective installation and use. It is recommended that children use a safety seat until at they are at least 40 pounds and then use a booster seat that will help the lap-shoulder system fit well.
It is important to remember that injury or death from an automobile accident can happen to anyone, not just children and younger drivers. Always promote safe behaviors near roads, behind the wheel, and also the lifesaving benefits of using safety belts and child safety seats correctly.
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Summary: Automobile accidents are responsible for the injury or death or thousands of children and young adults each year. Many of these events could be prevented by proper use of seat belts and other safety features of cars.
Outside of a car, it is important for children to know how dangerous moving vehicles can be. When playing outside, never chase balls or other objects into the street without looking for traffic, and never run between parked cars into the street as it is hard f...
Keywords: attorney, lawyer, personal injury, law firm, minneapolis mn, minnesota, car accident
Article Body: Automobile accidents are responsible for the injury or death or thousands of children and young adults each year. Many of these events could be prevented by proper use of seat belts and other safety features of cars.
Outside of a car, it is important for children to know how dangerous moving vehicles can be. When playing outside, never chase balls or other objects into the street without looking for traffic, and never run between parked cars into the street as it is hard for drivers to see over them. Teaching children these behaviors at a young age is an excellent way to prevent accidents in the future.
In the car, there are a set of effortless rules that new drivers and young passengers should always follow. The way to prevent most serious injuries is to simply always buckle up. Even if no one else in the car is wearing one and the trip is just around the block, it is important to wear one regardless. In a case like this, it wouldn’t hurt to insist that everyone else buckle up as well to ensure their safety.
When wearing a seatbelt, older children should be tall enough to sit without slouching with their feet on the floor. The lap-shoulder belt system will not fit most children until they are about 4’9” tall and weigh about 80 pounds. The lap portion of the belt should fit low and tight across the upper thighs, while the shoulder portion should fit over the shoulder and chest. Although it may be more comfortable, never put the shoulder belt under the arm or behind the back of the child.
Reckless behavior in and around automobiles is also a large contributor to the injury and death rate. Never stick arms, legs, or any other body part out of the window of a moving car. If another vehicle is passing too close it could cause serious injury. One of the most dangerous but easily preventable behaviors is drunk driving. Never try to drive after drinking, and never ride with anyone who has been drinking. It is important to always have a designated driver, or at least someone to keep keys hidden.
New and young drivers cause many of the accidents because they may have not yet learned how to handle a car properly, may drive at speeds to fast for the conditions, and are more likely to perform risky behaviors. Although they are commonly given a negative image, being a back-seat driver can save lives by telling a reckless driver to be more attentive or to slow down.
Concerning very young children, there is even more information to be aware of related to accidents and safety. Generally, the back seat is the safest place in a car accident, and any child under 12 years should ride there, especially if the vehicle has a passenger side are bag. Infants should be placed in rear facing car seats in the back seat until at least 1 year of age or around 20 lbs. Forward facing seats are acceptable after this point. In either case, always read the child restraint manual for proper and effective installation and use. It is recommended that children use a safety seat until at they are at least 40 pounds and then use a booster seat that will help the lap-shoulder system fit well.
It is important to remember that injury or death from an automobile accident can happen to anyone, not just children and younger drivers. Always promote safe behaviors near roads, behind the wheel, and also the lifesaving benefits of using safety belts and child safety seats correctly.
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Baby Gates Help to Child Proof Your Home
Title: Baby Gates Help to Child Proof Your Home
Summary: When it comes to child-proofing your home, one of the first things you will consider is the baby safety gate. Neglecting to add baby gates to your home can mean risking your baby's safety when wandering around the home.
Keywords: baby gates, wide baby gates, tall baby gates
Article Body: When it comes to child-proofing your home, one of the first things you will consider is the baby safety gate. Neglecting to add baby gates to your home can mean risking your baby's safety when wandering around the home. It only takes a second of distraction and your child could be in a dangerous situation. Many parents are multi-tasking during their day and it is impossible to keep an eye on your child's actions every minute of the day. This is why a baby gate is so critical in a home no matter what the size. A small apartment can be just as dangerous as a four bedroom home when it comes to a wandering toddler. The basic areas a baby gate is used for include blocking stairways and hallways.
There are several types of baby gates to choose from. Now a days, manufacturers have made them easy to install and easy to open and close. This is important as most baby gates are blocking a high traffic area in which adults and older children must constantly use. Beware of old baby gates of the past that are made of flimsy material and have the accordion like open and close functionality. These types of old baby gates are not safe at all as a small child could get their head caught in between the slots. While these types of gates are no longer sold, you may still find them lying around at garage sales or passed down from family or friends. Newer model baby gates are much sturdier and open and close easily for adults to pass through.
If you are using a baby gate in a high traffic area like a hall way, a flexible gate that is retractable is suitable for this type of area. You want to be sure that it isn't easily movable by your child (of course), yet not a hassle to open and close for older people in the household. The last thing you want is for older children and adults to be climbing over the gate as this can lead to injury if someone trips and falls. If you are using a gate to block your baby from stairs, a wall mounted version is a better choice. These models are screwed into the walls or banisters and typically open like a door. Because these models are screwed into the walls, it makes it especially difficult for a young child to manipulate the gate, yet easy for older kids and adults to unlock and walk through. Don't worry if the area you wish to mount the gate is not an exact fit as baby gate mounting kits are almost always available for hard to fit areas.
It is not uncommon to have multiple baby gates mounted around the house. All stairs should have a baby gate and any doorways that lead to high risk areas of the home such as a pool area. While they may be an annoyance for some family members, it is better to be safe than sorry. Remember, baby safety gates are temporary solutions until your babies are old enough to wander without much supervision.
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Summary: When it comes to child-proofing your home, one of the first things you will consider is the baby safety gate. Neglecting to add baby gates to your home can mean risking your baby's safety when wandering around the home.
Keywords: baby gates, wide baby gates, tall baby gates
Article Body: When it comes to child-proofing your home, one of the first things you will consider is the baby safety gate. Neglecting to add baby gates to your home can mean risking your baby's safety when wandering around the home. It only takes a second of distraction and your child could be in a dangerous situation. Many parents are multi-tasking during their day and it is impossible to keep an eye on your child's actions every minute of the day. This is why a baby gate is so critical in a home no matter what the size. A small apartment can be just as dangerous as a four bedroom home when it comes to a wandering toddler. The basic areas a baby gate is used for include blocking stairways and hallways.
There are several types of baby gates to choose from. Now a days, manufacturers have made them easy to install and easy to open and close. This is important as most baby gates are blocking a high traffic area in which adults and older children must constantly use. Beware of old baby gates of the past that are made of flimsy material and have the accordion like open and close functionality. These types of old baby gates are not safe at all as a small child could get their head caught in between the slots. While these types of gates are no longer sold, you may still find them lying around at garage sales or passed down from family or friends. Newer model baby gates are much sturdier and open and close easily for adults to pass through.
If you are using a baby gate in a high traffic area like a hall way, a flexible gate that is retractable is suitable for this type of area. You want to be sure that it isn't easily movable by your child (of course), yet not a hassle to open and close for older people in the household. The last thing you want is for older children and adults to be climbing over the gate as this can lead to injury if someone trips and falls. If you are using a gate to block your baby from stairs, a wall mounted version is a better choice. These models are screwed into the walls or banisters and typically open like a door. Because these models are screwed into the walls, it makes it especially difficult for a young child to manipulate the gate, yet easy for older kids and adults to unlock and walk through. Don't worry if the area you wish to mount the gate is not an exact fit as baby gate mounting kits are almost always available for hard to fit areas.
It is not uncommon to have multiple baby gates mounted around the house. All stairs should have a baby gate and any doorways that lead to high risk areas of the home such as a pool area. While they may be an annoyance for some family members, it is better to be safe than sorry. Remember, baby safety gates are temporary solutions until your babies are old enough to wander without much supervision.
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Friday, February 24, 2012
Affordable Child Care options for the Stay at Home Business Parent
Title: Affordable Child Care options for the Stay at Home Business Parent
Summary: Working at home can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world, but one of the biggest obstacles can come from the ones we love the most - our kids. To be successful home business owners, we must find affordable and effective child care to maximize our work at home productivity.
Keywords: home business, work at home, business ideas
Article Body: Perhaps the biggest obstacle for the stay at home business mom or dad is the kids. That screaming toddler is not going to be quiet when you have business calls or take that nap to let you get your work done. This will be the same child who will eat all of your post-its and stick food into your hard drive. As you are ripping your hair out and getting more and more frustrated you will wonder what the point of working at home was if you were going to still need childcare. You were probably envisioning no more commutes, flexible hours, and lunch with the kids’ everyday.
Your childcare options are flexible as well that is the beauty of being self-employed. Here are some of the most common affordable ways to take care of kids while you build your family's fortune from home:
(1) Childcare Co-op: Find a group of work at home parents and swap off childcare duties. You can keep track of how many hours you watch each child and use the time you accrue when you need it most. The great thing about this is it is free. The downside is that you will have to give up work time to handle other people’s children.
(2) Trading or Mom-swapping: This is the smaller version of co-op. this will involve you and a good friend trading off childcare days. Make sure you set clear boundaries about when you will take the other child and when they will take yours. You don’t want to be taken advantage of. You will also want to make sure the kids like each other and get along well. If they don’t then this will end up being a bad experience.
(3) Sitter Sharing: Share a sitter with a friend. You can have the sitter watch both kids at the same time and split the cost or use the sitter on alternate days. Make sure that you have a written agreement on how the sitter is used and what you will be paying to avoid any unseen complications.
(4) Barter: Trade your products and services with a neighbor or friend in exchange for childcare. This will keep you from spending money and still pay the person doing the care for you.
(5) Day Care:You will find that the right day care center will be a rewarding experience for both child and parent.Which day care is best is entirely up to you and beyond the scope of this article. Costs vary from center to center and from state to state. But, you will find that the return on investment will be worth it because of your greater focus and productivity.
To come up with inexpensive childcare solutions you must be a networking prowess. Spread the word that you are looking for childcare to everyone you knows. Think in terms of trading and business opportunities. You are looking for a partner in business deal. This will help you to get what you need. Some moms are lucky to have businesses that are kid friendly. They are the lucky for sure. Those ladies who have to make endless phone calls or have meetings may find that childcare of some sort is unavoidable. Try your best to get the right childcare for you and not spend an arm and a leg getting it.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Working at home can be one of the most rewarding experiences in the world, but one of the biggest obstacles can come from the ones we love the most - our kids. To be successful home business owners, we must find affordable and effective child care to maximize our work at home productivity.
Keywords: home business, work at home, business ideas
Article Body: Perhaps the biggest obstacle for the stay at home business mom or dad is the kids. That screaming toddler is not going to be quiet when you have business calls or take that nap to let you get your work done. This will be the same child who will eat all of your post-its and stick food into your hard drive. As you are ripping your hair out and getting more and more frustrated you will wonder what the point of working at home was if you were going to still need childcare. You were probably envisioning no more commutes, flexible hours, and lunch with the kids’ everyday.
Your childcare options are flexible as well that is the beauty of being self-employed. Here are some of the most common affordable ways to take care of kids while you build your family's fortune from home:
(1) Childcare Co-op: Find a group of work at home parents and swap off childcare duties. You can keep track of how many hours you watch each child and use the time you accrue when you need it most. The great thing about this is it is free. The downside is that you will have to give up work time to handle other people’s children.
(2) Trading or Mom-swapping: This is the smaller version of co-op. this will involve you and a good friend trading off childcare days. Make sure you set clear boundaries about when you will take the other child and when they will take yours. You don’t want to be taken advantage of. You will also want to make sure the kids like each other and get along well. If they don’t then this will end up being a bad experience.
(3) Sitter Sharing: Share a sitter with a friend. You can have the sitter watch both kids at the same time and split the cost or use the sitter on alternate days. Make sure that you have a written agreement on how the sitter is used and what you will be paying to avoid any unseen complications.
(4) Barter: Trade your products and services with a neighbor or friend in exchange for childcare. This will keep you from spending money and still pay the person doing the care for you.
(5) Day Care:You will find that the right day care center will be a rewarding experience for both child and parent.Which day care is best is entirely up to you and beyond the scope of this article. Costs vary from center to center and from state to state. But, you will find that the return on investment will be worth it because of your greater focus and productivity.
To come up with inexpensive childcare solutions you must be a networking prowess. Spread the word that you are looking for childcare to everyone you knows. Think in terms of trading and business opportunities. You are looking for a partner in business deal. This will help you to get what you need. Some moms are lucky to have businesses that are kid friendly. They are the lucky for sure. Those ladies who have to make endless phone calls or have meetings may find that childcare of some sort is unavoidable. Try your best to get the right childcare for you and not spend an arm and a leg getting it.
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Advice to Parents on Childhood Measles Part I
Title: Advice to Parents on Childhood Measles Part I
Summary: Measles is on the increase due to a reluctance by parents to allow their children to have the MMR vaccine. The early stages are similar to many other diseases, yet measles kills children. Part I of this article explains why measles parties are not a good idea, and why measles is a dangerous infection.
Keywords: measles, measles symptoms, signs of measles, symptoms of measles, meassles parties, what are measles
Article Body: Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet
Measles is caused by a virus of the influenza family. The initial measles symptoms are a bit like a bad cold or flu, but with a rash! The vast majority of parents do not know what measles really is, other than being a childhood illness. They know it has a rash and is infectious, but that’s about it. They have probably never seen it and don’t know anyone who has had it. Most doctors would not recognise measles symptoms until the rash appeared, never having come across it. This is due to the measles vaccination program which was superseded by the MMR vaccine.
I have even heard of parents arranging measles parties, where young children are sent to visit others who have measles in order that they catch it. This is going back to the immediate post World War 2 era when immunity was gained by catching the disease. I was brought up in the 1950s and early 1960s and remember mumps parties and German measles parties so that children would be immune to these diseases as adults, but not measles parties.
The reason for this is that mumps can damage the male reproductive system ( and, not so well known, the ovaries as well) if contracted after puberty, and German measles is very dangerous to the developing fetus. In children, however, they are relatively mild diseases. Painful and uncomfortable, perhaps, but not what you would call killer diseases. German measles is not a type of measles. The word ‘German’ probably comes from a Latin word, germanus, meaning ‘similar’ since the symptoms are similar to those of measles.
Measles kill, so we never had measles parties. In fact back in the 1940s and 1950s it was a major killer. In England alone 5,677 children died in the 1940s. Nobody wanted their kids to catch measles back in these days. I have read that measles parties were common then, but I never came across one. We were always told to keep away from anyone who had measles – at least until they went back to school. Some never went back.
Since the measles vaccine, which became available in 1963, and MMR which was licensed in the USA in 1971 (1972 in the UK), the disease has become uncommon in developed countries, and parents have become blasé about it. This is the only reason I can think of for them concluding that measles parties are better for their children than the vaccine. If it does not kill, it can have some very nasty side effects. It is without a doubt the most dangerous children’s rash-producing disease.
Measles is still one of the major causes of death in children worldwide (over 600,000 have been reported) and it is almost as contagious as smallpox. Children have around a 99% chance of contracting the disease if they come into contacted with an infected person. The main cause of death in around 60% of measles cases is pneumonia.
If it does not kill your children they have a high chance of hearing problems, and worse, a much higher than average chance of contracting meningitis or encephalitis. The chances of this are only 1 in a 1000, but you don’t want your son or daughter to be that one. I know, because my son was that one. He contracted meningitis and encaphilitis shortly after receiving a measles vaccination, but I still prompted my daughter to allow her son to have the MMR vaccine. The disease is far more dangerous than the vaccine. He had it and all was well. My son's story is on my website.
In part two of this article, I will explain the symptoms and in what order they can be expected, to help parents who are unsure what they should do or when to call a doctor.
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Summary: Measles is on the increase due to a reluctance by parents to allow their children to have the MMR vaccine. The early stages are similar to many other diseases, yet measles kills children. Part I of this article explains why measles parties are not a good idea, and why measles is a dangerous infection.
Keywords: measles, measles symptoms, signs of measles, symptoms of measles, meassles parties, what are measles
Article Body: Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet
Measles is caused by a virus of the influenza family. The initial measles symptoms are a bit like a bad cold or flu, but with a rash! The vast majority of parents do not know what measles really is, other than being a childhood illness. They know it has a rash and is infectious, but that’s about it. They have probably never seen it and don’t know anyone who has had it. Most doctors would not recognise measles symptoms until the rash appeared, never having come across it. This is due to the measles vaccination program which was superseded by the MMR vaccine.
I have even heard of parents arranging measles parties, where young children are sent to visit others who have measles in order that they catch it. This is going back to the immediate post World War 2 era when immunity was gained by catching the disease. I was brought up in the 1950s and early 1960s and remember mumps parties and German measles parties so that children would be immune to these diseases as adults, but not measles parties.
The reason for this is that mumps can damage the male reproductive system ( and, not so well known, the ovaries as well) if contracted after puberty, and German measles is very dangerous to the developing fetus. In children, however, they are relatively mild diseases. Painful and uncomfortable, perhaps, but not what you would call killer diseases. German measles is not a type of measles. The word ‘German’ probably comes from a Latin word, germanus, meaning ‘similar’ since the symptoms are similar to those of measles.
Measles kill, so we never had measles parties. In fact back in the 1940s and 1950s it was a major killer. In England alone 5,677 children died in the 1940s. Nobody wanted their kids to catch measles back in these days. I have read that measles parties were common then, but I never came across one. We were always told to keep away from anyone who had measles – at least until they went back to school. Some never went back.
Since the measles vaccine, which became available in 1963, and MMR which was licensed in the USA in 1971 (1972 in the UK), the disease has become uncommon in developed countries, and parents have become blasé about it. This is the only reason I can think of for them concluding that measles parties are better for their children than the vaccine. If it does not kill, it can have some very nasty side effects. It is without a doubt the most dangerous children’s rash-producing disease.
Measles is still one of the major causes of death in children worldwide (over 600,000 have been reported) and it is almost as contagious as smallpox. Children have around a 99% chance of contracting the disease if they come into contacted with an infected person. The main cause of death in around 60% of measles cases is pneumonia.
If it does not kill your children they have a high chance of hearing problems, and worse, a much higher than average chance of contracting meningitis or encephalitis. The chances of this are only 1 in a 1000, but you don’t want your son or daughter to be that one. I know, because my son was that one. He contracted meningitis and encaphilitis shortly after receiving a measles vaccination, but I still prompted my daughter to allow her son to have the MMR vaccine. The disease is far more dangerous than the vaccine. He had it and all was well. My son's story is on my website.
In part two of this article, I will explain the symptoms and in what order they can be expected, to help parents who are unsure what they should do or when to call a doctor.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Accident Insurance For Children Have You Thought About It
Title: Accident Insurance For Children - Have You Thought About It?
Have you thought about providing financial security for your children in case they are seriously injured in an accident of any kind? The possibility of an accident putting your child in a wheelchair for life, is not one that anyone likes to think about. Not thinking about the possibility does not take that chance away though.
Parents are increasingly recognizing that it is necessary to insure their children against accidents. They want to know that in the event of anything...
Keywords: Child insurance, children, accidents, family insurance
Article Body: Have you thought about providing financial security for your children in case they are seriously injured in an accident of any kind? The possibility of an accident putting your child in a wheelchair for life, is not one that anyone likes to think about. Not thinking about the possibility does not take that chance away though.
Parents are increasingly recognizing that it is necessary to insure their children against accidents. They want to know that in the event of anything untoward happening to their son or daughter, that at least there will be no financial hardship; that their child’s financial needs will be provided for the next 70 years if necessary.
Health insurance for children is normally included in family health insurance policies and is obviously worthwhile. Is that enough?
Health insurance for children may cover illnesses and broken bones, but rarely covers everything that can happen to a child.
Your family health insurance policy cover may not include:
Accidents on school trips. The school may well have insurance, but is it enough to provide a lifetime of care if your child has a serious head injury while skiing?
Car accidents with drivers who are not insured. Sadly many children are injured every year when uninsured drivers hit them. The worst drivers almost always have no insurance.
Mental health is not always adequately covered in a general family health insurance policy.
Death. Health care insurance policies rarely pay out if the insured person is killed. Money will be needed for counselling for siblings and parents as well as funeral costs.
An increasing number of parents are asking insurance companies about insurance for children to cover these and other eventualities. Ask an insurance broker about the different policies available and their costs. The cost is low, because the risk is a low one. Insuring against that low risk though, could mean a world of difference to your son or daughter.
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Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.funddraiser.deco-craft.com
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Have you thought about providing financial security for your children in case they are seriously injured in an accident of any kind? The possibility of an accident putting your child in a wheelchair for life, is not one that anyone likes to think about. Not thinking about the possibility does not take that chance away though.
Parents are increasingly recognizing that it is necessary to insure their children against accidents. They want to know that in the event of anything...
Keywords: Child insurance, children, accidents, family insurance
Article Body: Have you thought about providing financial security for your children in case they are seriously injured in an accident of any kind? The possibility of an accident putting your child in a wheelchair for life, is not one that anyone likes to think about. Not thinking about the possibility does not take that chance away though.
Parents are increasingly recognizing that it is necessary to insure their children against accidents. They want to know that in the event of anything untoward happening to their son or daughter, that at least there will be no financial hardship; that their child’s financial needs will be provided for the next 70 years if necessary.
Health insurance for children is normally included in family health insurance policies and is obviously worthwhile. Is that enough?
Health insurance for children may cover illnesses and broken bones, but rarely covers everything that can happen to a child.
Your family health insurance policy cover may not include:
Accidents on school trips. The school may well have insurance, but is it enough to provide a lifetime of care if your child has a serious head injury while skiing?
Car accidents with drivers who are not insured. Sadly many children are injured every year when uninsured drivers hit them. The worst drivers almost always have no insurance.
Mental health is not always adequately covered in a general family health insurance policy.
Death. Health care insurance policies rarely pay out if the insured person is killed. Money will be needed for counselling for siblings and parents as well as funeral costs.
An increasing number of parents are asking insurance companies about insurance for children to cover these and other eventualities. Ask an insurance broker about the different policies available and their costs. The cost is low, because the risk is a low one. Insuring against that low risk though, could mean a world of difference to your son or daughter.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.funddraiser.deco-craft.com
Advice to Parents on Childhood Measles Part II
Title: Advice to Parents on Childhood Measles - Part II
Summary: In part II of this article measles symptoms are described in the order in which they would be expected to appear, and advice given on when to call a doctor.
Keywords: measles symptoms, symptoms of measles, measles
Article Body: Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet
In Part 1 I explained how a lack of knowledge about measles symptoms and resistance to MMR has resulted in some parents starting up ‘measles parties’ to ensure that their children caught measles early and so gain immunity that way. This is mistaken in my view and many people are unaware that measles is still a major killer. In part II I will explain to parents what the measles symptoms are, in what order they should appear and when to call a doctor.
As a parent you should learn how to recognise measles symptoms. If your child has had the disease, or is immunized, you probably don’t need to know this, but if not you could save a life by being aware of the most important measles symptoms and when to get medical help. Back in the 1950s and 60s they all knew measles symptoms when they saw the, but not now, so let’s try to spot the them in the rough order in which they normally appear. It’s not easy since many childhood infections have similar symptoms. However, they all have at least one which is particular to that disease.
Measles symptoms:
Measles frequently start with symptoms similar to those of a cold or the flu.
1. First a runny nose and a ‘sniffle’, followed by a sore throat.. A typical ‘barking’ cough can then develop. So far, you would not think ‘measles’ The eyes will puff up, may become watery and get red and sore looking. If you know of a possible measles contact you can now get suspicious.
2. A slight increase in temperature will develop, and will increase to around 39 Celsius (102F). The child may shy away from the light or close her eyes when a light is switched on. At this point you may want to call a doctor. If so, you will catch the disease early, but the symptoms are not yet definitely indicative of measles. Most parents will still regard these symptoms as a’ bit of a cold’ or a ‘touch of the flu’.
3. You may not notice this, but about 2 to 3 days after the first symptoms appear, your child will get small spots on the inside of the cheek, round about the molars, called Koplik’s Spots. These look like small red bumps with tiny grains of sand or salt in the middle. These may last less than a day and sometimes even appear within the first 36 hours. If you are with it and aware, you will see this, and you should call your doctor at this stage. This the definitive measles symptom. No other infection shows Koplik's spots. These spots disappear as the main rash appears. They are photographed on my website.
5. The temperature will probably have reduced a bit by now to 37 – 38C (just at or below 100F). You think perhaps she is getting better.
6. The main rash starts to appear about 1 or 2 days after the Koplik’s spots. It forms small spots which join together to form blotches. Definitely doctor time! There is a picture of a measles rash on my website.
7. The rash appears on the forehead around the hairline first, then to the neck, body, arms and legs. By this time you will have called a doctor and your child is diagnosed with measles unless you have an inexperienced doctor, when samples may be taken to identify the virus.
8. The temperature increases again to over 40C or higher (105F). No need for samples now - if the Koplik's spots were missed, this is definitely measles, but by now it is dying out.
9. The rash lasts about 4 days then starts to disappear from the head down. The whole process, from start of symptoms to disappearance of the rash, takes about 10 days on average. The rash itself last about 6 days.
A person with measles is infectious from 4 days before the rash appears to about 4 days after it has appeared, so it can be passed around before any measles symptoms show.
Those most at risk are:
Young children under one year old. Malnourished people. Children who have depressed immune systems, such as those on some cancer treatments or are infected with HIV or AIDS. Children suffering from a Vitamin A deficiency. Pregnant women: the infection can cause miscarriage or premature delivery.
It is said that a doctor’s surgery can be a dangerous place. Measles is extremely contagious, and around 90% of close proximity contacts will catch the disease. If any of the above high risk patients are present in the surgery waiting room when you take your child suspected of having measles, you may be placing them at special risk.
Doctors may not like this, but for this reason alone I suggest that you call a doctor rather than take a child suspected of having measles to the surgery. This is another argument against those who would rather have their child catch measles at a measles party than be given a vaccination to prevent them from contracting it.
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Summary: In part II of this article measles symptoms are described in the order in which they would be expected to appear, and advice given on when to call a doctor.
Keywords: measles symptoms, symptoms of measles, measles
Article Body: Copyright 2006 Peter Nisbet
In Part 1 I explained how a lack of knowledge about measles symptoms and resistance to MMR has resulted in some parents starting up ‘measles parties’ to ensure that their children caught measles early and so gain immunity that way. This is mistaken in my view and many people are unaware that measles is still a major killer. In part II I will explain to parents what the measles symptoms are, in what order they should appear and when to call a doctor.
As a parent you should learn how to recognise measles symptoms. If your child has had the disease, or is immunized, you probably don’t need to know this, but if not you could save a life by being aware of the most important measles symptoms and when to get medical help. Back in the 1950s and 60s they all knew measles symptoms when they saw the, but not now, so let’s try to spot the them in the rough order in which they normally appear. It’s not easy since many childhood infections have similar symptoms. However, they all have at least one which is particular to that disease.
Measles symptoms:
Measles frequently start with symptoms similar to those of a cold or the flu.
1. First a runny nose and a ‘sniffle’, followed by a sore throat.. A typical ‘barking’ cough can then develop. So far, you would not think ‘measles’ The eyes will puff up, may become watery and get red and sore looking. If you know of a possible measles contact you can now get suspicious.
2. A slight increase in temperature will develop, and will increase to around 39 Celsius (102F). The child may shy away from the light or close her eyes when a light is switched on. At this point you may want to call a doctor. If so, you will catch the disease early, but the symptoms are not yet definitely indicative of measles. Most parents will still regard these symptoms as a’ bit of a cold’ or a ‘touch of the flu’.
3. You may not notice this, but about 2 to 3 days after the first symptoms appear, your child will get small spots on the inside of the cheek, round about the molars, called Koplik’s Spots. These look like small red bumps with tiny grains of sand or salt in the middle. These may last less than a day and sometimes even appear within the first 36 hours. If you are with it and aware, you will see this, and you should call your doctor at this stage. This the definitive measles symptom. No other infection shows Koplik's spots. These spots disappear as the main rash appears. They are photographed on my website.
5. The temperature will probably have reduced a bit by now to 37 – 38C (just at or below 100F). You think perhaps she is getting better.
6. The main rash starts to appear about 1 or 2 days after the Koplik’s spots. It forms small spots which join together to form blotches. Definitely doctor time! There is a picture of a measles rash on my website.
7. The rash appears on the forehead around the hairline first, then to the neck, body, arms and legs. By this time you will have called a doctor and your child is diagnosed with measles unless you have an inexperienced doctor, when samples may be taken to identify the virus.
8. The temperature increases again to over 40C or higher (105F). No need for samples now - if the Koplik's spots were missed, this is definitely measles, but by now it is dying out.
9. The rash lasts about 4 days then starts to disappear from the head down. The whole process, from start of symptoms to disappearance of the rash, takes about 10 days on average. The rash itself last about 6 days.
A person with measles is infectious from 4 days before the rash appears to about 4 days after it has appeared, so it can be passed around before any measles symptoms show.
Those most at risk are:
Young children under one year old. Malnourished people. Children who have depressed immune systems, such as those on some cancer treatments or are infected with HIV or AIDS. Children suffering from a Vitamin A deficiency. Pregnant women: the infection can cause miscarriage or premature delivery.
It is said that a doctor’s surgery can be a dangerous place. Measles is extremely contagious, and around 90% of close proximity contacts will catch the disease. If any of the above high risk patients are present in the surgery waiting room when you take your child suspected of having measles, you may be placing them at special risk.
Doctors may not like this, but for this reason alone I suggest that you call a doctor rather than take a child suspected of having measles to the surgery. This is another argument against those who would rather have their child catch measles at a measles party than be given a vaccination to prevent them from contracting it.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
A Word About Child Medical Insurance
Title: A Word About Child Medical Insurance
Summary: We love our children. From the moment we realize they are making their way into this world, we begin making plans for them. We want the best of everything for them, from homes and communities to schools and activities. We strive to raise them in safe, healthy, nurturing environments in hopes that they will grow into and remain safe, healthy, nurturing adults throughout their lives.
Child medical insurance must be included in our plans for our children. Children are consta...
Article Body: We love our children. From the moment we realize they are making their way into this world, we begin making plans for them. We want the best of everything for them, from homes and communities to schools and activities. We strive to raise them in safe, healthy, nurturing environments in hopes that they will grow into and remain safe, healthy, nurturing adults throughout their lives.
Child medical insurance must be included in our plans for our children. Children are constantly growing and exploring. They are active little people who spend a lot of time running, tumbling, playing sports, and creating potentially dangerous little games of their own. Plus, classrooms full of children are perfect breeding grounds during the cold and flu season. If your daughter’s best friend has a cold, you can safely bet that your daughter will have the sniffles within a few days, too. Inevitably our children will get sick, hurt, need medicine or x-rays once in a while or even more often!
The health and safety of our children is our most important goal. Unfortunately, sometimes we find ourselves in situations when our jobs don’t offer medical insurance. It is easier to tell ourselves “not right now” when it comes to treating a medical problem, but it is not that easy to tell our children “not right now” when they are running a dangerously high fever and ask us to help them feel better.
If you do not have medical insurance covered by your place of employment, or you are covered by medical insurance you purchase yourself, you need to stop and think about the medical insurance of your child. If you are not covered, or can not afford medical insurance for yourself or your child, there are agencies out there that will help you. You can find affordable, and sometimes even free, child medical insurance that will cover dental, vision, and health costs for your child.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: We love our children. From the moment we realize they are making their way into this world, we begin making plans for them. We want the best of everything for them, from homes and communities to schools and activities. We strive to raise them in safe, healthy, nurturing environments in hopes that they will grow into and remain safe, healthy, nurturing adults throughout their lives.
Child medical insurance must be included in our plans for our children. Children are consta...
Article Body: We love our children. From the moment we realize they are making their way into this world, we begin making plans for them. We want the best of everything for them, from homes and communities to schools and activities. We strive to raise them in safe, healthy, nurturing environments in hopes that they will grow into and remain safe, healthy, nurturing adults throughout their lives.
Child medical insurance must be included in our plans for our children. Children are constantly growing and exploring. They are active little people who spend a lot of time running, tumbling, playing sports, and creating potentially dangerous little games of their own. Plus, classrooms full of children are perfect breeding grounds during the cold and flu season. If your daughter’s best friend has a cold, you can safely bet that your daughter will have the sniffles within a few days, too. Inevitably our children will get sick, hurt, need medicine or x-rays once in a while or even more often!
The health and safety of our children is our most important goal. Unfortunately, sometimes we find ourselves in situations when our jobs don’t offer medical insurance. It is easier to tell ourselves “not right now” when it comes to treating a medical problem, but it is not that easy to tell our children “not right now” when they are running a dangerously high fever and ask us to help them feel better.
If you do not have medical insurance covered by your place of employment, or you are covered by medical insurance you purchase yourself, you need to stop and think about the medical insurance of your child. If you are not covered, or can not afford medical insurance for yourself or your child, there are agencies out there that will help you. You can find affordable, and sometimes even free, child medical insurance that will cover dental, vision, and health costs for your child.
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A Sound Way To Treat Hearing Loss In Children
Title: A Sound Way To Treat Hearing Loss In Children
Summary: There's good news for parents who have a child born with significant hearing loss. Advances in technology are making it possible to address profound hearing loss in children as young as 12 months of age.
Keywords: A Sound Way To Treat Hearing Loss In Children
Article Body: There's good news for parents who have a child born with significant hearing loss. Advances in technology are making it possible to address profound hearing loss in children as young as 12 months of age.
Approximately one of every 1,000 newborns in the United States-about 33 babies per day-is born profoundly deaf.
Fortunately, there are treatment alternatives. For example, cochlear implants are small, complex, implantable electronic devices that restore hearing by bypassing the damaged parts of the ear to directly stimulate the auditory nerve, and may be beneficial to those who cannot hear or understand speech well with a hearing aid.
One of the latest developments in cochlear implant technology is the HiResolution® Bionic Ear System. Developed by Advanced Bionics Corporation, the Neuromodulation Group of Boston Scientific Corporation, it is described as the only cochlear implant system that can provide HiResolution sound, which is designed to enhance the fine details of sound to stimulate a more natural hearing nerve response for both children with profound hearing loss and adults with severe or profound hearing loss.
Potential advantages of the cochlear implant include better distance hearing, comfortable loudness growth, and clearer, more understandable speech.
Experts say people with cochlear implants can hold normal conversations, hear in noisy environments such as restaurants, use the telephone, work, participate in sports, attend school, and even play musical instruments.
Early screening and implementation of a hearing device, such as a cochlear implant, have medical, financial and social benefits. "Cochlear implants, coupled with auditory therapy, can help young children more quickly acquire the speech, language and social skills needed to successfully mainstream into regular classrooms with their normal-hearing peers," said Patricia Trautwein, Au.D., director of auditory education and training for Advanced Bionics.
Nearly half of all cochlear implant recipients are children. Children benefit most from a cochlear implant when their hearing loss is detected in its beginning stages and they receive early intervention and treatment.
Adult candidates for a cochlear implant are most often those who are post-lingually deaf in both ears. These individuals typically receive limited benefit from hearing aids.
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Summary: There's good news for parents who have a child born with significant hearing loss. Advances in technology are making it possible to address profound hearing loss in children as young as 12 months of age.
Keywords: A Sound Way To Treat Hearing Loss In Children
Article Body: There's good news for parents who have a child born with significant hearing loss. Advances in technology are making it possible to address profound hearing loss in children as young as 12 months of age.
Approximately one of every 1,000 newborns in the United States-about 33 babies per day-is born profoundly deaf.
Fortunately, there are treatment alternatives. For example, cochlear implants are small, complex, implantable electronic devices that restore hearing by bypassing the damaged parts of the ear to directly stimulate the auditory nerve, and may be beneficial to those who cannot hear or understand speech well with a hearing aid.
One of the latest developments in cochlear implant technology is the HiResolution® Bionic Ear System. Developed by Advanced Bionics Corporation, the Neuromodulation Group of Boston Scientific Corporation, it is described as the only cochlear implant system that can provide HiResolution sound, which is designed to enhance the fine details of sound to stimulate a more natural hearing nerve response for both children with profound hearing loss and adults with severe or profound hearing loss.
Potential advantages of the cochlear implant include better distance hearing, comfortable loudness growth, and clearer, more understandable speech.
Experts say people with cochlear implants can hold normal conversations, hear in noisy environments such as restaurants, use the telephone, work, participate in sports, attend school, and even play musical instruments.
Early screening and implementation of a hearing device, such as a cochlear implant, have medical, financial and social benefits. "Cochlear implants, coupled with auditory therapy, can help young children more quickly acquire the speech, language and social skills needed to successfully mainstream into regular classrooms with their normal-hearing peers," said Patricia Trautwein, Au.D., director of auditory education and training for Advanced Bionics.
Nearly half of all cochlear implant recipients are children. Children benefit most from a cochlear implant when their hearing loss is detected in its beginning stages and they receive early intervention and treatment.
Adult candidates for a cochlear implant are most often those who are post-lingually deaf in both ears. These individuals typically receive limited benefit from hearing aids.
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
A Nanny Cam Can Save The Life Of Your Child
Title: A Nanny Cam Can Save The Life Of Your Child
Summary: Are you sure that your child is in safe hands? Are you confident that your little one is not the victim of his nanny’s man-handling? It is time to evaluate the faith you bestowed upon your nanny with a nanny cam.
Your child’s protection must be in your hands. It is your duty to save-guard your baby from any external or psychological injuries. But unfortunately, today’s parents cannot spare the time required to bring up a child. Daddies are almost burdened under the piles a...
Keywords: au pair, nanny, nannies, child welfare, parenting, au pairs, nanny cam
Article Body: Are you sure that your child is in safe hands? Are you confident that your little one is not the victim of his nanny’s man-handling? It is time to evaluate the faith you bestowed upon your nanny with a nanny cam.
Your child’s protection must be in your hands. It is your duty to save-guard your baby from any external or psychological injuries. But unfortunately, today’s parents cannot spare the time required to bring up a child. Daddies are almost burdened under the piles and piles of papers left on him and moms are busy catering their ever-complaining bosses. Therefore who is going to sit in the house to see their little ones grow? It is at this point of time the nannies come to the scene. And with every nanny should come a nanny cam.
These kind of exclusive maids who are hired as care-giver to young children, in absence of their parents are ideally expected to be their second mother. But society is not so pleasant and defined always. With different individuals the definitions differ. The society, therefore, consists of both good nannies, that are responsible, caring and generous, and bad nannies that are greedy, treacherous, and abusive. Because know never know when you are out, she may turn into a witch. So if you are equipped with a nanny cam somewhere hidden in your house, then you can capture the actual scenario.
Child abuse is one of the most common evils of the contemporary society. A child can easily become a victim in the world of adults for various causes and a child upbringing in nanny’s hand can be one of them. A couple in U.S.A. was busy in their packed schedule, so they hired nanny to take care of their newly born girl child. Gradually, as days passed by, the mother noticed certain abnormalities in her daughter’ behavior. Although she looked happy and healthy, she developed certain peculiarities that put her parents into suspicion. They managed to hide a nanny cam in their daughter’s room. At the end of the day when they played the video they were shocked. They discovered that the nanny used her fists to injure the child on her head when she cried aloud.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.funddraiser.deco-craft.com
They were horrified and immediately complained the police with the cam.
Thereafter she was arrested. Such cases are common in society now-a-days. So it is the parents’ duty to provide full security and a suitable atmosphere for the child to grow. Even though parental love cannot be replaced by any other person still you need to rely on a maid at the hour of desperation. But you must be fully assured of her faithfulness. Thus to feel safe and secured, you must make an arrangement of a nanny cam to check the interactions between the nanny and your child. However there are always differences in opinions when you are buying a hidden cam. Some will say it is an essential tool while the others will complain that it disturbs someone’s privacy and a sheer waste of money. But if you want a guaranteed safety for your child, then a hidden nanny cam is a must.
They are plenty and variety of nanny cams on the market now. Most of them are unique and difficult to trace out by anybody unknown in the house. Some of them are:
1. A book hidden camera which no one affords to suspect is located in the spine of the book and the batteries remain inside the pages.
2. ‘Exit’ sign hidden cameras are small cameras that are hidden in the signboards written ‘Exit’. These are useful in hotels, restaurants and houses too.
3. Silk plant nanny cams are special kinds of silk plants made to capture the activities going on inside the house.
There are many others like picture-frame hidden nanny cams, air purifier hidden cameras etc that can be placed anywhere you want in your house.
Summary: Are you sure that your child is in safe hands? Are you confident that your little one is not the victim of his nanny’s man-handling? It is time to evaluate the faith you bestowed upon your nanny with a nanny cam.
Your child’s protection must be in your hands. It is your duty to save-guard your baby from any external or psychological injuries. But unfortunately, today’s parents cannot spare the time required to bring up a child. Daddies are almost burdened under the piles a...
Keywords: au pair, nanny, nannies, child welfare, parenting, au pairs, nanny cam
Article Body: Are you sure that your child is in safe hands? Are you confident that your little one is not the victim of his nanny’s man-handling? It is time to evaluate the faith you bestowed upon your nanny with a nanny cam.
Your child’s protection must be in your hands. It is your duty to save-guard your baby from any external or psychological injuries. But unfortunately, today’s parents cannot spare the time required to bring up a child. Daddies are almost burdened under the piles and piles of papers left on him and moms are busy catering their ever-complaining bosses. Therefore who is going to sit in the house to see their little ones grow? It is at this point of time the nannies come to the scene. And with every nanny should come a nanny cam.
These kind of exclusive maids who are hired as care-giver to young children, in absence of their parents are ideally expected to be their second mother. But society is not so pleasant and defined always. With different individuals the definitions differ. The society, therefore, consists of both good nannies, that are responsible, caring and generous, and bad nannies that are greedy, treacherous, and abusive. Because know never know when you are out, she may turn into a witch. So if you are equipped with a nanny cam somewhere hidden in your house, then you can capture the actual scenario.
Child abuse is one of the most common evils of the contemporary society. A child can easily become a victim in the world of adults for various causes and a child upbringing in nanny’s hand can be one of them. A couple in U.S.A. was busy in their packed schedule, so they hired nanny to take care of their newly born girl child. Gradually, as days passed by, the mother noticed certain abnormalities in her daughter’ behavior. Although she looked happy and healthy, she developed certain peculiarities that put her parents into suspicion. They managed to hide a nanny cam in their daughter’s room. At the end of the day when they played the video they were shocked. They discovered that the nanny used her fists to injure the child on her head when she cried aloud.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.funddraiser.deco-craft.com
They were horrified and immediately complained the police with the cam.
Thereafter she was arrested. Such cases are common in society now-a-days. So it is the parents’ duty to provide full security and a suitable atmosphere for the child to grow. Even though parental love cannot be replaced by any other person still you need to rely on a maid at the hour of desperation. But you must be fully assured of her faithfulness. Thus to feel safe and secured, you must make an arrangement of a nanny cam to check the interactions between the nanny and your child. However there are always differences in opinions when you are buying a hidden cam. Some will say it is an essential tool while the others will complain that it disturbs someone’s privacy and a sheer waste of money. But if you want a guaranteed safety for your child, then a hidden nanny cam is a must.
They are plenty and variety of nanny cams on the market now. Most of them are unique and difficult to trace out by anybody unknown in the house. Some of them are:
1. A book hidden camera which no one affords to suspect is located in the spine of the book and the batteries remain inside the pages.
2. ‘Exit’ sign hidden cameras are small cameras that are hidden in the signboards written ‘Exit’. These are useful in hotels, restaurants and houses too.
3. Silk plant nanny cams are special kinds of silk plants made to capture the activities going on inside the house.
There are many others like picture-frame hidden nanny cams, air purifier hidden cameras etc that can be placed anywhere you want in your house.
A Primer on Bradley vs. Lamaze Childbirth Methods
Title: A Primer on Bradley vs. Lamaze Childbirth Methods
Summary: For many, childbirth is the defining moment of our lives. However, along with the excitement and joy of bringing a new life into this world comes the challenges of the birth. There are two major competing schools in dealing with the discomfort, stress and pain associated with childbirth: Bradley and Lamaze.
Keywords: gripe water, colic, infant colic, infant gas, baby, gas, relief, remedy, colic formula, colic calm, gripewater, colicky
Article Body: The Bradley method of childbirth was developed in the 1940's by Dr. Robert A. Bradley, an American Obstetrician. It is based on the philosophy of 'natural childbirth' (drug free) and was pioneering in the involvement of fathers during the birthing process.
The Lamaze technique was also established in the 1940's by Dr. Fernand Lamaze, a French Obstetrician. Lamaze was influenced by Soviet childbirth practices and he particularly endorsed the role of Midwives during labor. His method began to gain popularity in the USA in the late 1950's and is now the most commonly used childbirth technique.
While both the Lamaze and Bradley techniques lead to the same outcome, they differ in a variety of ways. The most significant contrast between these birthing methods is the issue of pain management and how parents confront this challenge. But what do these two methods reveal and how do they differ?
The Bradley Technique
The Bradley Method is a twelve week course that teaches parents how to control the pain of childbirth. It advocates natural childbirth philosophies and is also called 'the husband coached' birthing technique. It encourages parents to use deep breathing and relaxation exercises as a means of coping with labor.
The Bradley approach rejects the idea of 'distraction' as a way of dealing with childbirth and disputes the use of painkillers and cesarean sections unless absolutely necessary.
However, classes that focus on the Bradley technique do prepare parents for unexpected complications which may result in a cesarean section or other forms of intervention. His methods also include advice on nutrition and diet for the Mother during her pregnancy, which inevitably has a positive effect on the growth and wellbeing of the fetus. The expectant Mother is always encouraged to take reasonable and regular exercise, so that she is properly conditioned to give birth.
The Bradley Technique also educates parents about the different stages of labor and teaches them how to react to the Mother's changing body. The Father is assigned the role of 'Coach' during the birthing process, keeping the Mother focused on the task at hand, helping with breathing exercises and giving plenty of reassurance. Different forms of massage can also be used.
The Lamaze Technique
The Lamaze Technique uses a Pavlovian response to the pain of childbirth. Lamaze believed that giving birth was a physical exercise that requires both energy and concentration. His method focuses on arming the expectant couple with various tools to ease discomfort and conserve energy in order to control pain as it occurs.
The Lamaze Technique encourages the couple to use deep breathing exercises and various 'distraction' techniques, which can include concentrating on pleasant memories, as a way of distracting the woman from the pain of labor.
Lamaze childbirth classes often recommend the benefits associated with changing positions during the birth, as well as the use of hot and cold packs and 'birthing balls' to ease contractions.
The Lamaze Philosophy is not as regimented as the Bradley Method. It gives parents all the facts, yet allows the couple leverage to use the information in ways that work for them. It's more liberal approach offers a neutral position with regards to pain medication along with other medical and surgical options. This is left for the couple to decide.
There are many subtle differences and similarities between the Bradley and Lamaze birthing techniques. The primary difference is that the Bradley method instructs women to focus on controlling their pain. While according to the Lamaze technique, they are taught to distract from it. Similarities include the use of deep breathing techniques, the encouragement of appropriate exercise for the Mother during her pregnancy, and the involvement of both parents in the birthing process.
For expectant families the best option is to gather as much information as possible from either their Obstetrician or Midwife, before making a firm decision on which childbirth class to attend. It is always preferable to choose the birthing method that most appeals to each, individual couple, as it will allow them to feel in control and therefore experience the form of childbirth which best suits their needs.
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Summary: For many, childbirth is the defining moment of our lives. However, along with the excitement and joy of bringing a new life into this world comes the challenges of the birth. There are two major competing schools in dealing with the discomfort, stress and pain associated with childbirth: Bradley and Lamaze.
Keywords: gripe water, colic, infant colic, infant gas, baby, gas, relief, remedy, colic formula, colic calm, gripewater, colicky
Article Body: The Bradley method of childbirth was developed in the 1940's by Dr. Robert A. Bradley, an American Obstetrician. It is based on the philosophy of 'natural childbirth' (drug free) and was pioneering in the involvement of fathers during the birthing process.
The Lamaze technique was also established in the 1940's by Dr. Fernand Lamaze, a French Obstetrician. Lamaze was influenced by Soviet childbirth practices and he particularly endorsed the role of Midwives during labor. His method began to gain popularity in the USA in the late 1950's and is now the most commonly used childbirth technique.
While both the Lamaze and Bradley techniques lead to the same outcome, they differ in a variety of ways. The most significant contrast between these birthing methods is the issue of pain management and how parents confront this challenge. But what do these two methods reveal and how do they differ?
The Bradley Technique
The Bradley Method is a twelve week course that teaches parents how to control the pain of childbirth. It advocates natural childbirth philosophies and is also called 'the husband coached' birthing technique. It encourages parents to use deep breathing and relaxation exercises as a means of coping with labor.
The Bradley approach rejects the idea of 'distraction' as a way of dealing with childbirth and disputes the use of painkillers and cesarean sections unless absolutely necessary.
However, classes that focus on the Bradley technique do prepare parents for unexpected complications which may result in a cesarean section or other forms of intervention. His methods also include advice on nutrition and diet for the Mother during her pregnancy, which inevitably has a positive effect on the growth and wellbeing of the fetus. The expectant Mother is always encouraged to take reasonable and regular exercise, so that she is properly conditioned to give birth.
The Bradley Technique also educates parents about the different stages of labor and teaches them how to react to the Mother's changing body. The Father is assigned the role of 'Coach' during the birthing process, keeping the Mother focused on the task at hand, helping with breathing exercises and giving plenty of reassurance. Different forms of massage can also be used.
The Lamaze Technique
The Lamaze Technique uses a Pavlovian response to the pain of childbirth. Lamaze believed that giving birth was a physical exercise that requires both energy and concentration. His method focuses on arming the expectant couple with various tools to ease discomfort and conserve energy in order to control pain as it occurs.
The Lamaze Technique encourages the couple to use deep breathing exercises and various 'distraction' techniques, which can include concentrating on pleasant memories, as a way of distracting the woman from the pain of labor.
Lamaze childbirth classes often recommend the benefits associated with changing positions during the birth, as well as the use of hot and cold packs and 'birthing balls' to ease contractions.
The Lamaze Philosophy is not as regimented as the Bradley Method. It gives parents all the facts, yet allows the couple leverage to use the information in ways that work for them. It's more liberal approach offers a neutral position with regards to pain medication along with other medical and surgical options. This is left for the couple to decide.
There are many subtle differences and similarities between the Bradley and Lamaze birthing techniques. The primary difference is that the Bradley method instructs women to focus on controlling their pain. While according to the Lamaze technique, they are taught to distract from it. Similarities include the use of deep breathing techniques, the encouragement of appropriate exercise for the Mother during her pregnancy, and the involvement of both parents in the birthing process.
For expectant families the best option is to gather as much information as possible from either their Obstetrician or Midwife, before making a firm decision on which childbirth class to attend. It is always preferable to choose the birthing method that most appeals to each, individual couple, as it will allow them to feel in control and therefore experience the form of childbirth which best suits their needs.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
A Child Sleep Disorder Can Cause Educational Interference
Title: A Child Sleep Disorder Can Cause Educational Interference
Summary: Many children have sleep disorders that interrupt their lives, and those of their parents and siblings as well. A child sleep disorder can make life very difficult and interfere with the necessities of life. Parents who worry about the child sleep disorders in their family might rest assured that they are not alone. Many parents face similar problems. One of the main child sleep disorders that parents face is a child cannot sleep through the night. Most parents do not want th...
Article Body: Many children have sleep disorders that interrupt their lives, and those of their parents and siblings as well. A child sleep disorder can make life very difficult and interfere with the necessities of life. Parents who worry about the child sleep disorders in their family might rest assured that they are not alone. Many parents face similar problems. One of the main child sleep disorders that parents face is a child cannot sleep through the night. Most parents do not want their child to be awake in the middle of the night by themselves so this problem can affect their sleep as well.
The problems with some children are just part of their makeup because they do not sleep well through the night. Adults and children have sleep cycles that go between deep sleep and light sleep. The deep sleep cycle is when a person dreams. During the light sleep cycle, the child is more likely to wake up. Since each person goes through several of these cycles during the night, there are several times during the night when the child sleep disorder might occur. Infants do not usually sleep through the night for some time. These small babies have a light sleep cycle every fifty minutes. Parents of infants all know that this is the case, and they work to get their child on the proper sleep cycle.
A Child Sleep Disorder Can Interrupt the Necessary Amount of Sleep
Children need much more sleep than their parents although sometimes they want to stay up as long as their parents stay awake. A child in school needs between nine and twelve hours of sleep every night. They need at least nine hours to be ready to participate properly in school activities. There are many children who do not get this amount of sleep, and many of these do not do as well in school because of this. Children who are getting enough sleep will wake up easily. All parents who have trouble getting their children to wake up should know that their children need more sleep.
Children should also be able to fall asleep quickly. If they toss and turn for more than thirty minutes before they fall asleep, there is some kind of a problem. Children should be able to stay awake throughout the day if they are getting enough, proper sleep at night. There is information that a substantial number of children are not alert at school and that their drowsiness interferes with their education to some extent.
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Summary: Many children have sleep disorders that interrupt their lives, and those of their parents and siblings as well. A child sleep disorder can make life very difficult and interfere with the necessities of life. Parents who worry about the child sleep disorders in their family might rest assured that they are not alone. Many parents face similar problems. One of the main child sleep disorders that parents face is a child cannot sleep through the night. Most parents do not want th...
Article Body: Many children have sleep disorders that interrupt their lives, and those of their parents and siblings as well. A child sleep disorder can make life very difficult and interfere with the necessities of life. Parents who worry about the child sleep disorders in their family might rest assured that they are not alone. Many parents face similar problems. One of the main child sleep disorders that parents face is a child cannot sleep through the night. Most parents do not want their child to be awake in the middle of the night by themselves so this problem can affect their sleep as well.
The problems with some children are just part of their makeup because they do not sleep well through the night. Adults and children have sleep cycles that go between deep sleep and light sleep. The deep sleep cycle is when a person dreams. During the light sleep cycle, the child is more likely to wake up. Since each person goes through several of these cycles during the night, there are several times during the night when the child sleep disorder might occur. Infants do not usually sleep through the night for some time. These small babies have a light sleep cycle every fifty minutes. Parents of infants all know that this is the case, and they work to get their child on the proper sleep cycle.
A Child Sleep Disorder Can Interrupt the Necessary Amount of Sleep
Children need much more sleep than their parents although sometimes they want to stay up as long as their parents stay awake. A child in school needs between nine and twelve hours of sleep every night. They need at least nine hours to be ready to participate properly in school activities. There are many children who do not get this amount of sleep, and many of these do not do as well in school because of this. Children who are getting enough sleep will wake up easily. All parents who have trouble getting their children to wake up should know that their children need more sleep.
Children should also be able to fall asleep quickly. If they toss and turn for more than thirty minutes before they fall asleep, there is some kind of a problem. Children should be able to stay awake throughout the day if they are getting enough, proper sleep at night. There is information that a substantial number of children are not alert at school and that their drowsiness interferes with their education to some extent.
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A Child s Web Of Sleep
Title: A Child's Web Of Sleep
Summary: Sleep is something that adults generally believe children get enough of, but recent studies are showing this may not be true. Sleep can become difficult for children exposed to violent TV programs or news broadcast. In a related avenue, a lack of sleep can cause children to eventually become obese.
Keywords: sleep problems, stress and anxiety, medical history, overweight and obese
Article Body: The average person associates sleep problems with things like stress and anxiety, such that they do not immediately believe some groups can have trouble sleeping. However, it isn't merely the pressures of work, society, and relationships that can take a toll on a person's ability to get good sleep quality and quantity. Other things can play a role, such as mood or behavioral problems, food intake in the immediate hours preceding sleep, and a whole milieu of little things. Recent studies show that children are just as likely to have problems getting to sleep as adults are, though the reasons are not quite the same. What's worse is that this lack of sleep may bring about a problem more serious than being sleepy in class: obesity.
Recent studies have shown that children below the age of six can experience difficulty in getting to sleep and staying asleep. The study was prompted by some statistics that show children are getting less sleep, with the aim of finding out why this was happening. The results showed that children who watched certain types of TV shows, particularly police dramas and news broadcasts, had difficulty getting to sleep at night. The study found that the longer the child spent watching shows of that nature, along with other violent or disturbing programs, the longer it took for them to get to sleep. In some cases, the data was also correlated with the child experiencing breaks in sleep. The more they watched, the more frequently they woke up in the middle of the night.
Background TV exposure also seemed to play a role. According to the research, sleep problems can also appear if the child is not directly watching TV. The types of programs remained the same, but the nature of exposure was changed. Background TV exposure, such as hearing bits and pieces of a broadcast but not being in front of the TV itself, caused the same sleep problems that directly watching programs did. However, the research also revealed that the risks were lower than with direct viewing. Not by much, but they were noticeably lower. However, a lack of sleep caused by this can cause a child to eventually become overweight and obese as part of the side effects, according to another study.
The study recorded the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the sleep patterns of children in both the third and sixth grade. The results were that, as the children obtained less sleep for a variety of reasons, their BMI also went up, with some skirting the risk of obesity as early as the fifth grade. Factors such as genetics, environment, medical history, and sex, race, and education were eliminated to ensure that the results were as accurate as possible. The results showed that BMI did experience an increase as the hours of sleep decreased, though there could have been some variables that were not taken into account while the study was being planned. These factors include things such as personality and financial status, along with the inevitable lack of physical activity due to the lack of sleep.
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Summary: Sleep is something that adults generally believe children get enough of, but recent studies are showing this may not be true. Sleep can become difficult for children exposed to violent TV programs or news broadcast. In a related avenue, a lack of sleep can cause children to eventually become obese.
Keywords: sleep problems, stress and anxiety, medical history, overweight and obese
Article Body: The average person associates sleep problems with things like stress and anxiety, such that they do not immediately believe some groups can have trouble sleeping. However, it isn't merely the pressures of work, society, and relationships that can take a toll on a person's ability to get good sleep quality and quantity. Other things can play a role, such as mood or behavioral problems, food intake in the immediate hours preceding sleep, and a whole milieu of little things. Recent studies show that children are just as likely to have problems getting to sleep as adults are, though the reasons are not quite the same. What's worse is that this lack of sleep may bring about a problem more serious than being sleepy in class: obesity.
Recent studies have shown that children below the age of six can experience difficulty in getting to sleep and staying asleep. The study was prompted by some statistics that show children are getting less sleep, with the aim of finding out why this was happening. The results showed that children who watched certain types of TV shows, particularly police dramas and news broadcasts, had difficulty getting to sleep at night. The study found that the longer the child spent watching shows of that nature, along with other violent or disturbing programs, the longer it took for them to get to sleep. In some cases, the data was also correlated with the child experiencing breaks in sleep. The more they watched, the more frequently they woke up in the middle of the night.
Background TV exposure also seemed to play a role. According to the research, sleep problems can also appear if the child is not directly watching TV. The types of programs remained the same, but the nature of exposure was changed. Background TV exposure, such as hearing bits and pieces of a broadcast but not being in front of the TV itself, caused the same sleep problems that directly watching programs did. However, the research also revealed that the risks were lower than with direct viewing. Not by much, but they were noticeably lower. However, a lack of sleep caused by this can cause a child to eventually become overweight and obese as part of the side effects, according to another study.
The study recorded the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the sleep patterns of children in both the third and sixth grade. The results were that, as the children obtained less sleep for a variety of reasons, their BMI also went up, with some skirting the risk of obesity as early as the fifth grade. Factors such as genetics, environment, medical history, and sex, race, and education were eliminated to ensure that the results were as accurate as possible. The results showed that BMI did experience an increase as the hours of sleep decreased, though there could have been some variables that were not taken into account while the study was being planned. These factors include things such as personality and financial status, along with the inevitable lack of physical activity due to the lack of sleep.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
8 Steps To Writing A Great Children s Book Manuscript
Title: 8 Steps To Writing A Great Children's Book Manuscript
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Summary: Let's face it: some kids just don't like to read. Increasingly, parents, teachers, librarians, and editors are looking for books that will appeal to reluctant readers. When I was writing The Best Books for Kids Who (Think They) Hate to Read (Random House), I read hundreds of children's books, old and new, that I thought would fit the bill. I discovered that there are eight qualities possessed by great books for reluctant readers, and to my surprise some of my childhood favori...
Keywords: writing, author, write, children\'s books
Article Body: Let's face it: some kids just don't like to read. Increasingly, parents, teachers, librarians, and editors are looking for books that will appeal to reluctant readers. When I was writing The Best Books for Kids Who (Think They) Hate to Read (Random House), I read hundreds of children's books, old and new, that I thought would fit the bill. I discovered that there are eight qualities possessed by great books for reluctant readers, and to my surprise some of my childhood favorites didn't pass the test. If you can work at least three of the elements listed below into your book, it will have a good chance of being loved by all kids, even those to whom reading is a chore.
* Humor. Making kids laugh is essential to building a pleasant association with reading. But you need to understand what tickles kids' funny bones at different ages. The humor in picture books is broad and very visual. Easy readers (and some picture books for ages 6 and up) begin to introduce verbal humor: wordplay, puns, double meanings. As kids move into the chapter book arena they can handle jokes that need a setup and a payoff that's played out over several scenes. Dialogue, how characters react to each other, or the situation in which a character finds himself may be innately humorous.
* Well-Defined Characters. Many kids want to identify strongly with the characters in their books; for reluctant readers, this is essential. It doesn't matter what the character looks like on the outside (be it space alien, a clown or a talking frog), on the inside this character needs to embody the perspective of the reader. This means the character is dealing with issues the reader might face, or seeing the world in a childlike way. Book characters must have multidimensional personalities with strengths and weaknesses in order for the reader to care about them and want to stick with them for the entire story. In nonfiction such as biographies, authors who find an element of their subject's life that is relevant to the target audience have a better chance of reaching reluctant readers.
* Fast-Paced Plot. Kids who love to read don't mind a story that takes a few chapters to unfold, but reluctant readers don't have that much patience. The action needs to start in the first paragraph, and by the end of the first chapter the reader should know quite a bit about the main character and have a good idea about the conflict or problem that character will face. Subplots are fine for chapter books and up, but too many will get in the way of the forward movement of story. Keep the pages turning.
* Concise chapters. Ideally, each chapter should contain one clear event (or one specific point in nonfiction), and have an arc of its own (a beginning, middle and end). This makes reading even one chapter a satisfying experience. Chapters that end on a high note in the action will make the reader want to see what happens next. Episodic novels (where each chapter stands alone as a short story) are also good bets for reluctant readers. Richard Peck's A Long Way from Chicago and Louis Sachar's Sideways Stories from Wayside School are two middle grade examples.
* Kid Relevance. This applies to the themes and ideas that form the basis for plots or how an author approaches a nonfiction topic. These ideas should be relevant, meaningful, and applicable to the reader's life. Instead of conveying a lesson your adult perspective tells you the reader needs to know, try using the reader's frame of reference as a starting point. Write to your audience, not at them. And remember, books can be just for fun.
* Suitable Text. Depending on the age and ability of the reader, the text needs to be challenging but not overwhelming. Strive to write your story as clearly as you can, using active sentences and concrete nouns and verbs. When writing for a broad age range of reluctant readers (8-12, for example), make the vocabulary accessible to the younger end, but the interest level appealing to kids on the older end of the spectrum.
* Unique Presentation. Reluctant readers often choose nonfiction over fiction because it speaks to their personal interests. Finding a new or unusual slant to your topic helps keep that interest alive. Humor doesn't hurt either. It's Disgusting and We Ate It! True Food Facts from Around the World by James Solheim appeals to middle graders' love of the gross while sneaking in some history on the side.
* Visual Appeal. Authors generally don't have much say in a book's design, but author/ illustrators might. Larger typeface, the generous use of white space, and illustrations that elaborate upon the text all help break up the string of words and make the book less intimidating to read.
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Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
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Summary: Let's face it: some kids just don't like to read. Increasingly, parents, teachers, librarians, and editors are looking for books that will appeal to reluctant readers. When I was writing The Best Books for Kids Who (Think They) Hate to Read (Random House), I read hundreds of children's books, old and new, that I thought would fit the bill. I discovered that there are eight qualities possessed by great books for reluctant readers, and to my surprise some of my childhood favori...
Keywords: writing, author, write, children\'s books
Article Body: Let's face it: some kids just don't like to read. Increasingly, parents, teachers, librarians, and editors are looking for books that will appeal to reluctant readers. When I was writing The Best Books for Kids Who (Think They) Hate to Read (Random House), I read hundreds of children's books, old and new, that I thought would fit the bill. I discovered that there are eight qualities possessed by great books for reluctant readers, and to my surprise some of my childhood favorites didn't pass the test. If you can work at least three of the elements listed below into your book, it will have a good chance of being loved by all kids, even those to whom reading is a chore.
* Humor. Making kids laugh is essential to building a pleasant association with reading. But you need to understand what tickles kids' funny bones at different ages. The humor in picture books is broad and very visual. Easy readers (and some picture books for ages 6 and up) begin to introduce verbal humor: wordplay, puns, double meanings. As kids move into the chapter book arena they can handle jokes that need a setup and a payoff that's played out over several scenes. Dialogue, how characters react to each other, or the situation in which a character finds himself may be innately humorous.
* Well-Defined Characters. Many kids want to identify strongly with the characters in their books; for reluctant readers, this is essential. It doesn't matter what the character looks like on the outside (be it space alien, a clown or a talking frog), on the inside this character needs to embody the perspective of the reader. This means the character is dealing with issues the reader might face, or seeing the world in a childlike way. Book characters must have multidimensional personalities with strengths and weaknesses in order for the reader to care about them and want to stick with them for the entire story. In nonfiction such as biographies, authors who find an element of their subject's life that is relevant to the target audience have a better chance of reaching reluctant readers.
* Fast-Paced Plot. Kids who love to read don't mind a story that takes a few chapters to unfold, but reluctant readers don't have that much patience. The action needs to start in the first paragraph, and by the end of the first chapter the reader should know quite a bit about the main character and have a good idea about the conflict or problem that character will face. Subplots are fine for chapter books and up, but too many will get in the way of the forward movement of story. Keep the pages turning.
* Concise chapters. Ideally, each chapter should contain one clear event (or one specific point in nonfiction), and have an arc of its own (a beginning, middle and end). This makes reading even one chapter a satisfying experience. Chapters that end on a high note in the action will make the reader want to see what happens next. Episodic novels (where each chapter stands alone as a short story) are also good bets for reluctant readers. Richard Peck's A Long Way from Chicago and Louis Sachar's Sideways Stories from Wayside School are two middle grade examples.
* Kid Relevance. This applies to the themes and ideas that form the basis for plots or how an author approaches a nonfiction topic. These ideas should be relevant, meaningful, and applicable to the reader's life. Instead of conveying a lesson your adult perspective tells you the reader needs to know, try using the reader's frame of reference as a starting point. Write to your audience, not at them. And remember, books can be just for fun.
* Suitable Text. Depending on the age and ability of the reader, the text needs to be challenging but not overwhelming. Strive to write your story as clearly as you can, using active sentences and concrete nouns and verbs. When writing for a broad age range of reluctant readers (8-12, for example), make the vocabulary accessible to the younger end, but the interest level appealing to kids on the older end of the spectrum.
* Unique Presentation. Reluctant readers often choose nonfiction over fiction because it speaks to their personal interests. Finding a new or unusual slant to your topic helps keep that interest alive. Humor doesn't hurt either. It's Disgusting and We Ate It! True Food Facts from Around the World by James Solheim appeals to middle graders' love of the gross while sneaking in some history on the side.
* Visual Appeal. Authors generally don't have much say in a book's design, but author/ illustrators might. Larger typeface, the generous use of white space, and illustrations that elaborate upon the text all help break up the string of words and make the book less intimidating to read.
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A Business Franchise For People Who Adore Children
Title: A Business Franchise For People Who Adore Children
Summary: Are you looking for a franchise opportunity which revolves round children? Why not consider a tutoring franchise. Your business and work consists of educating children out with school hours in the basics of English, spelling, reading & mathematics.
You mainly help children between the ages of six and sixteen who through no fault of their own are having learning difficulties. Maybe they have just moved school, had health problems or are just emotionally upset. You can help ...
Keywords: tutoring franchise,franchise,franchise opportunity,business franchise,business opportunity,business
Article Body: Are you looking for a franchise opportunity which revolves round children? Why not consider a tutoring franchise. Your business and work consists of educating children out with school hours in the basics of English, spelling, reading & mathematics.
You mainly help children between the ages of six and sixteen who through no fault of their own are having learning difficulties. Maybe they have just moved school, had health problems or are just emotionally upset. You can help them get back on track by providing the education that fills their gaps.
Even if you are not looking to buy a franchise but would rather start a business on your own, then this is an ideal opportunity for you if you have a good grasp of the English language.
Before your start it will help you to do a refresher course in English & Mathematics and learn all you can about teaching. There are many courses available that can get you up to speed in no time. Having a professional qualification in teaching is very useful. It means that you will be able to charge more per pupil.
Initial investment is very low as the only equipment you need are a few computers, desks and some chairs. You can now buy software that will help to make teaching fun. These are specially designed with children in mind and provide you with tools that are rarely used in the classrooms of today.
It is important that you take out the relevant insurance as accidents do happen especially when there are boisterous children around. Having a first aid certificate from a professional body is also essential. The first aid courses are fun to do and in my opinion everybody should do one.
You will have to choose premises that adhere to all legal requirements. These are not so strict when you only have a small number of pupils but demand more as the number of students increase. If you only plan to teach a few children you can even work from home. It is possible to create a secondary income for your family with just a handful of pupils.
Children can be fun but at some times can get naughty. It is essential in my opinion that you really do love children and have good skills to handle them. You will not only have to supplement their education but also provide them with the desire and motivation to succeed.
If you choose to work from home make sure that you bring your family and friends on board by speaking to them about your plans before you start. Try and fit the students' demands on your time around your family and friends.
Buying into an education franchise can be both fulfilling and rewarding. You can work this business full time or part time. The franchisor will help you to deal with all the legal requirements and provide you with specially designed materials and software. They will assist you in the choice of premises and location. You will have to pay an upfront franchise fee and ongoing royalties but in return you benefit from their branding, marketing, training and ongoing support.
As always make sure you take professional advice before embarking in a new business.
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Summary: Are you looking for a franchise opportunity which revolves round children? Why not consider a tutoring franchise. Your business and work consists of educating children out with school hours in the basics of English, spelling, reading & mathematics.
You mainly help children between the ages of six and sixteen who through no fault of their own are having learning difficulties. Maybe they have just moved school, had health problems or are just emotionally upset. You can help ...
Keywords: tutoring franchise,franchise,franchise opportunity,business franchise,business opportunity,business
Article Body: Are you looking for a franchise opportunity which revolves round children? Why not consider a tutoring franchise. Your business and work consists of educating children out with school hours in the basics of English, spelling, reading & mathematics.
You mainly help children between the ages of six and sixteen who through no fault of their own are having learning difficulties. Maybe they have just moved school, had health problems or are just emotionally upset. You can help them get back on track by providing the education that fills their gaps.
Even if you are not looking to buy a franchise but would rather start a business on your own, then this is an ideal opportunity for you if you have a good grasp of the English language.
Before your start it will help you to do a refresher course in English & Mathematics and learn all you can about teaching. There are many courses available that can get you up to speed in no time. Having a professional qualification in teaching is very useful. It means that you will be able to charge more per pupil.
Initial investment is very low as the only equipment you need are a few computers, desks and some chairs. You can now buy software that will help to make teaching fun. These are specially designed with children in mind and provide you with tools that are rarely used in the classrooms of today.
It is important that you take out the relevant insurance as accidents do happen especially when there are boisterous children around. Having a first aid certificate from a professional body is also essential. The first aid courses are fun to do and in my opinion everybody should do one.
You will have to choose premises that adhere to all legal requirements. These are not so strict when you only have a small number of pupils but demand more as the number of students increase. If you only plan to teach a few children you can even work from home. It is possible to create a secondary income for your family with just a handful of pupils.
Children can be fun but at some times can get naughty. It is essential in my opinion that you really do love children and have good skills to handle them. You will not only have to supplement their education but also provide them with the desire and motivation to succeed.
If you choose to work from home make sure that you bring your family and friends on board by speaking to them about your plans before you start. Try and fit the students' demands on your time around your family and friends.
Buying into an education franchise can be both fulfilling and rewarding. You can work this business full time or part time. The franchisor will help you to deal with all the legal requirements and provide you with specially designed materials and software. They will assist you in the choice of premises and location. You will have to pay an upfront franchise fee and ongoing royalties but in return you benefit from their branding, marketing, training and ongoing support.
As always make sure you take professional advice before embarking in a new business.
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A Beginner s Guide To Using Aromatherapy With Children
Title: A Beginner's Guide To Using Aromatherapy With Children
Summary: Trust your instinct - a beginner’s guide to using aromatherapy with children:
Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences – they are distilled from flowers, fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. The are used for their healing properties the world over – in , for example, they are only available through licensed, qualified parishioners. In the United States, we have free access to essential oils – but with this comes with some important cautions: Only some of t...
Keywords: essential oils,aromatherapy,how to,beginning,mother,children,child,infant
Article Body: Trust your instinct - a beginner’s guide to using aromatherapy with children:
Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences – they are distilled from flowers, fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. The are used for their healing properties the world over – in , for example, they are only available through licensed, qualified parishioners. In the United States, we have free access to essential oils – but with this comes with some important cautions: Only some of the essential oils available are suitable for children; others are not suitable for children and some are even dangerous to children (children with epilepsy should not come in contact with stimulating essential oils).
When used correctly however, essential oils can be of great benefit, and will not conflict with your child’s medically prescribed drugs. Always research the oil of choice thoroughly before using with your infant or child – ask advice from a qualified practitioner, or see the references at the end of this article.
That said, essential oils can be a wonderful way of supporting your child's health, happiness and well-being. Essential oils can be very therapeutic and nurturing to both your child and you, the caregiver. Essential oils are used externally (on the outside of the body) in your child’s bath, body lotions, oils, creams, gels, compresses, foot baths, or in a oil warmer. The effects of aromatherapy will generally fall into one of three main categories: 1) Assisting in healing from minor illnesses and accidents, 2) Supporting your child’s overall sense of well-being, and 3) Assisting your child in getting quality rest.
When using essential oils with your child, it is imperative that you find a reputable supplier of therapeutic-grade essential oils, using organic or wildcrafted varieties when possible. Synthetic copies of oils commonly used in perfumery are not appropriate, and may even be harmful to your child’s health. To maintain efficacy, essential oils should be kept in dark amber or cobalt glass containers, in a dark and cool location, away from the child’s access. Wooden storage boxes from craft or 'Pier One' type stores can make a nice container for the bottles.
Methods of Using Essential Oils
There are two methods of using essential oils with your child – INHALATION: through a diffuser, nebulizer, or adding to a humidifier reservoir, and TOPICAL APPLICATION: diluting the essential oil in a carrier oil and applying topically. Adding essential oils to a bath combines the two methods, though we will cover it under topical application.
For topical application, essential oils are diluted in varying strengths depending on the use and age of your child. The concentration can vary from one drop of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil, to a couple of drops per teaspoon of carrier added to a drawn bath, to an equal ratio of carrier and essential oil applied directly to your child’s feet (as in the case of gentle Lavender). In other words, there is a huge variation in dilution levels depending on the circumstances. Mamas, do your research and then trust your instinct. Only you and your child baby know exactly what is right for your situation.
General dilution rate guidelines of essential oils in one ounce of carrier oil:
Age of Child and amount of Essential Oil per One Ounce Carrier Oil for Topical/Massage Application:
Newborn (Consult primary care physician before use)
1-3 drops essential oil / ounce 2-6 months 1-3 drops essential oil / ounce 6-12 months 1-4 drops essential oil / ounce 1-4 years (unless very small) 5-8 drops essential oil / ounce 6-7 years 5-10 drops essential oil / ounce 9-12 years 5-12 drops essential oil / ounce 12 years to young adult 10-15 drops essential oil / ounce
DO NOT USE AN ESSENTIAL OIL NEAT (undiluted ) on children’s skin, unless indicated to do so for a specific condition. If your child has very sensitive skin, it is important to test a small area before using a new single oil or blend. Keep essential oils away form the eyes. When using citrus oils - orange, bergamot, lemon, tangerine, mandarin, and lime - do not use where the skin will be exposed to sunlight for the next 12 hours. These oils are considered 'phototoxic', and can react from the sun's rays. They may be used in a bath, however, where they will be washed off the skin when the bath is done.
Essential oils are not to be taken orally (by mouth). When your child is taking medications, reduce the amount of essential oil by half the amount recommended for their age group.
Carrier oils for children
Sweet Almond oil is generally regarded as the safest and best overall carrier oil for use with babies and children. Apricot kernel oil is also considered extremely safe with children over 6. Jojoba oil can be added at about 10% concentration for any blend – it has a soothing effect on the skin and is good for hair.
Topical Application - Nurturing Touch Massage Recipes
There is nothing better for any child than the loving, nurturing touch of a parent. A gentle hug, a smile, a kiss on the cheek all reassure the child and help the parent and child to bond. These everyday forms of connection are instinctual and children thrive from it.
Research shows that massage can help children’s growth both physically and emotionally. In hospitals, studies done with premature baby’s show that touch is an essential aspect of the children’s ability to thrive.
Using aromatherapeutic nurturing touch massage can be therapeutic to both the child and the parent. Using a light, conscientious tough you can massage your child’s feet, arms, hands, back, abdomen, and even legs. The massage should always be done with loving intention and the work is done in the direction that the blood flows-from ankles to leg; from wrist to shoulder, etc.
Here are a few suggested blends for this wonderful method – each is in one (1) ounce of Sweet Almond oil:
Restful Sleep – 4 drops lavender, 2 drops Roman Chamomile
Happy Child – 3 drops Rose, 1 drop Neroli
Calm and Relaxed – 3 drops Petitgrain, 3 drops Neroli
Emotional Nurturing – 1 drop Rose, 1 drop Vanilla, 2 drops Lavender
For a Baby oil blend, to be used as a moisturizer OR massage oil (note: the frequent washing of a baby's skin actually makes it difficult for them to retain vitamin C; application of a quality skin oil will help them keep adequate supplies of this important nutrient).
1 ounce of organic sweet almond oil or hazelnut oil 1 drop of pure Lavender essential oil 1 drop of Vanilla essential oil
1 ounce of organic sweet almond oil 2 drops of pure Lavender essential oil 1 drop of pure Chamomile (German) essential oil
The above blends can also be added to the bath. One teaspoon with the following amount of essential oils added can be added AFTER the bath is filled, per the age of the child: 3-5 years, 2 drops; 6-8 years, 3 drops; 8-11 years, 5 drops. Perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to make a full strength blend (without carrier oil) of your choice, then dilute as needed for the application.
Inhalation of essential oils
For inhalation, one can apply one or two drops to a handkerchief and inhale, or add oils to a water misting bottle or humidifier. Calming essential oils that may be used are Lavender (recommended for sleep – one to four drops can be placed under the pillow), Mandarin, Roman Chamomile, Ho Wood (an ecologically friendly replacement for Rosewood), Tangerine, Petitgrain, Vanilla, and Neroli. Use these oils singly, create your own blend, or use one of the body oil blends above without the carrier oil. A few drops per quart of water in a mister sprayed throughout a room or added humidifier resevoir will do.
For an anti-anxiety blend: Try 5 drops bergamot, 1 drop lavender and 3 drops geranium – dilute to 10 drops per ½ pint of water for a room spray or use in a humidifier, or dilute to the appropriate level for your child's age if using topically. For alertness, try lemon, bergamot, grapefruit or pine, either singly or in a blend that pleases your senses (usually the best way to blend is to trust your nose!)
Essential oils can also be used in a candle lamp or warmer – with the oil gently evaporated from the surface of a small bowl of water by the heat of a candle. An electric nebulizing diffuser is generally not recommended for use with children, as the concentration of oils in the air can be too high.
Last but not least, essential oils are wonderful antiseptics.
Cuts and scrapes are simply a way of life for the little ones! A great blend for minor wounds is a 1:1 mix of Lavender and Tea Tree oil. The lavender is soothing, anti-inflammatory, and has regenerative 'ketones', while the tea tree is a strong antiseptic used for many generations by native Australians. Use this blend in the water used for cleaning wounds, and apply a few drops to the gauze of a bandage – do not apply directly to the skin as it will be unnecessarily irritating. On the bandage, however, it will be soothing and accelerate the healing process.
So this is a very brief overview of using essential oils with children. There are many, many diverse applications for essential oils for almost every conceivable minor ailment seen in childhood. The key is knowledge – finding a good practitioner, or reputable resource for your needs. For further reading, books by Valerie Ann Woorwood are excellent: "Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child" and "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy"; for safety data, see "Essential Oil Safety" by Robert Tisserand and Tony Balacs. The essential oils mentioned within this article are recognized as safe for most individuals – if you or your child are recognized as having a specific illness, and/or are under a doctor's regular care, please consult an appropriate practitioner before proceeding.
That said, aromatherpy can be a very fun and rewarding endevor for both you and your child. Essential oils have benefited the lives of many the world over, and have a little bit of plant magic available to everyone.
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Summary: Trust your instinct - a beginner’s guide to using aromatherapy with children:
Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences – they are distilled from flowers, fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. The are used for their healing properties the world over – in , for example, they are only available through licensed, qualified parishioners. In the United States, we have free access to essential oils – but with this comes with some important cautions: Only some of t...
Keywords: essential oils,aromatherapy,how to,beginning,mother,children,child,infant
Article Body: Trust your instinct - a beginner’s guide to using aromatherapy with children:
Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences – they are distilled from flowers, fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. The are used for their healing properties the world over – in , for example, they are only available through licensed, qualified parishioners. In the United States, we have free access to essential oils – but with this comes with some important cautions: Only some of the essential oils available are suitable for children; others are not suitable for children and some are even dangerous to children (children with epilepsy should not come in contact with stimulating essential oils).
When used correctly however, essential oils can be of great benefit, and will not conflict with your child’s medically prescribed drugs. Always research the oil of choice thoroughly before using with your infant or child – ask advice from a qualified practitioner, or see the references at the end of this article.
That said, essential oils can be a wonderful way of supporting your child's health, happiness and well-being. Essential oils can be very therapeutic and nurturing to both your child and you, the caregiver. Essential oils are used externally (on the outside of the body) in your child’s bath, body lotions, oils, creams, gels, compresses, foot baths, or in a oil warmer. The effects of aromatherapy will generally fall into one of three main categories: 1) Assisting in healing from minor illnesses and accidents, 2) Supporting your child’s overall sense of well-being, and 3) Assisting your child in getting quality rest.
When using essential oils with your child, it is imperative that you find a reputable supplier of therapeutic-grade essential oils, using organic or wildcrafted varieties when possible. Synthetic copies of oils commonly used in perfumery are not appropriate, and may even be harmful to your child’s health. To maintain efficacy, essential oils should be kept in dark amber or cobalt glass containers, in a dark and cool location, away from the child’s access. Wooden storage boxes from craft or 'Pier One' type stores can make a nice container for the bottles.
Methods of Using Essential Oils
There are two methods of using essential oils with your child – INHALATION: through a diffuser, nebulizer, or adding to a humidifier reservoir, and TOPICAL APPLICATION: diluting the essential oil in a carrier oil and applying topically. Adding essential oils to a bath combines the two methods, though we will cover it under topical application.
For topical application, essential oils are diluted in varying strengths depending on the use and age of your child. The concentration can vary from one drop of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil, to a couple of drops per teaspoon of carrier added to a drawn bath, to an equal ratio of carrier and essential oil applied directly to your child’s feet (as in the case of gentle Lavender). In other words, there is a huge variation in dilution levels depending on the circumstances. Mamas, do your research and then trust your instinct. Only you and your child baby know exactly what is right for your situation.
General dilution rate guidelines of essential oils in one ounce of carrier oil:
Age of Child and amount of Essential Oil per One Ounce Carrier Oil for Topical/Massage Application:
Newborn (Consult primary care physician before use)
1-3 drops essential oil / ounce 2-6 months 1-3 drops essential oil / ounce 6-12 months 1-4 drops essential oil / ounce 1-4 years (unless very small) 5-8 drops essential oil / ounce 6-7 years 5-10 drops essential oil / ounce 9-12 years 5-12 drops essential oil / ounce 12 years to young adult 10-15 drops essential oil / ounce
DO NOT USE AN ESSENTIAL OIL NEAT (undiluted ) on children’s skin, unless indicated to do so for a specific condition. If your child has very sensitive skin, it is important to test a small area before using a new single oil or blend. Keep essential oils away form the eyes. When using citrus oils - orange, bergamot, lemon, tangerine, mandarin, and lime - do not use where the skin will be exposed to sunlight for the next 12 hours. These oils are considered 'phototoxic', and can react from the sun's rays. They may be used in a bath, however, where they will be washed off the skin when the bath is done.
Essential oils are not to be taken orally (by mouth). When your child is taking medications, reduce the amount of essential oil by half the amount recommended for their age group.
Carrier oils for children
Sweet Almond oil is generally regarded as the safest and best overall carrier oil for use with babies and children. Apricot kernel oil is also considered extremely safe with children over 6. Jojoba oil can be added at about 10% concentration for any blend – it has a soothing effect on the skin and is good for hair.
Topical Application - Nurturing Touch Massage Recipes
There is nothing better for any child than the loving, nurturing touch of a parent. A gentle hug, a smile, a kiss on the cheek all reassure the child and help the parent and child to bond. These everyday forms of connection are instinctual and children thrive from it.
Research shows that massage can help children’s growth both physically and emotionally. In hospitals, studies done with premature baby’s show that touch is an essential aspect of the children’s ability to thrive.
Using aromatherapeutic nurturing touch massage can be therapeutic to both the child and the parent. Using a light, conscientious tough you can massage your child’s feet, arms, hands, back, abdomen, and even legs. The massage should always be done with loving intention and the work is done in the direction that the blood flows-from ankles to leg; from wrist to shoulder, etc.
Here are a few suggested blends for this wonderful method – each is in one (1) ounce of Sweet Almond oil:
Restful Sleep – 4 drops lavender, 2 drops Roman Chamomile
Happy Child – 3 drops Rose, 1 drop Neroli
Calm and Relaxed – 3 drops Petitgrain, 3 drops Neroli
Emotional Nurturing – 1 drop Rose, 1 drop Vanilla, 2 drops Lavender
For a Baby oil blend, to be used as a moisturizer OR massage oil (note: the frequent washing of a baby's skin actually makes it difficult for them to retain vitamin C; application of a quality skin oil will help them keep adequate supplies of this important nutrient).
1 ounce of organic sweet almond oil or hazelnut oil 1 drop of pure Lavender essential oil 1 drop of Vanilla essential oil
1 ounce of organic sweet almond oil 2 drops of pure Lavender essential oil 1 drop of pure Chamomile (German) essential oil
The above blends can also be added to the bath. One teaspoon with the following amount of essential oils added can be added AFTER the bath is filled, per the age of the child: 3-5 years, 2 drops; 6-8 years, 3 drops; 8-11 years, 5 drops. Perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to make a full strength blend (without carrier oil) of your choice, then dilute as needed for the application.
Inhalation of essential oils
For inhalation, one can apply one or two drops to a handkerchief and inhale, or add oils to a water misting bottle or humidifier. Calming essential oils that may be used are Lavender (recommended for sleep – one to four drops can be placed under the pillow), Mandarin, Roman Chamomile, Ho Wood (an ecologically friendly replacement for Rosewood), Tangerine, Petitgrain, Vanilla, and Neroli. Use these oils singly, create your own blend, or use one of the body oil blends above without the carrier oil. A few drops per quart of water in a mister sprayed throughout a room or added humidifier resevoir will do.
For an anti-anxiety blend: Try 5 drops bergamot, 1 drop lavender and 3 drops geranium – dilute to 10 drops per ½ pint of water for a room spray or use in a humidifier, or dilute to the appropriate level for your child's age if using topically. For alertness, try lemon, bergamot, grapefruit or pine, either singly or in a blend that pleases your senses (usually the best way to blend is to trust your nose!)
Essential oils can also be used in a candle lamp or warmer – with the oil gently evaporated from the surface of a small bowl of water by the heat of a candle. An electric nebulizing diffuser is generally not recommended for use with children, as the concentration of oils in the air can be too high.
Last but not least, essential oils are wonderful antiseptics.
Cuts and scrapes are simply a way of life for the little ones! A great blend for minor wounds is a 1:1 mix of Lavender and Tea Tree oil. The lavender is soothing, anti-inflammatory, and has regenerative 'ketones', while the tea tree is a strong antiseptic used for many generations by native Australians. Use this blend in the water used for cleaning wounds, and apply a few drops to the gauze of a bandage – do not apply directly to the skin as it will be unnecessarily irritating. On the bandage, however, it will be soothing and accelerate the healing process.
So this is a very brief overview of using essential oils with children. There are many, many diverse applications for essential oils for almost every conceivable minor ailment seen in childhood. The key is knowledge – finding a good practitioner, or reputable resource for your needs. For further reading, books by Valerie Ann Woorwood are excellent: "Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child" and "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy"; for safety data, see "Essential Oil Safety" by Robert Tisserand and Tony Balacs. The essential oils mentioned within this article are recognized as safe for most individuals – if you or your child are recognized as having a specific illness, and/or are under a doctor's regular care, please consult an appropriate practitioner before proceeding.
That said, aromatherpy can be a very fun and rewarding endevor for both you and your child. Essential oils have benefited the lives of many the world over, and have a little bit of plant magic available to everyone.
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