
The Smile-itsme Song

Friday, June 29, 2012

Alternatives For Investing For Your Child's Higher Education Costs

With higher education tuition increasing at double digit year over year percentages an effective saving plan for your kid’s education is becoming much more important than it has been before. Most families will discover that their future higher education costs will be much more than they have saved for their kid’s education. This leaves many kids to be faced with obtaining financial aid to pay for a portion of their college education. The goal of this article is to explore the pros and cons of 4 common investment options when saving for college.
This article will also explore why some of these options are better than other when considering a portion of your kid’s education may be funded by financial aid.

529 College Savings Plan: - A 529 college savings plan is a fairly new investment option for college saving. It allows just about anyone to save for college. There is a long list of benefits of a 529 college savings plan, but perhaps the most important is that your earnings grow tax free if you use it for qualified education expenses. Additionally, the maximum amount you can contribute to a 529 plan can go as high as several hundred thousand dollars depending on your State. In the event you do not use the funds for college, you can still withdrawal your earnings, but you will have to pay taxes and a 10% penalty. The penalty will be waived if your child receives a scholarship, or your child becomes disable or dies.

529 plans can typically be purchased through a broker or mutual fund company, but a disadvantage is that investment choices can sometimes be limited. Since qualifying for financial aid is based on a calculation that considers your kids assets, another big benefit of a 529 college savings plan is that the money in the plan is classified as a parents assets so less that 6% of the value counts against your kid’s financial aid eligibility.
Uniform Gifts to Minors Act/Uniform Transfers to Minors Act

(UGMA/UTA Custodial Account):
- The benefit of a UMGA/UTA Custodial Account is that there is no limit on the contribution and it is easy to set up at most financial institutions. However, the limitations far outweigh the benefits. The first limitation of a UMGA/UTA Custodial Account is that these types of accounts offer very little tax advantage. If your child is under 14, only the first $800 of income is tax free, the next $800 is taxed at your child’s tax rate and after that there is no tax benefit at all. The other big limitation is that the account has to be set up in your child’s name. As a result, if your child needs financial aid all of the assets will be reviewed at a 35% rate. Therefore, this type of account is not advisable for those who may need financial aid.

Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA): - A Coverdell Education Savings Account is very similar to a 529 college savings plan. The main difference is that with a Coverdell Education Savings Account you can only contribute $2000 per child and to qualify your adjusted gross income must be less than $110,000 if single and less than $220,000 if married filing jointly. The account is classified as a parent’s asset so less that 6% of the value counts against your kid’s financial aid eligibility.
In the end, parents should consider planning for college to be a highly important process.

The above 3 alternatives can make this process much more easy and financially sound.

Copyright (c) 2005, by Jay Fran.
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Social Networking Websites with a Particular Focus

Have you ever thought about joining an online social networking community? If you love meeting new people, there is a good chance that you have given it some thought. Despite wanting to join, there are many individuals who make the decision not to. Are you one of those individuals? If so, is it because you feel overwhelmed? There are literally an unlimited number social networking websites out there to choose from and many are full of members.

While you would assume that it is nice to join a social networking website with a large number of community members, some individuals, maybe even yourself, feel that it is too much to handle. For instance, did you know that MySpace, a popular social networking website, has over one hundred millions members? If that isn’t overwhelming what is? If you are interested in joining an online networking community, but one that has fewer members, you are encouraged to look for social networking websites that have a particular focus. That focus is often on popular topics, issues, views, and interests.

A social networking website that focuses on one thing in particular is often referred to as a specialty social networking website. This is because, unlike traditional websites, not everyone can become a member. To become a member of a specialty social networking site, you must have an interested in the topic at hand. These websites drastically reduce the number of members. Although you will have less community members to socialize with, you will find that more have the same interests as you do. In that, a small number of internet users, with the same interests as yourself, is better than millions of members that you don’t have anything in common with.d in finding a specialty social networking website, you are advised to perform a standard internet search. You will want to search using the words social networking site and whatever else you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a social networking website designed just for animal lovers, you may to combine the words social networking with animal lovers, pet lovers, cats, dogs, and so on. Whether you are searching for social networking websites that focus on a popular hobby, religion, or politics, you are sure to find that you are looking for.

In your search for specialty social networking websites, it is likely that you will come across Facebook or Classmates. Facebook and Classmates are both considered specialty social networking sites because they tend to focus on high school and college students, including those that are attending and those that have already graduated. Both of these websites work to connect you with individuals that you are currently going to school with or those that went to school with, in the past. If you have already graduated, Facebook and Classmates are great when looking to reconnect with old friends or even make new ones.

Other popular social networking websites focus on religion. Whether you are Christian or not, there are a large number of social networking websites that have a focus on religion. These websites not only allow you to meet other internet users, but they allow you to meet those that share the same beliefs and views as you do. By using a religious social networking website, such as HolyPal and JesusCrowd, you will not have to spend the time searching for those who are the same religion as you, you will automatically be entering a community where everyone preaches and believes the same things.

As previously mentioned, there are a fairly large number of specialty social networking communities that you can find online. These communities are not just limited to those that are for pet lovers, religious followers, or those looking to reconnect with old classmates, as mentioned above. With the way that social networking websites have increased in popularity, it is safe to say that you should be able to find an online networking community, no matter what your interests are.

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Children Need Vitamins

Children Need Vitamins

We all want our children to grow healthy and to as much as possible be protected from acquiring diseases and infections. As much as adults need a well balanced diet to obtain the essential vitamins needed by the body so much more is the need for children who are still growing and in a development stage. You have to admit that no matter how hard we may try or what extra effort we put in there are hindrances to giving our children the needed daily requirements of vitamins. One of the factors that has affected this problem is that most parents nowadays are career oriented. Many working moms do not have ample time to prepare well balanced meals because of time constraints and because quite too often they may be too stressed at work and feel tired when they get home. Most of families like these usually order take out or eat at restaurants and fast foods. Many kids are also influenced by advertising to eat at these fast food chains that do not serve healthy foods but instead serve “junk foods.” Talk about enticing them with kid meals that feature different toys almost every week.

Most of the foods we find in groceries have already gone through some process and most contain preservatives. You cannot also assure yourselves already with regards to the grown fruits and vegetables for they may have been grown with techniques in farming or agriculture that has reduced its mineral and vitamin content.

Another factor that has also caused children to not get the needed nutrition while growing up despite the fact that the parents ensure to prepare a well balanced diet for them is their ever changing taste and being picky when it comes to eating. Majority of kids worldwide irregardless of race dislike eating vegetables and it is hard to force them to eat these. These tastes though change as they grow and as they get older they begin to eat balanced meals and tend to be less picky.

It is for these reasons that it is imperative for you to let your children take supplemental vitamins. Usually your pediatrician would recommend for your child to take vitamins especially when he or she starts to eat solid foods, usually at the age of one. At least while they are still young, they still have enough time to correct their deficiencies. Giving your children multivitamins would give them the needed vitamins and nutrients to grow into healthy and strong individuals.

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Along with the increase of obesity in adult, childhood obesity is on the rise. Around 15.5 percent of adolescents in the United States, aged 12 to 19 are obese. Even more alarming, about 15.3 percent of children ages 6 to 11 are obese. These children are developing Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure at an early age. They are placing themselves at increased risk for heart disease and other obesity-related diseases. Their weight also makes them the target of bullies and children who insult and taunt them about their weight. This can ruin their self-esteem and put them at risk for depression. TodayÕs children make up the digital generation. TheyÕve been surrounded by computers their entire life and are not as physically active as children of past generations were. Instead of going outside and playing, they tend to hang out indoors, watching TV and playing computer and video games. Along with lack of physical activity comes the convenience of fast food. There are fast food restaurants virtually around every corner, and they have easy access to snack foods full of saturated fats and sugars. In addition, obese parents are more likely to have obese children. The reason for this is two-fold. First, obese parents probably pass down their poor habits to their children. Second, genetics plays a role in obesity.

ItÕs important for parents to be role models to their children and emphasize the importance of physical activity and healthy eating. Parents can create healthy environments for their children by doing regular physical activities, such as biking, swimming, or walking together. They should encourage their children to participate in sports, dance, martial arts, and etcetera. This allows children to develop an appreciation of physical activity and enjoy exercising.

When it comes to eating, parents need to implement diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains. They can make eating enjoyable and healthy by preparing food together and eating together as a family. Fast-food should be limited and reserved for special occasions. Way too often, we reward ourselves for a job well done with food. Look for other ways to reward your children for doing a great job, such as a special shopping trip or a day with just mom or dad.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

What Not to Put in Your Social Network Profile

Online social networks have rapidly increased in popularity, especially over the past couple of years. Social networking websites are popular because they easily allow you to find, connect with, and develop friendships with other internet users, often ones that share the same interests as you. To find those individuals, you must join a social networking website and create a profile. It is often advertised that your social networking profile is the key to making and finding friends online.

As previously mentioned, your social networking profile is important when it comes to meeting other internet users. This is because, in most cases, internet users are looking to chat with someone who has the same goals, views, beliefs, and interests as they do. Without a personal profile, it would be difficult or impossible to tell what your interests are. That is why social networking profiles are not only important, but they are needed.

When it comes to social networking profiles, a lot of focus has been placed on what you should include in your profile or display on your profile page. It has been said that pictures produce the best responses, as well as detailed personal information. Although a picture and detailed personal information may help to increase your page views, you may be getting views that you do not necessarily want. Despite what you may believe, most social networking websites do not have restrictions on who can view your personal profile. In fact, internet users, even those that do not belong to your online community, can easily see profile.

Since anyone, literally anyone, can see your social networking profile, on most social networking websites, you are advised to be cautious. Essentially, this means that instead of focusing on what you should put in your online profile, you should be focusing on what not to put. This is one the best ways to protect your safety, both on and offline.

As previously mentioned, pictures are often recommended with social networking websites. If you are interested in positing a personal picture of yourself in your online profile you can do so, but you are advised to carefully choose that picture. While you will want to look your best, you are advised against posting a picture that is too revealing or seductive in nature. Most internet users can look at these types of pictures without feeling a thing, but for others these types of pictures spell danger.

If you make the decision to post a picture of yourself in your social networking website profile, you need to be careful about the rest of the information that you post. Although you may not necessarily think about it, a picture is just a picture, but combined with your name and address, it could be a deadly combination. You are advised to only post your first name in your profile. This will make it more difficult for anyone to try and contact you off of the internet.

It is also advised that you carefully choose your location. A large number of online social networking sites require that you select a city, as well as a state. If it is allowed, you may only wish to list your state and not the city. If you are required to list the city and the state that you live in, you may want to think about using a nearby city or town, especially if you live in a small town. If an internet predator wanted to contact you and you lived in a small town, it could be fairly easy for them to find you. That is why it is advised that you carefully select the answer to the location question.

In addition to the above precautionary measures, it is advised that you do not post detailed information on your children, the location of your home, your income, or when you will be leaving for vacation. By keeping these and the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to enjoy online social networking without having to always look behind your back.

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Characteristics Of An Internet Child Predator

Characteristics Of An Internet Child Predator

Millions of children and teens are on the Internet everyday. They surf web pages, get their email and chat with their friends. Most parents believe this is harmless, except that our kids are being targeted everyday by predators on the Internet. Let’s explore some of the characteristics of a child predator. The average child predator is male and over the age of 25. He could be considered “the guy down the street who kept to himself”. The loner type, very few friends and typically not married. A child predator most often has limited social skills, but a propensity to engage in conversation with an adolescent or child. This individual will tend to become shy with adults of his own age. He tends to seek out jobs that allow him to work around children, such as a baseball or basketball coach, Boy Scout leader, janitor or teacher at the school.

Child predators usually see nothing wrong with their behavior. Child predators come from all walks of life, some are rich, some are poor, some are educated and some are not. They usually have a sexually abusive or violent background histories. Child predators will “target” numerous children at one time. Their words are cunning and they take their time to “groom” their victims. “Grooming” is done by showering their victims with gifts, signs of affection and anything else they can, in order to build trust and a relationship with potential victims. Once trust is built, blackmail and guilt are sometimes used to get the child to succumb to their demands.

The Child Internet predator will utilize any or all of these techniques online. They will often times mask their age and state that they are around the same age as your child. They will stalk the Internet sites that most children and teens regularly visit. Hiding behind their computer screen, waiting patiently and then attacking their prey, our children.

How can you tell if your child is at risk? Your child may turn off the computer suddenly when you enter the room. Your child may be receiving gifts from others that you do not know. They may become more secretive about what they are doing online and usually spend more than an hour a day on the Internet. You may see long distance phone numbers that you do not recognize or they may receive phone calls from people that you are not familiar with. These are all signs that your child may be at risk.

As a parent, what can you do? One of the best ways to keep your child safe online is to create open dialogue with your child and to set clear rules regarding computer and Internet usage. You will also need to understand what your child is doing online. Learning more about how your child uses the Internet and whom they talk to in emails and instant message chat rooms can do this. You may also consider utilizing Internet monitoring tools to keep tabs on your child’s activity. One organization that has combined both parental monitoring tools and tools to translate the litany of instant message acronyms is Safe Computer Kids. They have recently launched their website at You can contact them at 866-846-6464 or email them at

As a counselor for more than sixteen years, working with adolescents, adults and families, I have yet to meet a sexual offender who has been completely cured with treatment and have all too often seen the devastating results of their actions.

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Child Safety And Child Protection Easy Steps You Can Take Part 2 Of 3

Child Safety And Child Protection: Easy Steps You Can Take Part 2 Of 3

Were back, and in this lesson were going to discuss some easy child safety techniques you can teach your child to stay safe when your out and about in public, or when he/she might find themselves alone. But before we get started here's an interesting but frightening fact: Did you know that a child becomes missing, abducted, or lost about EVERY 40 seconds! Keep reading and let's do our best to keep your child safe today, and make sure that he/she is going to come home! Let's get started...

This one is VERY important! If you become seperated from your child, he/she needs to know to never look for you if they become lost while shopping or in a public place. Instead, they need to go to the nearest checkout counter, security office, or lost and found, and tell the person in charge that she has lost his/her mom or dad and needs help in finding them. And they should NEVER go to a parking lot without you.
Teach your child the importance of the "buddy system." To walk and play with others. If your child walks to school, have them walk woth other children. A child is most vulnerable when alone.
Your child needs to understand and realize that adults do not usually ask children for directions or help, but should be asking other adults. If someone in a car should stop to ask for directions, they should not go near the car.

Should your child notice someone following them on foot or in a car, to immediately go to a place where there are other people - to a neighbor's home or into a store, for instance - and ask for help. They should not go near the car to talk to anyone inside and should NOT try to hide behind tree's or bushes. They should NEVER hide!

Children need to be aware that no one should ever be asking them to help look for a "lost puppy" or telling them that either of his/her parents are in trouble and that they will take them to mom or dad.
It's so important they understand the safety rules with cars! They need to NEVER go near a car with someone in it or to get into a car without your permission. Your child should learn who's car they are allowed to ride in. Warn you child that someone might try to lure them into the car by telling them you said to pick him/her up; tell him/her never to obey instructions like these. Instead, they should go back to the school for help. Teach your child a "code word" that is only known among family members. Stress to your child that anyone offering a ride unexpectedly-even a family friend will have been given the code word in advanced.
- We will be devoting a whole article on the "code word" technique. it has saved alot of lives and realy works! Keep an eye out for it!

Finally, your child should ALWAYS tell you if someone offers him/her gifts, drugs, or wants to take their picture.
In the next article in the series "Child Safety and Child Protection: Easy Steps You Can Take" - Part 3 of 3. We will discuss what your child needs to know when they are in the supervision or care of other people and adults. Most child abductions are perpetrated by people that your child already knows and is familiar with. It's important they understand what to do, and how to handle themselves. So until next time...
Have a very safe day!

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Healing The Impact Of Childhood Abuse

Healing the impact of childhood abuse is a difficult yet hopeful process. If you were physically or sexually abused as a child, you may often feel fragmented, confused, vulnerable, and somewhat chaotic inside. You may have difficulty with trust and intimacy in your relationships, and your emotions may seem unpredictable and volatile to you. You may also have a generalized feeling that you are somehow "bad" or unworthy, and therefore, not like yourself very much. You may also feel guilty, as though you caused the abuse. All of these experiences are common and make sense in light of your childhood experience. There IS hope! An integrated and intentional approach in therapy can lead to healing in these areas of your life. This healing involves reconnecting with parts of yourself that seem disconnected and alienated, reclaiming your life by learning to be in charge of your behavior and make good choices, and transforming your relationship to self and others. It may be helpful to think of the healing process as ta king place in three primary stages:

1) getting started 2) reconnecting with yourself 3) moving on

Getting Started is primarily focused on helping you understand what you are experiencing, what you can expect from therapy, and how you can help yourself through the process. In this stage, understanding is empowerment. During this time you learn new ways of thinking about the abuse and its effects. You develop skills and strategies for handling flashbacks, emotional intensity and boundary issues. Perhaps most importantly, you develop emotional self-care skills that will enable you to nurture, comfort, and calm yourself as you move through your healing journey. These skills can help you feel safer with the emotions that may seem overwhelming now.

Reconnecting With Yourself is the heart of the healing process, and takes commitment, courage, and a desire for wholeness. During this time you learn to identify the ways you have protected yourself that are no longer helpful to you. As you gradually replace these defenses with healthier coping skills you are freer to be in touch with what is inside you. You learn to experience a broader range of feelings, accurately name them, and make choices about expressing them. During this time your relationship with your body is also very significant. The way the abuse has affected your feelings about your body, and your body's need for healing are part of the healing process. At this point Trauma Touch Therapy (TM) can be integrated into your journey and provide another avenue for healing. Your relationship with yourself changes as you are able to have compassion for yourself, grieve your losses, and honor the truth of your experience. The fragmentation you developed as a way of staying safe becomes less necessary and you can begin developing a more cohesive sense of yourself as an adult. While this is a difficult time in the process, it is also one that is full of meaning, transformation and hope.

Moving On occurs as you are increasingly able to integrate your new awareness and experience of yourself on every level. How you think about yourself and the abuse is changing. Now you are open to new ways of viewing the world, others and yourself. Your new skills and ability to manage your feelings and maintain healthy boundaries bring with it the possibility for meaningful relationships. Perhaps most importantly, you may become less likely to identify yourself in terms of the abuse, as you move from being a survivor to being a thriver. You may experience increasing levels of energy to give to those things in the "here and now" that are important to you, as less of your energy is given to protecting yourself from the impact of the abuse.
As a survivor, you learned to use your "smarts" and ingenuity to get through an overwhelmingly painful experience. As a thriver, these internal resources that served you so well are transformed into strengths for living fully in the present.

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Bad Breath In Children

Bad Breath In Children

There are specific reasons that there may be problem of bad breath in children. There are several factors which may influence the production of bad breath, and some of these are particularly likely to be found in children. Depending on their age, children can have a habit of putting things up their noses, which may become lodged and lead to bad breath. It's not unusual for children to poke small objects into their mouths and noses. If there is a suspicion of this, it is probably best to allow a doctor to probe and remove the foreign object. There may be an indicator of this activity if there is a discharge from the nose. It's also been reported that small swallowed objects can become lodged in the passages and cause bad breath.
The habit of oral hygiene needs to be instilled in children while they are growing up. It's fairly well established that children are not necessarily fastidious in keeping their teeth and mouths clean, and the presence of old food may provide a good breeding ground for the bacteria that cause decomposition and smelly breath. Children should always be encouraged and taught to maintain the highest standards of oral hygiene, as this is a habit that they will carry with them through their lives.

When considering a case of chronic bad breath in children, the usual factors that create the problem in adults should not be ignored. These would include dry mouth, which creates an environment conducive to the bacteria flourishing. While it should be expected that children would not be so prone to bad breath from chewing tobacco, or from drinking alcohol, they are more prone to diseases that affect the saliva glands, and to getting respiratory or throat and mouth infections. These in themselves may cause direct odor, and they will also aggravate the problem by causing mouth breathing and drying out.

Post nasal drip is a particular problem found in young children which can cause bad breath. The bacteria causing the smelly breath tend to be at home on the back of the tongue, and this is exactly where the nasal drip concentrates. The nasal drip itself is a chemical compound that is reported from research to act as a fuel to the bacteria. It contains protein made up of amino acids that are broken down to hydrogen sulfide and other smells.

If it appears that your child has a persistent bad breath problem, it would be wise to consult your physician for assistance in diagnosing and curing the issue.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

What is Social Networking?

Social networking, we have all likely heard of it before, but not everyone knows what it means? If you were asked to define what social networking was, would you be able to give an accurate definition. Unfortunately, most individuals cannot, even though it is likely that they participate in some form of social networking, especially online.

Social networking is defined as the grouping of individuals together into to specific groups, often like a small community or a neighborhood. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in schools or in the workplace, it is most popular online. This is because unlike most high schools, colleges, or workplaces, the internet is filled with millions, if not more, of individuals who are looking to meet other internet users and develop friendships.

When it comes to social networking online, websites are used. These websites are known as social networking websites. Social networking websites are, in a way, like an online community of internet users. Depending on the social networking website in question, many of these online community members share a common bond, whether that bond be hobbies, religion, or politics. Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profiles or profile pages of other members or even contacting them.

The friends that you can make are just one of the many benefits to social networking online. Another one of those benefits includes diversity. Unlike in most schools or workplaces, the internet gives individuals, from all around the world, access to social networking sties. This means that although you are in the United States, you could develop an online friendship with someone in Japan. Not only will you make a new friend, you but may also learn a thing or two about a new culture.

As previously mentioned, social networking often involves grouping specific individuals or organizations together. While there are a number of social networking websites that focus on particular internets, there are others that do not. These websites are often deemed traditional social networking websites. These types of websites typically have an open membership. This means that anyone can become a member, no matter what their hobbies, beliefs, or views are. However, once you are inside this online community, you can begin to create your own network of friends; thus eliminating others that do not meet your criteria.

If networking on the internet sounds like something you would be interested in, you are encouraged to learn more about it, such as the dangers of social networking. These dangers often involve online predators or individuals who claim to be someone that they are not. Although danger does exist with networking online, it also exists with networking out in the real world. As when you are meeting friends at a bar, school, or work, you are advised to proceed with caution online. By being aware of your surroundings and who you are talking to, you should be able safely enjoying social networking online.

Once you have learned everything that you feel you need to learn, about social networking online, you can begin to search for networking communities to join. This can easily be done by performing a standard internet search. Your search will likely return a number of results, including MySpace, FriendWise, FriendFinder, Yahoo! 360, Facebook, Orkut, and Classmates.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

'No Child Left Behind': What it Means for Parents

The No Child Left Behind Act is a landmark education reform law that is already improving academic performance across the land. One of its chief aims is to close the troubling achievement gap that separates many disadvantaged, disabled and minority students from their peers.

To do this, it measures student performance and focuses extra resources and attention on those most in danger of falling behind. But what about the schools themselves?

Under No Child Left Behind, schools that receive federal funds to help teach and prepare educationally disadvantaged children must make what is called "Adequate Yearly Progress" in reading, language arts and mathematics. These clearly defined benchmark goals, which will be raised over time, have been put in place by each of the 50 states based upon what is appropriate for their local school districts.

If a school does not reach its annual goals, it is given extra assistance and another chance. If it again does not succeed the following year, the school is deemed "in need of improvement." Extra resources are provided to the school, and new options and choices are provided to its students and parents.

As states release their lists of schools that underperformed over the last school year, parents should be alert to their school's status. They may be eligible for free tutoring or after-school classes for their children, or entitled to choose another public school that better meets their needs.

Parents of children in schools deemed "in need of improvement" should contact their local school officials to find out if their children are eligible for these and other services.

If a school continues to underperform for five or more years in a row, school officials must develop and implement a two-year plan to turn around the school. The local school district will ensure that the school receives needed technical assistance as it develops and implements its improvement plan.
Parents who get involved - by enforcing attendance, supervising homework and setting academic goals - are less likely to see their children left behind in school.

Ways that parents can help their child's school succeed include:
Attending parent-teacher meetings to address academic or discipline problems.
Participating in school board meetings.
Volunteering to serve during school hours or in extracurricular activities.
Encouraging other parents to become involved.
Tapping into community or private-sector resources.
Learning about No Child Left Behind and how it can benefit their child.

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Bedding for children

Buying my children bedding is one of my favorite things to do. You might think that I'm crazy, but it really is a lot of fun. It is not that I am so into the idea of spending a lot of money on bedroom ideas for children. I know that beds and bedding for children are pretty spendy, particularly because they have to be replaced so often as the kids continue to grow. Nonetheless, it is a sacrifice that I am willing to make. You see, helping your child to set up his or her bedroom can be a great bonding activity for any parent.
A lot of parents are too pragmatic about their kids bedrooms. They will buy bedding for children when they see it on sale, buy whatever cheap posters they think the kid will like, and bring in whatever old bed happens to be already sitting there, abandoned by an older child. I have a different approach to parenting. I believe that everything you do with your kids should be, if possible, both an exercise in learning, and an exercise in fun.

That is why, when I am shopping for bedding for children, I make it a big production. Rather than just going out and picking out some sheets and blankets, we design the whole room together. For the kids, this is a great activity in a few ways. It gives them the opportunity to express themselves creatively, makes them feel more in control of their environments, and helps build spacial reasoning skills. Of course, it does cost quite a bit more to decorate a kids bedroom in a theme, but it is worth it! All in all, it is a much more rewarding and educational experience than simply buying your kid some sheets and a blanket.

Of course, you do have to set out some ground rules before picking out the bedding for children. Your kid has to be willing to stick with a certain look for at least 6 months or a year. You do not want to be buying, say, canopy beds for kids one week and then, the next week, have to buy a whole new bed when they change their minds. This can help teach responsibility. Your kid has to learn how to stick with his decision and take responsibility. That way, he will grow up knowing that careful decision making is important.

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Clinical Manifestations of Appendicitis in Children

Clinical Manifestations of Appendicitis in Children

Appendicitis is known to be a surgical disease, as it commonly requires removal of the inflamed vermiform appendix, a tubular prominence of the cecum. Appendicitis occurs due to infection of the vermiform appendix, which becomes enlarged and irritated. Doctors consider appendicitis to be a medical emergency and they usually recommend surgery regardless of the actual stage of the disease. Although the surgical treatment for appendicitis is known to be safe and reliable, many patients develop post-operative complications as a consequence of malpractice. There are also various reported cases of unnecessary appendectomy, performed on patients who eventually turn out to have a healthy appendix. While the surgical intervention for appendicitis involves few risks in the early stages of the disease, advanced infection of the vermiform appendix greatly increases the risks of post-operative complications. The removal of a seriously diseased appendix is difficult and risky, as the operated patients can develop sepsis or abcess soon after the surgical intervention. Well aware of this fact, most physicians focus on timely revealing possible symptoms of appendicitis in patients. Guided by the impulse of intervening promptly, some doctors often mistakenly perform surgery on healthy patients. There were various cases of unnecessary appendicitis surgery reported in the last decades and the phenomenon can also be seen in present.

The cases of unnecessary appendicitis surgery can be easily explained by the deceiving nature of this very common disease. Appendicitis often generates unspecific symptoms which can be misleading in the process of deciding upon the correct diagnosis. Appendicitis is commonly mistaken for various other internal disorders that generate resembling symptoms. To further complicate the matter, sometimes patients with appendicitis may actually be asymptomatic. In such cases, the specific manifestations of appendicitis emerge late after the disease becomes serious.

Although doctors can choose among various medical techniques in order to confirm their presumptive diagnosis, none of the tests available nowadays is 100 percent reliable in revealing clear physiological signs of appendicitis. Considering this fact, surgeons incline towards assuming the risk of removing a healthy appendix rather than allowing the disease to progress further. Delayed medical intervention can be fatal for appendicitis sufferers and this is the main reason why surgeons often choose to timely perform appendectomy on patients who present possible clinical symptoms of the disease.

The overall number of cases of unnecessary appendectomy has known a slight decline in recent years. However, statistics indicate that in present more than 9 percent of pediatric appendectomies are performed on patients who actually have a healthy appendix. This is due to the fact that very young children and infants are more difficult to correctly diagnose with appendicitis. By contrast, the cases of unnecessary appendectomy among adult patients are nowadays more rare.

In present, malpractice and misdiagnosis of appendicitis can be considered to be indicators for the lack of precision of the existent medical techniques. Therefore, modern medicine needs new, more reliable means of diagnosing internal disorders such as appendicitis.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Childhood Obesity Helping Your Child

Childhood Obesity – Helping Your Child

A child that suffers from overweight or obesity is one that should regarded as having a temporary disease, the obesity condition is dangerous for the child heath and has effect on his social life, self esteem and confidence. When you decide that you want to fight, and beat childhood obesity you should think carefully or a plan and a tactic you will use to fight this condition. The three major keys in losing weight and having a successful diet plan are regular physical activity, performed on a set schedule and without exception the physical activity will encourage the child to get better and hopefully cause him or her to focus on activity rather than on food or the discomforts of the diet.

The next key to fighting childhood obesity is naturally a diet, making a diet plan should be done after advising with a diet professional that has all the tools and information about your child and his or her needs. making a realistic plan that will take a long time to complete you will gradually adapt new eating habits, showing the child that there are different kinds of foods and that making the child conscience of the things they eat and their effect on weight and the body. Increasing the awareness to the effect of different foods is a very important thing since it clearly identifies the cause and effect relationship to the child.

The last key for beating childhood obesity is as important and as natural as the first two, it is slowly and gradually changing the behavior of the child, and sometimes of the whole family, the new behavior patterns can be treated as rules first, make sure you explain why it is not good to eat candies, and more impotently you should make sure that your child knows that from time to time he or she are allowed to make an exception and have a candy, do not delete and block sweets from their lives completely since this usually has the opposite effect on kids.

The behavior change is a major one and if effects all the rest of the keys mentioned here, you should try and set rules in the beginning, if you can have a family meeting and set those rules it will be beneficial for everyone, making the children feel that they are setting these rules, you should encourage your kids to set rules and live by them, when you first start you can also join their activities to show them they are not alone, and from time to time you could explain how important it is to follow the rules and the benefits that are waiting in the end of the road.

A technique I have heard about some time ago uses imagination and positive thinking to encourage obese children to maintain a diet and physical activity routine. The parents have a weekly talk with the child and they go over all the last week events, good and bad, trying to explain what happened and why, not forgetting to compliment the child on his or her achievements. Once the events have been reviewed and points made clear the parent and the child close their eyes and imagine how it would be like in a month or two ahead, with more weight loss and better fitness and daily routine, talk about all the benefits of losing weight, like nicer clothes, better feeling, more energy, social admiration and so on, just make sure that the goals are realistic and can be achieved in a month or two of hard work, when your child achieves this you should mention the talk to him or her and demonstrate how belief and will power has real effect on life.

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Children and Acid Reflux

Children and Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition normally associated with adults. Sadly, many children also suffer the effects of acid reflux. This desease, also referred to as gastro-esophageal reflux, occurs when stomach contents churn and rise up into the esophagus, the tube connecting the stomach with the mouth. A muscle between the esophagus and the stomach, known as the lower esophageal sphincter, is responsible for keeping the stomach closed off until food is swallowed. The lower esophageal sphincter then opens up and allows the food into the stomach before closing again. Although Acid reflux can begin during infancy, it can carry over into early childhood. Though quite common in children, most people are not aware of it's occurrence. In most cases, the process of gastro-esophageal reflux occurs quickly, the acid comes up into the esophagus and then rapidly goes back down into the stomach. In this case, the esophagus suffers no damage. However, if the stomach acid stays in the esophagus, it damages the esophagus lining. In some cases, the stomach contents rise up all the way into the mouth, only to be swallowed again. This process causes a number of symptoms such as a chronic cough, or a hoarse voice. More serious symptoms can include difficulty in swallowing, wheezing, and chronic pneumonia.

Anyone who suspects that their child is afflicted with acid reflux, should have the child seen by his or her pediatrician. After examining the child and evaluating the symptoms, the doctor may run tests to diagnose whether acid reflux is present. Often, the doctor will begin treatment before testing for acid reflux. In one of the tests, called an upper GI-series X-ray, the child's X-ray is taken after being given a glass of barium to drink. This particular test is successfully used to locate hiatal hernias, blockages, and other gastrointestinal problems.

Another test, thought to be more effective than the X-ray, is the endoscopy. Typically, the child is sedated and put to sleep during the test. An endoscope, which is a thin, flexible plastic tube with a camera attached to the end, is then placed inside the throat. With the help of endoscope, the doctor is directly able to examine the esophagus lining, stomach, and a portion of the small intestine. The endoscopy also allows the doctor to perform a biopsy rather painlessly.

Yet another test, the esophageal pH probe, may also be used. This test consists of using an extremely light, and ultra-thin wire with an acid sensor tip and inserting it through the patient's nose and into the lower esophagus. This method is used to detect and record the presense of stomach acid in the esophagus.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Social Networking Websites: How to Find Them

Each day, in the United States, millions of Americans communicate with each other online. In addition to communicating with other Americans, many are communicating with those on the other side of the world. This communication is due, largely in part, to online social networking websites. If you are interested in joining the growing number of internet users who use social networking websites, you will have to find a network to join.

When it comes to finding social networking websites, you have a number of different options. Perhaps, the easiest way to find a social networking website is by performing a standard internet search. You may want to search with the words social networking or social networking websites. Whichever search phrase you choose, there is a good chance that you will be presented with a long list of websites.

You can also find and familiarize yourself with social networking websites by talking to those that you know. The internet, as well as social networks, has rapidly increased in popularity. That popularity means that there is a good chance that one of your relatives, friends, coworkers, or neighbors has used a specific social networking website in the past. In fact, many may have even used more than one. If you know someone who has, you will want to ask them their recommendations. You will find that most social networking websites come highly rated, but there are some out there that may not even be worth your time.

In addition to speaking to those that you actually know, you can also seek recommendations from those that you do not personally know. You can do this online. Online, you should be able to find a number of websites that discuss social networking sites. Many of these websites have reviewed a collection of social networking sites. In addition to reviews and other articles, you should also be able to speak with other internet users on online message boards. Like speaking to one of your friends, many internet users would be more than willing to let you know what social networking websites are worth the time and which ones are not.

Although it is nice to receive recommendations from those that you know or other internet users, you are advised to make your own decision. Whether or not a social networking website comes highly recommended, you are still encouraged to check it out first. A large number of social networking websites are free to use; therefore, there are no risks associated with giving the site a try. Despite the fact that most online social networking sites are free to use, there are some that you must pay for. A large number of these websites offer free trials. Even if the trial period is only for a few days, you should easily be able to get a feel of the site’s environment and determine whether or not it is right for you.

In your search for a social networking website, whether you perform your own internet search or rely on recommendations from others, you should be able to find a number of popular websites. Those websites may include, but should not be limited to, Yahoo! 360, MySpace, Classmates, and Orkut. The good news about this is that if you are not satisfied with the social networking website you joined, you don’t have to worry; there are many more available for you to choose from.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Children's diets

Having a child or children is without a doubt on of the greatest decisions of your life. In fact, they don't really get any more major than this. If you choose to do so, then you are basically deciding to take someone else's life onto yourself. Suddenly this little person's health, happiness, and safety are up to you. You are the one with all the power and responsibility. Does this sound overwhelming? It should, and it can be at times. However, the rewards make it all worthwhile. As a parent myself, I always try to focus on the positive and raise my daughter as best I can. I not only want her to be happy and safe, but I want her to be healthy as well. This is why it ticks me off when I see parents feeding garbage to their kids. No, I'm not referring to the garbage in the trash can. I am talking about unhealthy foods. When it comes to childrens diets, we really need to wise up as a society.

Were you aware of how poor childrens diets are in America? This is pathetic, and it is something that can be remedied rather easily. As you already know, it's all up to the parents. They have the power to make these choices. So stop choosing McDonald's and Pizza Hut. This is such a cop-out. Stop being lazy and start preparing healthy childrens diets. Your little one needs certain vitamins and minerals each and every day. Are you providing these so that he/she can grow up big and strong? If the answer is no, then what are you waiting for? It makes me wince to see children who are not even 10 years old and they're already overweight. This is absurd, and it's all because of the parents. They are not providing their kids with healthy childrens diets. Kids need fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and healthy grains and dairy products. Nourish their young bodies and help them grow up right.

If you can't come up with any decent childrens diets on your own; this is no big deal. Get online and sort through oodles of them. I'm sure you will find a few that suit your child. Always remember, it's up to you as the parent to consider your child's health. If he/she is overweight or out of shape, you need to take action. Get them going early on with healthy childrens diets. This way they will grow up with decent eating habits and live a long and healthy life.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Benefits of Signing Up With a Specialty Social Networking Website

Have you ever wanted to join a social networking website before? A large number of internet users have, but not all decide to join one. If you are like many other internet users, you may be worried about the networks that can be found online. Many of these networks, including MySpace and Yahoo! 360 have rapidly increased in popularity. This increase in popularity has led to a large number of members. In fact, some might say too many members.

One of the many reasons why Yahoo! 360 and MySpace have increased in popularity is due to the fact that they cover a wide variety of different topics, issues, and interests. MySpace and Yahoo! 360 do not focus on one particular group of individuals or one particular hobby. Instead, they invite all internet users to join. While this may be good, it gives you a wide selection of online friends to choose from, it can also be considered bad. On many of these websites a competition has brewed. That competition has been to see who can get the most friends. This may result in you not really getting an online friend, when you are supposed to be.

If you are looking to join a social networking website that is more focused on creating friendships or partnerships between internet users that have the same interests, you will want to focus on social networking websites that have a particular focus. Many times, these websites are known as specialty social networking websites. Online, you should be able to find a number of these specialty social networking websites. Many have focuses on important issues, topics, and hobbies, such as pet owners, religion, travel, and much more.
When it comes to many specialty social networking sites, many individuals want to know what sets them apart from the rest. Honestly, it is the community. As previously mentioned, specialty social networking sites tend to focus on a particular topic, issue, or hobby. This means that if you are a devoted Christian and you would like to speak to other Christians, you will want to join a Christian networking site and so on. The difference between specialty social networking sites and traditional ones is that you will automatically be paired with hundreds, if not thousands, of other internet users who share the same interests, views, or beliefs as you.

Another one of the many benefits to joining a specialty social networking website is that you are, in a way, safer than those who are members of other networks. Not all, but a large number of specialty networking sites require activation before joining the site. Before activation can occur, many internet users are required to state their reasons for wanting to the join the network or they may be required to fill out a small questionnaire, often pertaining to the social network in question. In many cases, this will help to determine whether or not an internet user really has an interest in the topic focused on by the network in question.
As previously mentioned, specialty social networking websites allow you to automatically be paired with a group of individuals who share the same beliefs, views, and interests as you do. This mean that you don’t have to spend hours researching a person or speaking to them, just to learn what they are or are not interested in. Essentially, this enables you to jump right in and start making friends, almost as soon as you are granted access to the site that you have chosen.

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Choosing the Right Wheelchair for Your Child

Choosing the Right Wheelchair for Your Child

In the past, if a child needed a wheelchair parents would simply buy a large chair and let the child grow into it. This should not be the case. Sitting is important to all children. Since most children attend school, increased attention should be provided to them. If they do not have a comfortable wheelchair to use, they will most likely get discouraged from studying. Today there are many wheelchair style, colors and features available to meet all the needs of younger users. Many manufacturers have developed wheelchairs that will cater to the changing needs of children. There are several factors that need to be considered when choosing a wheelchair for your child. The first thing you need to consider is the child’s age, abilities and disabilities. It may be in your best interest to consult a professional to decide which type of chair is appropriate for your child. They will determine if your child is suited to use manual chair, powered chair or other wheelchair alternative.

It is likewise important that children and their parents actively participate in the selection process of the wheelchair. They are the individuals most aware of the needs and circumstances in which the wheelchair will be used. So they should work together in choosing the right wheelchair.

There is really no need to rush on buying a chair for your child. It is far better to take sometime than to make a rush decision. You would not want to regret your purchase in the end. That is why it is important that you make an informed decision when it comes to the chair you will use for a considerable amount of time. Realize also that less is more. So use accessories only when necessary. As every wheelchair is as individual as the user, it does not really matter if the chair is really good if it does not fit the child who will use it.

Lastly, it is also important to consider the child’s personal interest and choice. The wheelchair will not simply be something he will need. It will also be an expansion of his personality. Hence, comfort in a wheelchair is more than how it feels to the body. It should also be comfortable to the personality.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Parents: Warn Your Teens about the Dangers of Using Social Networking Websites

Are you the parent of a teenager? If so, there is a good chance that you are wondering about their safety online, as you should be. Although the internet has changed for the better, that change has made it easier for people to access the internet and pretend to be someone that they are not, someone who you would likely not want socializing with your child. For that reason, you are advised to take the proper action needed to protect your child when they are online, especially when they use online social networking websites.

Online social networking websites? What are they? If you are not an internet user yourself, you may be completely unaware of social networking websites, what they are, and how they operate. The first step in protecting your teen is to famialrize yourself with them. Social networking websites are known as online communities that aim to connect internet users with each other. Unfortunately, these social networks have become the stomping grounds for many online predators and who are they after? Teenagers and chances are your teen may be one of them.

When it comes to protecting your child, your first thought may be to prohibit the use of online networking websites. Of course, you can do this if you want to. You are the parent, you can do anything that you want; however, there is really no need to. Despite the fact that danger exists, social networking sites are relatively safe, even for teenagers. However, to be safe and stay safe, your teenager needs to know what to avoid and who to be on the lookout for. Essentially, this means that they best way to protect your child from online predators is to educate them on the danger that is out there.

One of the first things that you may want to discuss with your child is who they are talking with online. Although they may not want to give you an answer, you need to emphasize the importance of knowing who they are talking to. Since social networks work to connect individuals who do not physically know each other it may seem impossible, but it can be done. Your child should fully read and try to understand the content of their friend’s online profiles. This will enable them to watch out for inconsistent stories or any inaccurate information. Tell your teen that if they learn that someone is being untruthful they need to end the conversation right away.

In addition to who your teen is taking to, it is also important to learn what they are talking about. As with who they are talking to, your teenager may not want to give you a straight answer. Even if you are unable to get an answer out of them it is important to let them know what is appropriate and what is not. Be sure they know that it is best to completely avoid individuals who like to speak of sex, drugs, and other illegal activities. Although they may enjoy having a number of online friends, there are plenty of other individuals, especially teenagers, who would more than willing to have pleasant and harmless conversations with them.
Perhaps, the most important thing to discuss with your teenager about social networking sites is arranging physical meetings. Let them know that these meeting are unacceptable. There have been numerous reports, over the past few years, of teenagers being lured away from their home in hopes of meeting a new friend, who they thought was their age. Unfortunately, many of these online friends turn out to be older and, in many cases, sexual predators. In the event that your teenager wants to meet an online friend and you feel that they would with or without your permission, you may want to offer to go with them. Of course, it is advised that you use caution and all meet in a public place.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, your child should still be able to use social network sites, but use them safely. In addition to the above mentioned safety concerns and precautionary measures, you may have your own. Whether you do or not, it is important that you keep your child aware of the dangers that lurk online, awareness is the key
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Popular Social Networking Websites

Do you love using the internet to meet and talk to new people? If so, there is a good chance that you have heard of social networking websites before. If you have not, you will want to familiarize yourself with them because they are rapidly becoming the most popular way to communicate with others online.

If you weren’t already aware, social networking websites are website that essentially act as an internet communities. While all social networking websites have their own rules and restrictions, many websites operate in a similar way, with similar goals. Their goals are to allow internet users to connect with other internet users online, often from all around the world. What is nice about social networking websites is that they come in a wide variety of different forms. There are many websites that are considered “general,” websites. These websites do not really have any particular focus, but there are social networking websites that do have a particular focus. Those focuses often include dating, religion, and school.

If online social networking seems interesting to you, you will have to find a community to join. You can easily do this a number of different ways. By speaking to those that you know, on and offline, you could be alerted to popular social networking websites. You can also find these websites on your own by performing a standard internet search. Whether you perform your own search or rely on recommendations from others, it is likely that you will find a fairly large number of social networking websites. Just a few of those websites that may find include Classmates, Orkut, Yahoo! 360, and MySpace.

Orkut is Google’s version of a social networking website. This website was created and officially launched in 2004. Orkut has a large number of member, form all around the world. What is nice about Orkut is that the system is easy to use, that is once you get in. To protect their social networking communities, a large number of social networking websites, including Orkut, have restricted access to the site. If you are interested in joining Orkut you must know someone who is already a member and they must invite you to join the community. If you do not personally know any Orkut member, there is a good chance that you could connect with and obtain an invitation from someone you meet online.

Classmates is an online social networking website that is rapidly increasing in popularity. This website focuses on connecting long lost friends or old classmates. Classmates is free to use, but you must become a paying member to enjoy many of their member benefits. These benefits include, but are not limited to, searching for old classmates, reading their profiles, requesting more information from your classmates, or even contacting them.

MySpace is another popular social networking website that can be found online. In fact, MySpace is known as being the most popular online social networking website. They currently have over one hundred million members! MySpace, like many other social networking websites allows you to create your own profile, in fact, your own personal page. Once your page has been created, you can easily invite other members to become a member of your network and visa versa. In addition to having a traditional profile page, with your personal information, you can also display a large number of pictures, video clips, and music clips. Although there are a number of features that makes MySpace so popular, the most popular reason for its popularity is that fact that it is completely free to use.

As previously mentioned, MySpace, Classmates, and Orkut are just a few of the many social networking websites that you can find online. Additional sites include FriendFinder, Yahoo! 360, and more. To learn more about each of these sites or to join their community, you are advised to visit their online websites and request additional information. You should be able to find these websites by performing a standard internet search.

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Making the Most Out of Social Networking Websites

Do you belong to an online social networking website? With their recent rise in popularity there is a good chance that you do. However, it is one thing to be a community member and another to actually participate in online discussions, as well as the many other network features. That is why it is advised that you learn how to make the most out of your social networking experience.

Many internet users already think that they know everything that they need to know about their social networking community. Unfortunately, not everyone does. In fact, you can find numerous posts online of people ranting or stating that they wished that their social networking website, such as Yahoo! 360, MySpace, Orkut, FriendWise, or FriendFinder, has a particular service and feature. Too many times, those posters did not look before they started speaking because, as it turns out, many social networking websites have what people want, just everyone doesn’t know about it.

The first step, in making the most out of your social networking experience, is to familiarize yourself to the online community or communities that you belong to. This can easily be done by closely examining the website. There are too many internet users who are focused on meeting new friends that they get started right away. While it is nice to start meeting new people right away, it is also nice to know what your social networking site has to offer. This can only be done by closely examining the website. Whether you take one hour or one day examining the website, you will likely be pleased with your decision to do it.

When examining the website of the online community that you belong to, it is advised that you examine the terms of use agreement. This agreement often outlines what you can and cannot do online. Despite the fact that a large number of online networking sites, such as MySpace, have little rules, there are other websites that have them. These rules and restrictions may limit the content that you can have on your site, as well as your pictures, videos, and other media. Many websites, including social networking websites, will terminate your membership if you are found violating these agreements. By reading all of the rules and restrictions of the social networking website you belong to, you should be able to ensure that you can continue to use and enjoy the site.

One of the many benefits to fully examining the social network you belong to is that you could be alerted to network benefits, features, or services that you were previously unaware of. In addition to giving you your own profile page and allowing you to invite other internet users into your network, there are a number of other things that you can do with online social networking websites. A large number of websites have created features and sections that include horoscopes, quizzes, polls, instant massaging, chat rooms, and much more. However, before you make use of these member benefits, you must know that they exist.

If you are interested in making new online friends, it is likely that you have already joined an online social networking community. Whether you are interested in joining more or you are a first time user, you will to carefully choose your networks. By researching each social networking website online, you should easily be able to famialrize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each. And, since most social networking websites are free to use, there are no risks associated with giving the network a try. If you happen to come across a website that requires a paid membership and you would like to try it, you are advised to lookout for free membership plans or free trail periods. They may be able to help you determine whether or not the social networking website that you are interested in joining is worth the cost.

As you can easily see, there are a number of different ways to go about making the most out of your social networking experience. The control is in your hands. It is your decision as to whether or not you want to spend a small amount of time researching your network and everything that it has to offer. However, it is important to note that not doing so may literally mean that you are missing out on all of the fun.

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