Title: Exercise and Children, What You Should Know
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Summary: It is beneficial to your child to partake in a weight training program but here are some things to keep in mind when getting your child into a weight training program.
Keywords: exercise, weight training, muscle growth
Article Body: Your child of lets say eight years old tells you he or she wants to start exercising and that he or she wants to start lifting weights. Now you might want to know if this is really a good idea, if it is safe and if it will benefit your child or if it is not something that is recommended for children to do.
The long and short of it is, yes, it is beneficial to your child to partake in a weight training program but here are some things to keep in mind when getting your child into a weight training program.
Children are not miniature adults and so you cannot use the same methods on growing children as you can with adults as children are different from adults anatomically, physiologically and emotionally. Children have immature skeletons. Their bones do not mature until age 14 to 22 years old. In girls, exercise during childhood can have critical effects on bone health that can last for their whole lives.
Children are often vulnerable to growth related overuse injuries such as Osgood schlatter’s disease. Children have immature temperature regulation systems due to having a large surface area compared to their muscle mass which makes them more susceptible to injury when not properly warmed up.
Children do not sweat as much as adults so they are also more susceptible to heat exhaustion as well as heat stroke. Their low muscle mass and immature hormone system makes it harder for them to develop strength and speed and their breathing and heart responses during exercise are different from an adult’s which affects their capacity for exercise.
Now, boys and girls can greatly improve their strength with weight training but as opposed to adults, neurological factors instead of muscle growth factors are mostly responsible for these gains. When considering a program for a child, medical clearance should be obtained first and foremost. The best first approach for designing a program is to establish a repetition range of 8 to 12 and keep the work load appropriate for that range.
Workouts should be spread out to have at least 1 to 2 full days of rest between each workout and the main focus on every exercise performed should be on form and technique, not on weight lifted. Some guidelines to consider are: warm-up and stretching should be done before weight training. Start with light loads and make appropriate adjustments from there. No more than 3 non-consecutive exercise sessions should be done in a week and see that they drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.
Always remember that if at anytime your child is sick, has an injury of any kind or seems tired or non-energetic, do not have them exercise until you are sure they are better or until they have seen a doctor and have clearance from them.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
entertainment for children
Times are definitely a changing! One cannot argue this for nothing. Just take a look at our youth. Sure, you can rant on all day about how everything is the same as it was back in the 50s, but no one is going to take you seriously. Well, except maybe other folks from that era. In reality things have changed. Were crack dealers pushing their dope outside of your school back in the 50s? I seriously doubt it. Did you know any unfortunate students afflicted with the AIDS virus back then? Don't think so. Like I said, times are different now. I can tell this clear as day when I spot some of the current entertainment for children. Do you have any idea what your children are getting into?
There is good entertainment for children and of course there is bad entertainment for children. This is no big surprise. With all of the film, television, and video games out there now days, there's bound to be some of everything. In my house we take full advantage of the good stuff. My seven year old daughter loves to watch cartoons and Goosebumps. This is totally fine with me. I prefer it over some of the foul media concocted these days. Then there is reading of course. This is always a great entertainment for children if you can get them into it. The trick is finding books they like to read. Let them pick them out by themselves. As long as they're geared toward their age group, it shouldn't be a problem. Again, my daughter loves Goosebumps and other fun stuff like Juniby Jones. I am thankful that she enjoys such simple entertainment for children. There is no real violence or profanity involved.
The poor aspect of entertainment for children is video games. I have to say this hands-down. Now, I do realize that there are some children's video games, and I think these are fine. However, there are also far too many of the "adult video games," and kids everywhere are getting their hands on them. Some of these video games are ridiculously foul with horrific violence, strong language, and abuse. Did you know that some literally have prostitutes and you can beat them? That is unreal and absurd. This is not the right entertainment for children and it never will be. Do you want your second grader playing these?
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There is good entertainment for children and of course there is bad entertainment for children. This is no big surprise. With all of the film, television, and video games out there now days, there's bound to be some of everything. In my house we take full advantage of the good stuff. My seven year old daughter loves to watch cartoons and Goosebumps. This is totally fine with me. I prefer it over some of the foul media concocted these days. Then there is reading of course. This is always a great entertainment for children if you can get them into it. The trick is finding books they like to read. Let them pick them out by themselves. As long as they're geared toward their age group, it shouldn't be a problem. Again, my daughter loves Goosebumps and other fun stuff like Juniby Jones. I am thankful that she enjoys such simple entertainment for children. There is no real violence or profanity involved.
The poor aspect of entertainment for children is video games. I have to say this hands-down. Now, I do realize that there are some children's video games, and I think these are fine. However, there are also far too many of the "adult video games," and kids everywhere are getting their hands on them. Some of these video games are ridiculously foul with horrific violence, strong language, and abuse. Did you know that some literally have prostitutes and you can beat them? That is unreal and absurd. This is not the right entertainment for children and it never will be. Do you want your second grader playing these?
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Friday, March 30, 2012
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It is highly important that a mother should possess such information as will enable her to detect disease at its first appearance, and thus insure for her child timely medical assistance. This knowledge it will not be difficult for her to obtain. She has only to bear in mind what are the indications which constitute health, and she will at once see that all deviations from it must denote the presence of disorder, if not of actual disease. With these changes she must to a certain extent make herself acquainted.
Signs of health. ---------------
The signs of health are to be found, first, in the healthy performance of the various functions of the body; the regular demands made for its supply, neither in excess or deficiency; and a similar regularity in its excretions both in quantity and appearance.
If the figure of the healthy infant is observed, something may be learnt from this. There will be perceived such an universal roundness in all parts of the child's body, that there is no such thing as an angle to be found in the whole figure; whether the limbs are bent or straight, every line forms a portion of a circle. The limbs will feel firm and solid, and unless they are bent, the joints cannot be discovered.
The tongue, even in health, is always white, but it will be free from sores, the skin cool, the eye bright, the complexion clear, the head cool, and the abdomen not projecting too far, the breathing regular, and without effort.
When awake, the infant will be cheerful and sprightly, and, loving to be played with, will often break out into its merry, happy, laugh; whilst, on the other hand, when asleep, it will appear calm, every feature composed, its countenance displaying an expression of happiness, and frequently, perhaps, lit up with a smile.
Just in proportion as the above appearances are present and entire, health may be said to exist; and just in proportion to their partial or total absence disease will have usurped its place.
We will, however, for the sake of clearness examine the signs of disease as they are manifested separately by the countenance, the gestures, in sleep, in the stools, and by the breathing and cough.
Of the countenance. -------------------
In health the countenance of a thild is expressive of serenity in mind and body; but if the child be unwell, this expression will be changed, and in a manner which, to a certain extent, will indicate what part of the system is at fault.
The brows will be contracted, if there is pain, and its seat is in the head. This is frequently the very first outward sign of any thing being wrong, and will occur at the very onset of disease; if therefore remarked at an early period, and proper remedies used, its notice may prevent one of the most fearful of infantile complaints "Water in the Head."
If this sign is passed by unheeded, and the above disease be threatened, soon the eyes will become fixed and staring, the head hot, and moved uneasily from side to side upon the pillow, or lie heavily upon the nurse's arm, the child will start in its sleep, grinding its teeth, and awake alarmed and screaming, its face will be flushed, particularly the cheeks (as if rouged), its hands hot, but feet cold, its bowels obstinately costive, or its motions scanty, dark-coloured, and foul.
If the lips are drawn apart, so as to show the teeth or gums, the seat of the pain is in the belly. This sign, however, will only be present during the actual existence of suffering; if, therefore, there be any doubt whether it exist, press upon the stomach, and watch the eifect on the expression of the countenance.
If the pain arise simply from irritation of the bowels excited from indigestion, it will be temporary, and the sign will go and come just as the spasm may occur, and slight remedial measures will give relief.
If, however, the disease be more serious, and inflammation ensue, this sign will be more constantly present, and soon the countenance will become pale, or sallow and sunken, the child will dread motion, and lie upon its back with the knees bent up to the belly, the tongue will be loaded, and in breathing, while the chest will be seen to heave with more than usual effort, the muscles of the belly will remain perfectly quiescent.
If the nostrils are drawn upwards and in quick motion, pain exists in the chest. This sign, however, will generally be the accompaniment of inflammation of the chest, in which case the countenance will be discoloured, the eyes more or less staring, and the breathing will be difficult and hurried; and if the child's mode of respiring be watched, the chest will be observed to be unmoved, while the belly quickly heaves with every inspiration.
Convulsions are generally preceded by some changes in the countenance. The upper lip will be drawn up, and is occasionally bluish or livid. Then there may be slight squinting, or a singular rotation of the eye upon its own axis; alternate flushing or paleness of the face; and sudden animation followed by languor.
These signs will sometimes manifest themselves many hours, nay days, before the attack occurs; may be looked upon as premonitory; and if timely noticed, and suitable medical aid resorted to, the occurrence of a fit may be altogether prevented.
The state of the eyes should always be attended to. In health they are clear and bright, but in disease they become dull, and give a heavy appearance to the countenance; though after long continued irritation they will assume a degree of quickness which is very remarkable, and a sort of pearly brightness which is better known from observation than it can be from description.
The direction of the eyes, too, should be regarded, for from this we may learn something. When the infant is first brought to the light, both eyes are scarcely ever directed to the same object: this occurs without any tendency to disease, and merely proves, that regarding one object with both eyes is only an acquired habit. But when the child has come to that age when the eyes are by habit directed to the same object, and afterwards it loses that power, this circumstance alone may be looked upon as a frequent prelude to disease affecting the head.
Of the gestures. ----------------
The gestures of a healthy child are all easy and natural; but in sickness those deviations occur, which alone will often denote the nature of the disease.
Suppose an infant to have acquired the power to support itself, to hold its head erect; let sickness come, its head will droop immediately, and this power will be lost, only to be regained with the return of health; and during the interval every posture and movement will be that of languor.
The little one that has just taught itself to run alone from chair to chair, having two or three teeth pressing upon and irritating the gums, will for a time be completely taken off its feet, and perhaps lie languidly in its cot, or on its nurse's arm.
The legs being drawn up to the belly, and accompanied by crying, are proofs of disorder and pain in the bowels. Press upon this part, and your pressure will increase the pain. Look to the secretions from the bowels themselves, and by their unhealthy character your suspicions, in reference to the seat of the disorder, are at once confirmed.
The hands of a child in health are rarely carried above its mouth; but let there be any thing wrong about the head and pain present, and the little one's hands will be constantly raised to the head and face.
Sudden starting when awake, as also during sleep, though it occur from trifling causes, should never be disregarded. It is frequently connected with approaching disorder of the brain. It may forebode a convulsive fit, and such suspicion is confirmed, if you find the thumb of the child drawn in and firmly pressed upon the palm, with the fingers so compressed upon it, that the hand cannot be forced open without difficulty. The same condition will exist in the toes, but not to so great a degree; there may also be a puffy state of the back of the hands and feet, and both foot and wrist bent downwards.
There are other and milder signs threatening convulsions and connected with gesture, which should be regarded: the head being drawn rigidly backwards, an arm fixed firmly to the side, or near to it, as also one of the legs drawn stifly upwards. These signs, as also those enumerated above, are confirmed beyond all doubt, if there be present certain alterations in the usual habits of the child: if the sleep is disturbed, if there be frequent fits of crying, great peevishness of temper, the countenance alternately flushed and pale, sudden animation followed by as sudden a fit of languor, catchings of the breath followed by a long and deep inspiration, all so many premonitory symptoms of an approaching attack.
Of the sleep. ------------
The sleep of the infant in health is quiet, composed, and refreshing. In very early infancy, when not at the breast, it is for the most part asleep in its cot; and although as the months advance it sleeps less, yet when the hour for repose arrives, the child is no sooner laid down to rest, than it drops off into a quiet, peaceful slumber.
Not so, if ill. Frequently it will be unwilling to be put into its cot at all, and the nurse will be obliged to take the infant in her arms; it will then sleep but for a short time, and in a restless and disturbed manner.
If it suffer pain, however slight, the countenance will indicate it; and, as when awake, so now, if there is any thing wrong about the head, the contraction of the eye-brow and grinding of the teeth will appear; if any thing wrong about the belly, the lips will be drawn apart, showing the teeth or gums, and in both instances there will be great restlessness and frequent startings.
Of the stools. --------------
In the new-born infant the motions are dark coloured, very much like pitch both in consistence and appearance. The first milk, however, secreted in the mother's breast, acts as an aperient upon the infant's bowels, and thus in about four-and-twenty hours it is cleansed away.
From this time, and through the whole of infancy, the stools will be of a lightish yellow colour, the consistence of thin mustard, having little smell, smooth in appearance, and therefore free from lumps or white curded matter, and passed without pain or any considerable quantity of wind. And as long as the child is in health, it will have daily two or three, or even four, of these evacuations. But as it grows older, they will not be quite so frequent; they will become darker in colour, and more solid, though not so much so as in the adult.
Any deviation, then, from the above characters, is of course a sign of something wrong; and as a deranged condition of the bowels is frequently the first indication we have of coming disease, the nurse should daily be directed to watch the evacuations. Their appearance, colour, and the manner in which discharged, are the points principally to be looked to. If the stools have a very curdy appearance, or are too liquid, or green, or dark-coloured, or smell badly, they are unnatural. And in reference to the manner in which they are discharged, it should be borne in mind, that, in a healthy child, the motion is passed with but little wind, and as if squeezed out, but in disease, it will be thrown out with considerable force, which is a sign of great irritation. The number, too, of stools passed within the four-and- twenty hours it is important to note, so that if the child does not have its accustomed relief, (and it must not be forgotten that children, although in perfect health, differ as to the precise number,)
Of the breathing and cough --------------------------
The breathing of a child in health is formed of equal inspirations and expirations, and it breathes quietly, regularly, inaudibly, and without effort. But let inflammation of the air-tubes or lungs take place, and the inspiration will become in a few hours so quickened and hurried, and perhaps audible, that the attention has only to be directed to the circumstance to be at once perceived.
Now all changes which occur in the breathing from its healthy standard, however slight the shades of difference may be, it is most important should be noticed early. For many of the complaints in the chest, although very formidable in their character, if only seen early by the medical man, may be arrested in their progress; but otherwise, may be beyond the control of art. A parent, therefore, should make herself familiar with the breathing of her child in health, and she will readily mark any change which may arise.
Whenever a child has the symptoms of a common cold, attended by hoarseness and a rough cough, always look upon it with suspicion, and never neglect seeking a medical opinion. Hoarseness does not usually attend a common cold in the child, and these symptoms may be premonitory of an attack of "croup;" a disease excessively rapid in its progress, and which, from the importance of the parts affected, carrying on, as they do, a function indispensably necessary to life, requires the most prompt and decided treatment.
The following observations of Dr. Cheyne are so strikingly illustrative, and so pertinent to my present purpose, that I cannot refrain inserting them: "In the approach of an attack of croup, which almost always takes place in the evening, probably of a day during which the child has been exposed to the weather, and often after catarrhal symptoms have existed for several days, he may be observed to be excited, in variable spirits, more ready than usual to laugh than to cry, a little flushed, occasionally coughing, the sound of the cough being rough, like that which attends the catarrhal stage of the measles. More generally, however, the patient has been for some time in bed and asleep, before the nature of the disease with which he is threatened is apparent; then, perhaps, without waking, he gives a very unusual cough, well known to any one who has witnessed an attack of the croup; it rings as if the child had coughed through a brazen trumpet; it is truly a tussis clangosa; it penetrates the walls and floor of the apartment, and startles the experienced mother, 'Oh! I am afraid our child is taking the croup!' She runs to the nursery, finds her child sleeping softly, and hopes she may be mistaken. But remaining to tend him, before long the ringing cough, a single cough, is repeated again and again; the patient is roused, and then a new symptom is remarked; the sound of his voice is changed; puling, and as if the throat were swelled, it corresponds with the cough," etc.
How important that a mother should be acquainted with the above signs of one of the most terrific complaints to which childhood is subject; for, if she only send for medical assistance during its first stage, the treatment will be almost invariably successful; whereas, if this "golden opportunity" is lost, this disease will seldom yield to the influence of measures, however wisely chosen or perseveringly employed.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Does your child need children s vitamins
Title: Does your child need children's vitamins?
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Summary: You might think that your child gets a balanced, nutrition-rich diet. But is that really so?
Keywords: children't vitamins, glyconutrients, glyconutritonals, eight sugars, AAP
Article Body: This question has been has been tormenting parents all over the world. Yet, there are no easy answers to it. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)says that "a diet based on the Food Guide Pyramid provides adequate amounts of all the vitamins a child needs." But then, there are a lot of other factors that decide whether your child is getting adequate amounts of vitamins, such as the child's eating habits, composition and quality of the diets, etc.
One important thing to note here is that the quality of most foods available now has declined. The only good ones available now are organically grown food. Just look at these figures: the amount of calcium in broccoli has fallen by a whopping 50 per cent, the iron content in watercress is down by a steep 88 per cent, the vitamin C in cauliflower has fallen by a huge 40 per cent... You may not be giving your child the usual fare of refined food spiked with sugar and fat and carbohydrates. Yet, there is no guarantee that he or she is getting her required daily dose of children's vitamins.
Still experts disagree much on this subject of children's vitamins. The AAP advises giving your child a vitamin supplement only if your pediatrician recommends it. That is because most of the daily foods are fortified. However, the AAP acknowledges that a daily dose of children's vitamins won't hurt your child unless it exceeds the recommended daily allowance for any vitamin or mineral. Also, such a daily dose of children's vitamins help fill in any gaps in a child's nutrition, and also helps children who are sensitive to certain foods. What is to be borne in mind here is that children's vitamins cannot replace good food. They can only supplement your child's food. If your child is not eating well, you should not only give him children's vitamin supplements but also take steps to improve his eating habits and his diet.
Oh yes, there is one more reason why you should be giving your children a proper diet. Recent research says diet and behavior are interlinked. The Appleton Central Alternative High School replaced vending machines with water coolers and started offering fresh vegetables, fruits, whole-grain bread and a salad bar in place of the hamburgers and french fries. The result: No longer does a police officer patrol the school's hallways, there is no vandalism, there is no litter.
Go for food-based children's vitamins
Now comes the important question. What kind of children's vitamin should you give your child? You should start with a food-based vitamin. No questions about that. Synthetic vitamins are out. Scientists and doctors now prefer to use natural vitamins. This is where glyconutritionals come in. They are foods and nutritional supplements that provide saccharides along with other glycoforms essential to the body. Glyconutritional blends are made from fruits and vegetables and contain the essential vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients, and provide support for the body's immune system.
The saccharides in glyconutritionals are necessary for proper 'cell-to-cell' communication and helps keep the body's glands and organs functioning well. They also help the immune system and the endocrine system in top order, and the body in optimal health.
Worried about how you will make your child swallow all those pills? Well, children's vitamins and nutritional supplements now come as delicious, multicolored, flavored, chewable tablets. Your children will eat them up just as they eat up the junk foods and candies!
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.funddraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: You might think that your child gets a balanced, nutrition-rich diet. But is that really so?
Keywords: children't vitamins, glyconutrients, glyconutritonals, eight sugars, AAP
Article Body: This question has been has been tormenting parents all over the world. Yet, there are no easy answers to it. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)says that "a diet based on the Food Guide Pyramid provides adequate amounts of all the vitamins a child needs." But then, there are a lot of other factors that decide whether your child is getting adequate amounts of vitamins, such as the child's eating habits, composition and quality of the diets, etc.
One important thing to note here is that the quality of most foods available now has declined. The only good ones available now are organically grown food. Just look at these figures: the amount of calcium in broccoli has fallen by a whopping 50 per cent, the iron content in watercress is down by a steep 88 per cent, the vitamin C in cauliflower has fallen by a huge 40 per cent... You may not be giving your child the usual fare of refined food spiked with sugar and fat and carbohydrates. Yet, there is no guarantee that he or she is getting her required daily dose of children's vitamins.
Still experts disagree much on this subject of children's vitamins. The AAP advises giving your child a vitamin supplement only if your pediatrician recommends it. That is because most of the daily foods are fortified. However, the AAP acknowledges that a daily dose of children's vitamins won't hurt your child unless it exceeds the recommended daily allowance for any vitamin or mineral. Also, such a daily dose of children's vitamins help fill in any gaps in a child's nutrition, and also helps children who are sensitive to certain foods. What is to be borne in mind here is that children's vitamins cannot replace good food. They can only supplement your child's food. If your child is not eating well, you should not only give him children's vitamin supplements but also take steps to improve his eating habits and his diet.
Oh yes, there is one more reason why you should be giving your children a proper diet. Recent research says diet and behavior are interlinked. The Appleton Central Alternative High School replaced vending machines with water coolers and started offering fresh vegetables, fruits, whole-grain bread and a salad bar in place of the hamburgers and french fries. The result: No longer does a police officer patrol the school's hallways, there is no vandalism, there is no litter.
Go for food-based children's vitamins
Now comes the important question. What kind of children's vitamin should you give your child? You should start with a food-based vitamin. No questions about that. Synthetic vitamins are out. Scientists and doctors now prefer to use natural vitamins. This is where glyconutritionals come in. They are foods and nutritional supplements that provide saccharides along with other glycoforms essential to the body. Glyconutritional blends are made from fruits and vegetables and contain the essential vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients, and provide support for the body's immune system.
The saccharides in glyconutritionals are necessary for proper 'cell-to-cell' communication and helps keep the body's glands and organs functioning well. They also help the immune system and the endocrine system in top order, and the body in optimal health.
Worried about how you will make your child swallow all those pills? Well, children's vitamins and nutritional supplements now come as delicious, multicolored, flavored, chewable tablets. Your children will eat them up just as they eat up the junk foods and candies!
Does Your Child Need To Go To Preschool
Title: Does Your Child Need To Go To Preschool?
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: There is a simple answer to this complex question. No.
Children don't need preschool to gain admission to kindergarten or to succeed in life. In fact, the wrong preschool experience could potentially set a child back by creating a negative perception of school, learning, and socializing. However the right preschool experience can give a child a headstart academically and socially over peers without preschool.
In order to make the right choice for your child you need to ...
Keywords: preschool, early childhood, kid, read, alphabet, literacy, book, kindergarten, parent, reading
Article Body: There is a simple answer to this complex question. No.
Children don't need preschool to gain admission to kindergarten or to succeed in life. In fact, the wrong preschool experience could potentially set a child back by creating a negative perception of school, learning, and socializing. However the right preschool experience can give a child a headstart academically and socially over peers without preschool.
In order to make the right choice for your child you need to look at what a preschool program should do for children. Ideally, preschool should help integrate children socially so they learn about the rules and structures of society in general and school society in particular. In addition, preschool helps students begin a foundation of academic knowledge including literacy, numbers, and culture.
The actual content, focus, and structure of preschool programs varies widely from community to community (and often even within communities) but most programs achieve these two primary goals for students. However a parent can easily accomplish similar goals without the confines of a specific preschool program.
Obviously many families need to arrange some type of day care for the preschool age children and if this is the case then it often makes sense to combine day care and preschool. Children who regularly attend day care programs with other children are less likely to need the social aspects of a preschool education. They likely learned how to play with others, the rules of sharing, and how to follow instructions and other key social lessons. Similarly children who belong to a large family or live in a neighborhood where a group of children regularly interact need less social education than children who do not regularly interact with their peers. Parents can replicate these social situations by seeking out play groups and community activities.
It is fairly easy to create a home preschool program for children. There are packaged curriculums available for purchase, materials available from local libraries, and information available on the internet. You can choose a program created entirely by someone else or create your own individual program to suit you and your child. Some television programs even offer additional material on the internet to supplement programming that would be suitable for a homeschooling project.
A motivated parent can certainly create a quality preschool program for their child that exceeds the results of any professional program. It is simply important to keep in mind your primary goals. What do you want your child to learn? What skills do you want your child to master? Do you simply want to prepare your child for kindergarten or do you have more advanced goals in mind?
The right preschool program can definitely give children a head start on long-term educational success, but not all programs are created equal and sometimes even a wonderful preschool program isn't right for certain children. Some children may benefit more from spending another year or two in a more nurturing atmosphere, such as home or a small day care. When making the preschool decision it is important to consider the individual child as well as the individual programs available. It is not a one-size-fits-all decision.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.funddraiser.deco-craft.com
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: There is a simple answer to this complex question. No.
Children don't need preschool to gain admission to kindergarten or to succeed in life. In fact, the wrong preschool experience could potentially set a child back by creating a negative perception of school, learning, and socializing. However the right preschool experience can give a child a headstart academically and socially over peers without preschool.
In order to make the right choice for your child you need to ...
Keywords: preschool, early childhood, kid, read, alphabet, literacy, book, kindergarten, parent, reading
Article Body: There is a simple answer to this complex question. No.
Children don't need preschool to gain admission to kindergarten or to succeed in life. In fact, the wrong preschool experience could potentially set a child back by creating a negative perception of school, learning, and socializing. However the right preschool experience can give a child a headstart academically and socially over peers without preschool.
In order to make the right choice for your child you need to look at what a preschool program should do for children. Ideally, preschool should help integrate children socially so they learn about the rules and structures of society in general and school society in particular. In addition, preschool helps students begin a foundation of academic knowledge including literacy, numbers, and culture.
The actual content, focus, and structure of preschool programs varies widely from community to community (and often even within communities) but most programs achieve these two primary goals for students. However a parent can easily accomplish similar goals without the confines of a specific preschool program.
Obviously many families need to arrange some type of day care for the preschool age children and if this is the case then it often makes sense to combine day care and preschool. Children who regularly attend day care programs with other children are less likely to need the social aspects of a preschool education. They likely learned how to play with others, the rules of sharing, and how to follow instructions and other key social lessons. Similarly children who belong to a large family or live in a neighborhood where a group of children regularly interact need less social education than children who do not regularly interact with their peers. Parents can replicate these social situations by seeking out play groups and community activities.
It is fairly easy to create a home preschool program for children. There are packaged curriculums available for purchase, materials available from local libraries, and information available on the internet. You can choose a program created entirely by someone else or create your own individual program to suit you and your child. Some television programs even offer additional material on the internet to supplement programming that would be suitable for a homeschooling project.
A motivated parent can certainly create a quality preschool program for their child that exceeds the results of any professional program. It is simply important to keep in mind your primary goals. What do you want your child to learn? What skills do you want your child to master? Do you simply want to prepare your child for kindergarten or do you have more advanced goals in mind?
The right preschool program can definitely give children a head start on long-term educational success, but not all programs are created equal and sometimes even a wonderful preschool program isn't right for certain children. Some children may benefit more from spending another year or two in a more nurturing atmosphere, such as home or a small day care. When making the preschool decision it is important to consider the individual child as well as the individual programs available. It is not a one-size-fits-all decision.
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Does Your Child Have Constipation
Title: Does Your Child Have Constipation?
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Child have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they don't like to eat food that has a lot of fiber - vegetables and more vegetables. Learn how you can you can minimize or eliminate your child's constipation problem.
Keywords: constipation, child constipation, children constipation, bowel movements
Article Body: Child have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they don't like to eat food that has a lot of fiber - vegetables and more vegetables. Children with constipation can use the same natural remedies as adults, but in lesser amounts.
You can use these guidelines for children 3 and older. Children should have a bowel movement everyday. It would be best for them to have at least two, if they are eating three meals a day. If your child is having three or less bowel movement per week, it is time to get worried and take action.
If you use some natural remedies, and your child still has only 3 or less bowel movements per week, then its time for you to take your child to see a doctor. Continual constipation can reflect a more serious condition, especially if your child is eating the foods that promote natural bowel movements.
Here is a list of things that you can do for your child with constipation. In fact, these recommendations are also good for you if you have constipation.
1. Drink more water - children are very active and will perspire more than an adult during the day and lose water. If the body needs water it will take from the stools and make them hard and difficult to expel. 2. Eat more fiber - fruits and vegetables is where the fiber is. Using artificial fiber and laxative products is not a good idea. The body can become dependent on these products and lose its bowel sensitive and colon wall tone. 3. Having a bowel movement when it is time - teach your children to go to the bathroom when they get the urge. A lot of times they will put it off if they are playing or doing something they like. Putting it off will de-sensitize the colon and it will stop giving the bowel movement signal after a time. This will lead to constipation. 4. Use natural products that promote bowel movements - there are many fruits and vegetables that promote bowel movements. Use these as snacks. In cases where you use a natural remedy that is bitter, remind your child that it is medicine to help them go to the bathroom more frequently.
Drinking Water
Have your constipated child drink more water throughout the day. Use distilled water. Minimize the use of sodas, tea, and sweeten juices, as these are not water. Eating fruits and vegetable provide the body with distilled water since they contain up to 70% water. Drink unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices provide water and promote bowel movements.
Eating Fruits and Vegetables
The best time to give your child fruits is in the morning. From the time they wake up to noontime is when the body is detoxifying. Heavy foods like meat, milk, cereal, and eggs hinder the detoxifying process. Fruits and their juices accelerate the detoxifying process and promote bowel movement, provided no protein or carbohydrates are eaten. A good breakfast is simply a bowel of fruit. A glass of juice can also be provided.
When in season use a big bowl of watermelon and cantaloupe slices. Otherwise, use a variety of seasonal fruits. Use fruits as a snack between meals. But do not give fruits after a meal as desert. Wait 2-3 hours after a meal before giving fruit. This helps digestion and promotes bowel movements.
Vegetables should be eaten with each meal at noontime and dinner. Vegetables provide water, fiber, and an array of minerals and vitamins necessary for good digestion and colon function.
To make the salad more appealing for your child add raisins or pieces of apple to it.
Look to my other articles for Natural Constipation Remedies. Use those that I discuss. For a child, any herbal products that are used as a constipation remedy should be used at 1/3 the amount listed for an adult.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Child have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they don't like to eat food that has a lot of fiber - vegetables and more vegetables. Learn how you can you can minimize or eliminate your child's constipation problem.
Keywords: constipation, child constipation, children constipation, bowel movements
Article Body: Child have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they don't like to eat food that has a lot of fiber - vegetables and more vegetables. Children with constipation can use the same natural remedies as adults, but in lesser amounts.
You can use these guidelines for children 3 and older. Children should have a bowel movement everyday. It would be best for them to have at least two, if they are eating three meals a day. If your child is having three or less bowel movement per week, it is time to get worried and take action.
If you use some natural remedies, and your child still has only 3 or less bowel movements per week, then its time for you to take your child to see a doctor. Continual constipation can reflect a more serious condition, especially if your child is eating the foods that promote natural bowel movements.
Here is a list of things that you can do for your child with constipation. In fact, these recommendations are also good for you if you have constipation.
1. Drink more water - children are very active and will perspire more than an adult during the day and lose water. If the body needs water it will take from the stools and make them hard and difficult to expel. 2. Eat more fiber - fruits and vegetables is where the fiber is. Using artificial fiber and laxative products is not a good idea. The body can become dependent on these products and lose its bowel sensitive and colon wall tone. 3. Having a bowel movement when it is time - teach your children to go to the bathroom when they get the urge. A lot of times they will put it off if they are playing or doing something they like. Putting it off will de-sensitize the colon and it will stop giving the bowel movement signal after a time. This will lead to constipation. 4. Use natural products that promote bowel movements - there are many fruits and vegetables that promote bowel movements. Use these as snacks. In cases where you use a natural remedy that is bitter, remind your child that it is medicine to help them go to the bathroom more frequently.
Drinking Water
Have your constipated child drink more water throughout the day. Use distilled water. Minimize the use of sodas, tea, and sweeten juices, as these are not water. Eating fruits and vegetable provide the body with distilled water since they contain up to 70% water. Drink unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices provide water and promote bowel movements.
Eating Fruits and Vegetables
The best time to give your child fruits is in the morning. From the time they wake up to noontime is when the body is detoxifying. Heavy foods like meat, milk, cereal, and eggs hinder the detoxifying process. Fruits and their juices accelerate the detoxifying process and promote bowel movement, provided no protein or carbohydrates are eaten. A good breakfast is simply a bowel of fruit. A glass of juice can also be provided.
When in season use a big bowl of watermelon and cantaloupe slices. Otherwise, use a variety of seasonal fruits. Use fruits as a snack between meals. But do not give fruits after a meal as desert. Wait 2-3 hours after a meal before giving fruit. This helps digestion and promotes bowel movements.
Vegetables should be eaten with each meal at noontime and dinner. Vegetables provide water, fiber, and an array of minerals and vitamins necessary for good digestion and colon function.
To make the salad more appealing for your child add raisins or pieces of apple to it.
Look to my other articles for Natural Constipation Remedies. Use those that I discuss. For a child, any herbal products that are used as a constipation remedy should be used at 1/3 the amount listed for an adult.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Does my Child need Therapy
Title: Does my Child need Therapy?
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Today, it is hard to determine if you should be providing child therapy to your child. It is very difficult for parents to think that there may be a problem with their baby. After all, up until the teen years hit, they allowed you to take care of them. They told you when things were not okay. You dealt with their needs throughout their life. But, now, you need to wonder if you should be providing teen therapy for them. To really know if your child needs help, ask yourself these questions.
Keywords: teens,therapy,health,troubled teens,struggling teens
Article Body: Today, it is hard to determine if you should be providing child therapy to your child. It is very difficult for parents to think that there may be a problem with their baby. After all, up until the teen years hit, they allowed you to take care of them. They told you when things were not okay. You dealt with their needs throughout their life. But, now, you need to wonder if you should be providing teen therapy for them. To really know if your child needs help, ask yourself these questions.
What has changed about my child that has me concerned? If you are worried about their physical health, there is no doubt that you would recommend that they work with a doctor, right? So, if it is their emotional health that may be a problem, you need to get them the teen therapy they need. Does your child have problems with eating, socializing or does he have behavior problems at school? Acting out in any of these areas is not normal. If your child is having problems, especially at school, child therapy can help.
Do you know that your child is drinking, doing drugs, engaging in sex, or is depressed? If you know this is the case, there is no doubt you need to get them into teen therapy before these circumstances ruin their lives. If you know about it, then it has probably gotten far out of hand. Do you want them to have the best ability to make the right choices? Even if you do not feel your child has any problems, teen therapy can help to encourage things to stay that way.
Child therapy can be a blessing for a child. Even if they hate it and do not want to go, it can help them to realize that you care about their well being. It will help them to know what to do and how to react in their lives. Hearing from another adult what is right or wrong helps to strengthen their understanding and their belief in you. Teen therapy should not be a punishment then, but a way to get your child to safety.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Today, it is hard to determine if you should be providing child therapy to your child. It is very difficult for parents to think that there may be a problem with their baby. After all, up until the teen years hit, they allowed you to take care of them. They told you when things were not okay. You dealt with their needs throughout their life. But, now, you need to wonder if you should be providing teen therapy for them. To really know if your child needs help, ask yourself these questions.
Keywords: teens,therapy,health,troubled teens,struggling teens
Article Body: Today, it is hard to determine if you should be providing child therapy to your child. It is very difficult for parents to think that there may be a problem with their baby. After all, up until the teen years hit, they allowed you to take care of them. They told you when things were not okay. You dealt with their needs throughout their life. But, now, you need to wonder if you should be providing teen therapy for them. To really know if your child needs help, ask yourself these questions.
What has changed about my child that has me concerned? If you are worried about their physical health, there is no doubt that you would recommend that they work with a doctor, right? So, if it is their emotional health that may be a problem, you need to get them the teen therapy they need. Does your child have problems with eating, socializing or does he have behavior problems at school? Acting out in any of these areas is not normal. If your child is having problems, especially at school, child therapy can help.
Do you know that your child is drinking, doing drugs, engaging in sex, or is depressed? If you know this is the case, there is no doubt you need to get them into teen therapy before these circumstances ruin their lives. If you know about it, then it has probably gotten far out of hand. Do you want them to have the best ability to make the right choices? Even if you do not feel your child has any problems, teen therapy can help to encourage things to stay that way.
Child therapy can be a blessing for a child. Even if they hate it and do not want to go, it can help them to realize that you care about their well being. It will help them to know what to do and how to react in their lives. Hearing from another adult what is right or wrong helps to strengthen their understanding and their belief in you. Teen therapy should not be a punishment then, but a way to get your child to safety.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Disabled Children and Commercial Playground Equipment
Title: Disabled Children and Commercial Playground Equipment
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: "Play is an important part of your child’s physical, social, intellectual and emotional development," according to KidsHealth.org. Here at Creative Recreational Systems, we believe that children of all ages and disabilities should enjoy the same quality playground experience. This is why we work hard to comply with ADA requirements and safety guidelines...
Keywords: ada playground equipment, ada safety surfacing, disabled children, commercial playground equipment
Article Body: "Play is an important part of your child’s physical, social, intellectual and emotional development," according to KidsHealth.org. Here at Creative Recreational Systems, we believe that children of all ages and disabilities should enjoy the same quality playground experience. This is why we work hard to comply with ADA requirements and safety guidelines.
Safety experts suggest that the safest surfacing for playgrounds is either wood chips or rubber surfacing. However, wood chips do not provide a sturdy enough surface for wheelchairs to maneuver. ASTM standards state that for wheelchair access, surfaces are required to be "firm, stable, and slip resistant" as specified in ADAAG. This is why Creative Systems specializes in SofTile surfacing, a surface that is durable enough to withstand weather and wear, soft enough to cushion, and sturdy enough to provide easy wheelchair access. We supply and install ADA compatible ramps so that your playground can be fully accessible to those disabled. We also offer a large variety of playground equipment which we can personalize and combine to meet your unique needs. We supply ground level play components, such as swings and stand alone climbers, to accommodate ground play for disabled children. Our elevated play components also meet ADA requirements by being wheelchair accessible.
Many of our site furnishings also meet ADA standards. We offer ADA compliant picnic tables that provide easy wheelchair access at both ends, as well as rounded corners for added safety. When possible, we try to exceed the ADA guidelines to provide increased accessibility and opportunities. At Creative Systems, we strive to give all children a fulfilling, educational, fun, and overall safe environment in which to play.
For more information on products like this go to http://www.creativesystems.com
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: "Play is an important part of your child’s physical, social, intellectual and emotional development," according to KidsHealth.org. Here at Creative Recreational Systems, we believe that children of all ages and disabilities should enjoy the same quality playground experience. This is why we work hard to comply with ADA requirements and safety guidelines...
Keywords: ada playground equipment, ada safety surfacing, disabled children, commercial playground equipment
Article Body: "Play is an important part of your child’s physical, social, intellectual and emotional development," according to KidsHealth.org. Here at Creative Recreational Systems, we believe that children of all ages and disabilities should enjoy the same quality playground experience. This is why we work hard to comply with ADA requirements and safety guidelines.
Safety experts suggest that the safest surfacing for playgrounds is either wood chips or rubber surfacing. However, wood chips do not provide a sturdy enough surface for wheelchairs to maneuver. ASTM standards state that for wheelchair access, surfaces are required to be "firm, stable, and slip resistant" as specified in ADAAG. This is why Creative Systems specializes in SofTile surfacing, a surface that is durable enough to withstand weather and wear, soft enough to cushion, and sturdy enough to provide easy wheelchair access. We supply and install ADA compatible ramps so that your playground can be fully accessible to those disabled. We also offer a large variety of playground equipment which we can personalize and combine to meet your unique needs. We supply ground level play components, such as swings and stand alone climbers, to accommodate ground play for disabled children. Our elevated play components also meet ADA requirements by being wheelchair accessible.
Many of our site furnishings also meet ADA standards. We offer ADA compliant picnic tables that provide easy wheelchair access at both ends, as well as rounded corners for added safety. When possible, we try to exceed the ADA guidelines to provide increased accessibility and opportunities. At Creative Systems, we strive to give all children a fulfilling, educational, fun, and overall safe environment in which to play.
For more information on products like this go to http://www.creativesystems.com
Monday, March 26, 2012
Do Children Need Vitamins
Title: Do Children Need Vitamins?
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: probably won't surprise you that experts disagree on whether or not children should take vitamins.
Keywords: nutrition, multi vitamins
Article Body: It probably won't surprise you that experts disagree on whether or not children should take vitamins. On one side of the debate are medical experts who believe that children obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals from their diet. On the flip side are medical professionals who view the need for vitamin supplementation for adults to be the same for children. Experts with this belief recognize that children, like adults, don't always consume the foods they need to obtain sufficient nutrients.
For example, children commonly have an aversion to vegetables, such as broccoli. Children may also have health conditions that prevent them from consuming a particular food. In these cases, children may not obtain sufficient amounts of nutrients. This concern is significant for children because the nutrients are imperative to their growth.
One element that is significant to a child's growth is fluoride. Fluoride contributes to healthy teeth and bones. Most children obtain all the fluoride they need from drinking water. However, the growing popularity of bottled water places many children at risk of fluoride deficiency. There are also many communities that use non-fluoridated drinking water. Children older than six months who are affected by these situations are good candidates for fluoride supplementation. Parents should inform their medical doctor of these circumstances so that the physician can possibly recommend fluoride vitamins for the child.
Similar to fluoride, calcium is another mineral that children need for strong teeth and bones. Children rarely have a calcium deficiency. There are, however, a small percentage of children who do not obtain the recommended amount of calcium for their age group (from 800-1399 milligrams). These children either have an allergy or consuming dairy products or are vegetarians who do not consume dairy products.
Deciding to supplement a child's diet with vitamins is not a decision that parents should make alone. While an excess of most vitamins in adults may cause mild side effects, children may experience more severe side effects. In addition, vitamins for children often look like candy and should be stored in a location out of the reach of children to prevent overdose.
To check out the supplement we take daily and highly recommend, be sure to check out http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com/what-we-use.html
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: probably won't surprise you that experts disagree on whether or not children should take vitamins.
Keywords: nutrition, multi vitamins
Article Body: It probably won't surprise you that experts disagree on whether or not children should take vitamins. On one side of the debate are medical experts who believe that children obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals from their diet. On the flip side are medical professionals who view the need for vitamin supplementation for adults to be the same for children. Experts with this belief recognize that children, like adults, don't always consume the foods they need to obtain sufficient nutrients.
For example, children commonly have an aversion to vegetables, such as broccoli. Children may also have health conditions that prevent them from consuming a particular food. In these cases, children may not obtain sufficient amounts of nutrients. This concern is significant for children because the nutrients are imperative to their growth.
One element that is significant to a child's growth is fluoride. Fluoride contributes to healthy teeth and bones. Most children obtain all the fluoride they need from drinking water. However, the growing popularity of bottled water places many children at risk of fluoride deficiency. There are also many communities that use non-fluoridated drinking water. Children older than six months who are affected by these situations are good candidates for fluoride supplementation. Parents should inform their medical doctor of these circumstances so that the physician can possibly recommend fluoride vitamins for the child.
Similar to fluoride, calcium is another mineral that children need for strong teeth and bones. Children rarely have a calcium deficiency. There are, however, a small percentage of children who do not obtain the recommended amount of calcium for their age group (from 800-1399 milligrams). These children either have an allergy or consuming dairy products or are vegetarians who do not consume dairy products.
Deciding to supplement a child's diet with vitamins is not a decision that parents should make alone. While an excess of most vitamins in adults may cause mild side effects, children may experience more severe side effects. In addition, vitamins for children often look like candy and should be stored in a location out of the reach of children to prevent overdose.
To check out the supplement we take daily and highly recommend, be sure to check out http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com/what-we-use.html
Digestive Disorder Linked to Some Children s Allergies
Title: Digestive Disorder Linked to Some Children's Allergies
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Allergies can cause reactions to anything from pollen to pet dander to peanut butter. While it's not uncommon for children to be allergic to some foods, imagine being a child like 5-year-old Charlie Mays, who is allergic to most foods. Charlie has never even been able to enjoy his own birthday cake.
Keywords: Digestive Disorder Linked to Some Children's Allergies
Article Body: Allergies can cause reactions to anything from pollen to pet dander to peanut butter. While it's not uncommon for children to be allergic to some foods, imagine being a child like 5-year-old Charlie Mays, who is allergic to most foods. Charlie has never even been able to enjoy his own birthday cake.
"At 2 months old, Charlie began vomiting regularly," said Beth Mays, Charlie's mother. "He got to a point where he was vomiting 10 to 20 times a day."
Charlie suffers from an eosinophil-associated gastrointestinal disorder, commonly referred to as EGID. He and a growing number of children like him have life-altering allergic reactions when they eat certain foods.
According to Dr. Marc Rothenberg at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital, there are tens of thousands of people in the United States who have EGID, but most probably have gone undiagnosed. Often, EGID is misdiagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Signs of EGID include nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, food sticking in the throat, and the failure to grow and thrive.
Children like Charlie who suffer from EGID rely on a special hypoallergenic elemental formula to keep them nourished, and some are fed through a tube that goes directly into their stomachs. Ross Pediatrics makes such a formula, called EleCare, which provides all of the proper nutrients children with EGID need to grow and thrive during their developmental years.
"When Charlie started on EleCare, I felt like I met my son for the first time," Beth Mays said. "He was able to enjoy his life because he no longer lived in pain."
Doctors continue to look for answers as to why EGID cases have increased in the past few years and how to treat and cure children with this disorder.
"In the year 2005, we really have established that this disease is not uncommon," said Rothenberg.
In children, the most important impact is helping them to grow and develop normally.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Allergies can cause reactions to anything from pollen to pet dander to peanut butter. While it's not uncommon for children to be allergic to some foods, imagine being a child like 5-year-old Charlie Mays, who is allergic to most foods. Charlie has never even been able to enjoy his own birthday cake.
Keywords: Digestive Disorder Linked to Some Children's Allergies
Article Body: Allergies can cause reactions to anything from pollen to pet dander to peanut butter. While it's not uncommon for children to be allergic to some foods, imagine being a child like 5-year-old Charlie Mays, who is allergic to most foods. Charlie has never even been able to enjoy his own birthday cake.
"At 2 months old, Charlie began vomiting regularly," said Beth Mays, Charlie's mother. "He got to a point where he was vomiting 10 to 20 times a day."
Charlie suffers from an eosinophil-associated gastrointestinal disorder, commonly referred to as EGID. He and a growing number of children like him have life-altering allergic reactions when they eat certain foods.
According to Dr. Marc Rothenberg at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital, there are tens of thousands of people in the United States who have EGID, but most probably have gone undiagnosed. Often, EGID is misdiagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Signs of EGID include nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, food sticking in the throat, and the failure to grow and thrive.
Children like Charlie who suffer from EGID rely on a special hypoallergenic elemental formula to keep them nourished, and some are fed through a tube that goes directly into their stomachs. Ross Pediatrics makes such a formula, called EleCare, which provides all of the proper nutrients children with EGID need to grow and thrive during their developmental years.
"When Charlie started on EleCare, I felt like I met my son for the first time," Beth Mays said. "He was able to enjoy his life because he no longer lived in pain."
Doctors continue to look for answers as to why EGID cases have increased in the past few years and how to treat and cure children with this disorder.
"In the year 2005, we really have established that this disease is not uncommon," said Rothenberg.
In children, the most important impact is helping them to grow and develop normally.
Cooking with Children
Cooking with Children
I am fairly certain that most of us have either seen or at the very least heard of the hit situation comedy "Married with Children" that dominated television for quite a few years and is still shown in syndication in many markets around the world. There are some wonderful insights that are shown by this often dysfunctional family and a few pearls to bring into your every day lives. The same can be said when it comes to cooking with children.
There is little on this earth that can teach you about yourself and the way your children view you as easily as cooking with your children. Of course, this is the perfect opportunity for many of us to let our hair down a little, relax, and have fun in the kitchen. Unfortunately, if you are anything like me, this is a difficult process to say the least. I am a bit of a control freak in my kitchen. It is my domain or sovereign territory so to speak. For this reason it is difficult to give up that little bit of control and hand over the reigns to any one of my children.
On the other hand, I know they are learning important skills that they honestly need to know in life. This knowledge of course doesn't make it any less difficult when I'm scraping tomato sauce out of places I would never have thought to discover it on my own. If you are considering cooking with children you need to make sure you have the proper ingredients on hand before beginning. You certainly do not want to be caught without that cup full of patience you will be requiring nor do you wish to need to leave in the middle of things for a run to the local grocery store to pick up the missing ingredients.
Another great rule of thumb when it comes to cooking with children is the KISS rule. Keep it simple silly. This rule will help out more than you ever realize. First of all, most children have relatively short attention spans. While they want to learn and help mommy out, they also do not want to have enough time to get bored with the details. Use simple recipes when cooking with children and your chances for success will be much greater than with overly complicated or ingredient intense recipes.
As if this wasn't enough to absorb another very important rule when it comes to cooking with children is to clean as you go whenever possible. Trust me on this. While there is part of you who will want to put off the task of cleaning the messes that are made until later, or wait till the end and only clean once, this allows the opportunity for messes to layer and compound themselves. Constantly clean throughout the process for the best possible results. You should enlist your children in the cleaning process as well. While it may be easier to do yourself, it is far more important to teach them the basics of cleaning as you go. Remember one day they will more than likely invade your kitchen while you're not looking.
Cooking with children can be an incredible way to have a fun day if you are able to let go of the control that you too often hold over the kitchen. Give over the keys to your kingdom for a day of fun and frolicking among the flour and sugar and see just how many wonderful memories you can make with your little ones along the way.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
I am fairly certain that most of us have either seen or at the very least heard of the hit situation comedy "Married with Children" that dominated television for quite a few years and is still shown in syndication in many markets around the world. There are some wonderful insights that are shown by this often dysfunctional family and a few pearls to bring into your every day lives. The same can be said when it comes to cooking with children.
There is little on this earth that can teach you about yourself and the way your children view you as easily as cooking with your children. Of course, this is the perfect opportunity for many of us to let our hair down a little, relax, and have fun in the kitchen. Unfortunately, if you are anything like me, this is a difficult process to say the least. I am a bit of a control freak in my kitchen. It is my domain or sovereign territory so to speak. For this reason it is difficult to give up that little bit of control and hand over the reigns to any one of my children.
On the other hand, I know they are learning important skills that they honestly need to know in life. This knowledge of course doesn't make it any less difficult when I'm scraping tomato sauce out of places I would never have thought to discover it on my own. If you are considering cooking with children you need to make sure you have the proper ingredients on hand before beginning. You certainly do not want to be caught without that cup full of patience you will be requiring nor do you wish to need to leave in the middle of things for a run to the local grocery store to pick up the missing ingredients.
Another great rule of thumb when it comes to cooking with children is the KISS rule. Keep it simple silly. This rule will help out more than you ever realize. First of all, most children have relatively short attention spans. While they want to learn and help mommy out, they also do not want to have enough time to get bored with the details. Use simple recipes when cooking with children and your chances for success will be much greater than with overly complicated or ingredient intense recipes.
As if this wasn't enough to absorb another very important rule when it comes to cooking with children is to clean as you go whenever possible. Trust me on this. While there is part of you who will want to put off the task of cleaning the messes that are made until later, or wait till the end and only clean once, this allows the opportunity for messes to layer and compound themselves. Constantly clean throughout the process for the best possible results. You should enlist your children in the cleaning process as well. While it may be easier to do yourself, it is far more important to teach them the basics of cleaning as you go. Remember one day they will more than likely invade your kitchen while you're not looking.
Cooking with children can be an incredible way to have a fun day if you are able to let go of the control that you too often hold over the kitchen. Give over the keys to your kingdom for a day of fun and frolicking among the flour and sugar and see just how many wonderful memories you can make with your little ones along the way.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Dieting for Children
Dieting for Children
It is difficult in the world we live in to watch as so many children are literally overburdening their bodies at such young ages by being overweight. These children simply cannot run, jump, and play with the other children because their bodies simply will not allow them to do so. For these children, dieting is almost a necessity despite our best efforts to insulate them from the self-esteem issues that often accompany obesity.
If you have a child that is well outside the normal weight range for his or her age you are the one who must make the efforts and take the necessary steps to insure they shed those pounds in order to live a life that is as close to normal as possible. The first thing you need to do however is consult with your child's doctor about the best possible course of action that will also safeguard the health of your child.
Put quite frankly however, if you do not take the efforts to assist your child in shedding those pounds you are placing the health of your child at risk. We do not let our children play in the street, we don't let them run with knives, why on earth would we allow them to commit suicide by Twinkie? If you have a child that is overweight, the following tips should help you and them with their dieting.
First of all, do not make food a punishment or a reward. Food is part of the problem with your children and you do not need to use it against them. Instead, introduce them to healthy alternatives. Do not keep the junk in the house and do not let them purchase lunch at school. Pack their lunches for school so that you know what they are eating. If you don't give them junk food they cannot have it when at home and you can work to insure that they can't get their hands on junk food when they leave the house.
Incorporate healthy snacks into your families eating plan rather than junk food. Fresh fruit, cut up vegetables, nuts, and frozen yogurt are good healthy snacks for your kids. When in doubt consult the food pyramid but watch calories in the process. You want your children to eat a well balanced diet while eliminating junk food and sweets for the best result.
Cut out the juices and pop. This may be a huge ordeal in your house but the greatest gift you can offer your child is a deep and abiding appreciation for water. Water works to make their bellies feel full and keeps them hydrated for the added activities you should be introducing into their routines.
Have them take dance, take up a sport, or simply get out and run around the yard. The worst thing you can do is to allow your children to become comatose television, computer, or video game zombies. Get them out and get them active. This helps in two ways. First of all, they aren't eating if they are outside playing and having a good time. Second, they are burning calories as they play which is a huge bonus in the dieting process for your children.
As your child begins to take off the weight you should begin to notice a very profound difference in not only the way he or she carries his or herself but also in his or her interactions with others. Your child will experience restored and renewed self-confidence as the pounds come off and the teasing at school stops.
If you are at a complete loss as to how to help your child take the weight off there are camps that are designed specifically to deal with weight issues and building self-esteem in children ages 7-19. One of these camps may be just the answer you are looking for. Another thing to consider is to lead by example. If you don't eat the junk food, if you are active, and if you do not engage in emotional overeating your child will not be learning those behaviors from you or having them reinforced by you.
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It is difficult in the world we live in to watch as so many children are literally overburdening their bodies at such young ages by being overweight. These children simply cannot run, jump, and play with the other children because their bodies simply will not allow them to do so. For these children, dieting is almost a necessity despite our best efforts to insulate them from the self-esteem issues that often accompany obesity.
If you have a child that is well outside the normal weight range for his or her age you are the one who must make the efforts and take the necessary steps to insure they shed those pounds in order to live a life that is as close to normal as possible. The first thing you need to do however is consult with your child's doctor about the best possible course of action that will also safeguard the health of your child.
Put quite frankly however, if you do not take the efforts to assist your child in shedding those pounds you are placing the health of your child at risk. We do not let our children play in the street, we don't let them run with knives, why on earth would we allow them to commit suicide by Twinkie? If you have a child that is overweight, the following tips should help you and them with their dieting.
First of all, do not make food a punishment or a reward. Food is part of the problem with your children and you do not need to use it against them. Instead, introduce them to healthy alternatives. Do not keep the junk in the house and do not let them purchase lunch at school. Pack their lunches for school so that you know what they are eating. If you don't give them junk food they cannot have it when at home and you can work to insure that they can't get their hands on junk food when they leave the house.
Incorporate healthy snacks into your families eating plan rather than junk food. Fresh fruit, cut up vegetables, nuts, and frozen yogurt are good healthy snacks for your kids. When in doubt consult the food pyramid but watch calories in the process. You want your children to eat a well balanced diet while eliminating junk food and sweets for the best result.
Cut out the juices and pop. This may be a huge ordeal in your house but the greatest gift you can offer your child is a deep and abiding appreciation for water. Water works to make their bellies feel full and keeps them hydrated for the added activities you should be introducing into their routines.
Have them take dance, take up a sport, or simply get out and run around the yard. The worst thing you can do is to allow your children to become comatose television, computer, or video game zombies. Get them out and get them active. This helps in two ways. First of all, they aren't eating if they are outside playing and having a good time. Second, they are burning calories as they play which is a huge bonus in the dieting process for your children.
As your child begins to take off the weight you should begin to notice a very profound difference in not only the way he or she carries his or herself but also in his or her interactions with others. Your child will experience restored and renewed self-confidence as the pounds come off and the teasing at school stops.
If you are at a complete loss as to how to help your child take the weight off there are camps that are designed specifically to deal with weight issues and building self-esteem in children ages 7-19. One of these camps may be just the answer you are looking for. Another thing to consider is to lead by example. If you don't eat the junk food, if you are active, and if you do not engage in emotional overeating your child will not be learning those behaviors from you or having them reinforced by you.
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Diabetes Hypoglycemia Doesn t Impaired Cognition In Children with Type 1 Diabetes
Title: Diabetes: Hypoglycemia Doesn't Impaired Cognition In Children with Type 1 Diabetes
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Summary: Under results of a new study, hypoglycemia, which is a drop in levels of blood sugar, and is severe enough to cause seizures or coma in young children with type 1 diabetes (those who develop the disease very early in life) does not appear to result in impairments in mental ability or behavior
Keywords: diabetes
Article Body: Under results of a new study, hypoglycemia, which is a drop in levels of blood sugar, and is severe enough to cause seizures or coma in young children with type 1 diabetes (those who develop the disease very early in life) does not appear to result in impairments in mental ability or behavior.
According to experts and scientific evidence, the hippocampus (a region of the brain) is particularly sensitive to prolonged episodes of severe hypoglycemia. And experts stated that “young children with type 1 diabetes are at greatest risk of severe hypoglycemic events, and this has focused concern on the potential for hypoglycemic insult to impact on central nervous system development”.
After compare 41 type 1 diabetic adolescents and children -who had a history of hypoglycemia with coma or seizure- to 43 similar diabetic subjects but without a history of severe hypoglycemic events, findings demonstrate that a subgroup of patients who had early first seizure showed more episodes of hypoglycemic seizure or coma in comparison to those who experienced a seizure at an older age.
The team applied different tests of learning and memory, but also intellectual and behavioral tests. The astonishing thing is that there were no significant differences between the seizure and no-seizure groups on the intellectual, memory or behavioral measures.
The main conclusion of the report is that results provide “some reassurance to those treating children with type 1 diabetes with intensive treatment that seizures/coma at a young age does not necessarily result in gross cognitive or behavioral impairment”.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Under results of a new study, hypoglycemia, which is a drop in levels of blood sugar, and is severe enough to cause seizures or coma in young children with type 1 diabetes (those who develop the disease very early in life) does not appear to result in impairments in mental ability or behavior
Keywords: diabetes
Article Body: Under results of a new study, hypoglycemia, which is a drop in levels of blood sugar, and is severe enough to cause seizures or coma in young children with type 1 diabetes (those who develop the disease very early in life) does not appear to result in impairments in mental ability or behavior.
According to experts and scientific evidence, the hippocampus (a region of the brain) is particularly sensitive to prolonged episodes of severe hypoglycemia. And experts stated that “young children with type 1 diabetes are at greatest risk of severe hypoglycemic events, and this has focused concern on the potential for hypoglycemic insult to impact on central nervous system development”.
After compare 41 type 1 diabetic adolescents and children -who had a history of hypoglycemia with coma or seizure- to 43 similar diabetic subjects but without a history of severe hypoglycemic events, findings demonstrate that a subgroup of patients who had early first seizure showed more episodes of hypoglycemic seizure or coma in comparison to those who experienced a seizure at an older age.
The team applied different tests of learning and memory, but also intellectual and behavioral tests. The astonishing thing is that there were no significant differences between the seizure and no-seizure groups on the intellectual, memory or behavioral measures.
The main conclusion of the report is that results provide “some reassurance to those treating children with type 1 diabetes with intensive treatment that seizures/coma at a young age does not necessarily result in gross cognitive or behavioral impairment”.
Clinical Manifestations of Appendicitis in Children
Title: Clinical Manifestations of Appendicitis in Children
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Summary: Appendicitis is known to be a surgical disease, as it commonly requires removal of the inflamed vermiform appendix, a tubular prominence of the cecum. Appendicitis occurs due to infection of the vermiform appendix, which becomes enlarged and irritated.
Keywords: treatment for appendicitis, appendicitis, acute appendicitis, symptoms of appendicitis, signs of appendicitis, chronic appendicitis Article Body: Appendicitis is known to be a surgical disease, as it commonly requires removal of the inflamed vermiform appendix, a tubular prominence of the cecum. Appendicitis occurs due to infection of the vermiform appendix, which becomes enlarged and irritated. Doctors consider appendicitis to be a medical emergency and they usually recommend surgery regardless of the actual stage of the disease. Although the surgical treatment for appendicitis is known to be safe and reliable, many patients develop post-operative complications as a consequence of malpractice. There are also various reported cases of unnecessary appendectomy, performed on patients who eventually turn out to have a healthy appendix
While the surgical intervention for appendicitis involves few risks in the early stages of the disease, advanced infection of the vermiform appendix greatly increases the risks of post-operative complications. The removal of a seriously diseased appendix is difficult and risky, as the operated patients can develop sepsis or abcess soon after the surgical intervention. Well aware of this fact, most physicians focus on timely revealing possible symptoms of appendicitis in patients. Guided by the impulse of intervening promptly, some doctors often mistakenly perform surgery on healthy patients. There were various cases of unnecessary appendicitis surgery reported in the last decades and the phenomenon can also be seen in present.
The cases of unnecessary appendicitis surgery can be easily explained by the deceiving nature of this very common disease. Appendicitis often generates unspecific symptoms which can be misleading in the process of deciding upon the correct diagnosis. Appendicitis is commonly mistaken for various other internal disorders that generate resembling symptoms. To further complicate the matter, sometimes patients with appendicitis may actually be asymptomatic. In such cases, the specific manifestations of appendicitis emerge late after the disease becomes serious.
Although doctors can choose among various medical techniques in order to confirm their presumptive diagnosis, none of the tests available nowadays is 100 percent reliable in revealing clear physiological signs of appendicitis. Considering this fact, surgeons incline towards assuming the risk of removing a healthy appendix rather than allowing the disease to progress further. Delayed medical intervention can be fatal for appendicitis sufferers and this is the main reason why surgeons often choose to timely perform appendectomy on patients who present possible clinical symptoms of the disease.
The overall number of cases of unnecessary appendectomy has known a slight decline in recent years. However, statistics indicate that in present more than 9 percent of pediatric appendectomies are performed on patients who actually have a healthy appendix. This is due to the fact that very young children and infants are more difficult to correctly diagnose with appendicitis. By contrast, the cases of unnecessary appendectomy among adult patients are nowadays more rare.
In present, malpractice and misdiagnosis of appendicitis can be considered to be indicators for the lack of precision of the existent medical techniques. Therefore, modern medicine needs new, more reliable means of diagnosing internal disorders such as appendicitis.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: Appendicitis is known to be a surgical disease, as it commonly requires removal of the inflamed vermiform appendix, a tubular prominence of the cecum. Appendicitis occurs due to infection of the vermiform appendix, which becomes enlarged and irritated.
Keywords: treatment for appendicitis, appendicitis, acute appendicitis, symptoms of appendicitis, signs of appendicitis, chronic appendicitis Article Body: Appendicitis is known to be a surgical disease, as it commonly requires removal of the inflamed vermiform appendix, a tubular prominence of the cecum. Appendicitis occurs due to infection of the vermiform appendix, which becomes enlarged and irritated. Doctors consider appendicitis to be a medical emergency and they usually recommend surgery regardless of the actual stage of the disease. Although the surgical treatment for appendicitis is known to be safe and reliable, many patients develop post-operative complications as a consequence of malpractice. There are also various reported cases of unnecessary appendectomy, performed on patients who eventually turn out to have a healthy appendix
While the surgical intervention for appendicitis involves few risks in the early stages of the disease, advanced infection of the vermiform appendix greatly increases the risks of post-operative complications. The removal of a seriously diseased appendix is difficult and risky, as the operated patients can develop sepsis or abcess soon after the surgical intervention. Well aware of this fact, most physicians focus on timely revealing possible symptoms of appendicitis in patients. Guided by the impulse of intervening promptly, some doctors often mistakenly perform surgery on healthy patients. There were various cases of unnecessary appendicitis surgery reported in the last decades and the phenomenon can also be seen in present.
The cases of unnecessary appendicitis surgery can be easily explained by the deceiving nature of this very common disease. Appendicitis often generates unspecific symptoms which can be misleading in the process of deciding upon the correct diagnosis. Appendicitis is commonly mistaken for various other internal disorders that generate resembling symptoms. To further complicate the matter, sometimes patients with appendicitis may actually be asymptomatic. In such cases, the specific manifestations of appendicitis emerge late after the disease becomes serious.
Although doctors can choose among various medical techniques in order to confirm their presumptive diagnosis, none of the tests available nowadays is 100 percent reliable in revealing clear physiological signs of appendicitis. Considering this fact, surgeons incline towards assuming the risk of removing a healthy appendix rather than allowing the disease to progress further. Delayed medical intervention can be fatal for appendicitis sufferers and this is the main reason why surgeons often choose to timely perform appendectomy on patients who present possible clinical symptoms of the disease.
The overall number of cases of unnecessary appendectomy has known a slight decline in recent years. However, statistics indicate that in present more than 9 percent of pediatric appendectomies are performed on patients who actually have a healthy appendix. This is due to the fact that very young children and infants are more difficult to correctly diagnose with appendicitis. By contrast, the cases of unnecessary appendectomy among adult patients are nowadays more rare.
In present, malpractice and misdiagnosis of appendicitis can be considered to be indicators for the lack of precision of the existent medical techniques. Therefore, modern medicine needs new, more reliable means of diagnosing internal disorders such as appendicitis.
Choosing the Right Wheelchair for Your Child
Title: Choosing the Right Wheelchair for Your Child
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Summary: When choosing a wheelchair for your child it is important to consider the child's age, abilities and disabilities. It is also important to consider the child’s personal interest and choice.
Keywords: wheelchair, children, accessories
Article Body: In the past, if a child needed a wheelchair parents would simply buy a large chair and let the child grow into it. This should not be the case. Sitting is important to all children. Since most children attend school, increased attention should be provided to them. If they do not have a comfortable wheelchair to use, they will most likely get discouraged from studying.
Today there are many wheelchair style, colors and features available to meet all the needs of younger users. Many manufacturers have developed wheelchairs that will cater to the changing needs of children. There are several factors that need to be considered when choosing a wheelchair for your child. The first thing you need to consider is the child’s age, abilities and disabilities. It may be in your best interest to consult a professional to decide which type of chair is appropriate for your child. They will determine if your child is suited to use manual chair, powered chair or other wheelchair alternative.
It is likewise important that children and their parents actively participate in the selection process of the wheelchair. They are the individuals most aware of the needs and circumstances in which the wheelchair will be used. So they should work together in choosing the right wheelchair.
There is really no need to rush on buying a chair for your child. It is far better to take sometime than to make a rush decision. You would not want to regret your purchase in the end. That is why it is important that you make an informed decision when it comes to the chair you will use for a considerable amount of time. Realize also that less is more. So use accessories only when necessary. As every wheelchair is as individual as the user, it does not really matter if the chair is really good if it does not fit the child who will use it.
Lastly, it is also important to consider the child’s personal interest and choice. The wheelchair will not simply be something he will need. It will also be an expansion of his personality. Hence, comfort in a wheelchair is more than how it feels to the body. It should also be comfortable to the personality.
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Summary: When choosing a wheelchair for your child it is important to consider the child's age, abilities and disabilities. It is also important to consider the child’s personal interest and choice.
Keywords: wheelchair, children, accessories
Article Body: In the past, if a child needed a wheelchair parents would simply buy a large chair and let the child grow into it. This should not be the case. Sitting is important to all children. Since most children attend school, increased attention should be provided to them. If they do not have a comfortable wheelchair to use, they will most likely get discouraged from studying.
Today there are many wheelchair style, colors and features available to meet all the needs of younger users. Many manufacturers have developed wheelchairs that will cater to the changing needs of children. There are several factors that need to be considered when choosing a wheelchair for your child. The first thing you need to consider is the child’s age, abilities and disabilities. It may be in your best interest to consult a professional to decide which type of chair is appropriate for your child. They will determine if your child is suited to use manual chair, powered chair or other wheelchair alternative.
It is likewise important that children and their parents actively participate in the selection process of the wheelchair. They are the individuals most aware of the needs and circumstances in which the wheelchair will be used. So they should work together in choosing the right wheelchair.
There is really no need to rush on buying a chair for your child. It is far better to take sometime than to make a rush decision. You would not want to regret your purchase in the end. That is why it is important that you make an informed decision when it comes to the chair you will use for a considerable amount of time. Realize also that less is more. So use accessories only when necessary. As every wheelchair is as individual as the user, it does not really matter if the chair is really good if it does not fit the child who will use it.
Lastly, it is also important to consider the child’s personal interest and choice. The wheelchair will not simply be something he will need. It will also be an expansion of his personality. Hence, comfort in a wheelchair is more than how it feels to the body. It should also be comfortable to the personality.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Constipation In Children
Title: Constipation In Children
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Summary: If you think your baby has constipation just because he has infrequent stools, then you better think again. Having infrequent stools does not really mean constipation although this malady is characterized by erratic bowel movement.
Constipation is a result of a deficient and wrong diet, inadequate intake of fluids or a problematic colon. Babies who take in too much refined food can be candidates for constipation.
So how does one know when a child has constipation? A ch...
Keywords: constipation, bloating
Article Body: If you think your baby has constipation just because he has infrequent stools, then you better think again. Having infrequent stools does not really mean constipation although this malady is characterized by erratic bowel movement.
Constipation is a result of a deficient and wrong diet, inadequate intake of fluids or a problematic colon. Babies who take in too much refined food can be candidates for constipation.
So how does one know when a child has constipation? A child may have constipation if he has very dry and hard stools. A person’s feces or solid waste passes through the colon because the latter normally gets rid of the water that is within the stool. However, when the colon is not functioning well, it may remove too much of the water in the feces resulting to very dry and hard stool, thereby resulting to constipation.
In simple words, constipation occur when the body’s solid waste stay in the colon, thereby extracting more fecal stool than what is necessary. This happens when a person‘s colon has lesser movement as a result of a diet that does not properly stimulate the colon to do its normal function. Constipation also occurs when there is a barrier in the GI tract as when there are problems with the anus or a tumor blockage.
Babies, especially those who are breast-fed, do not really experience constipation because the baby absorbs nearly all of the milk and there is little residue left. Infants naturally release their waste less often but it does not mean they are constipated. However, when they are ready to get their feces off, they usually do it with a lot of grunting and forcing. This should not worry parents though because it is normal as the baby’s anus may still be a little taut and needs more stretching before the stool can be released.
It is a different story though for formula-fed babies who can get constipated due to the milk residue in the colon. When these infants become toddlers and given a more solid diet later on, then they can be more prone to getting constipation.
For babies with really tight anus and who regularly experiences discomfort when passing stool, it is best to have a rectal examination by a trusted doctor to make sure there is no obstruction in the anus.
So how is constipation in children treated? One way of avoiding and treating child constipation is to improve his diet. There are mothers and even doctors who recommend the mixture of Karo syrup, the one used for hotcakes, with the baby’s milk. The intake of fruit juices like apple or prunes may also help in loosening the stool.
Always seek your pediatricians advice.
Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: If you think your baby has constipation just because he has infrequent stools, then you better think again. Having infrequent stools does not really mean constipation although this malady is characterized by erratic bowel movement.
Constipation is a result of a deficient and wrong diet, inadequate intake of fluids or a problematic colon. Babies who take in too much refined food can be candidates for constipation.
So how does one know when a child has constipation? A ch...
Keywords: constipation, bloating
Article Body: If you think your baby has constipation just because he has infrequent stools, then you better think again. Having infrequent stools does not really mean constipation although this malady is characterized by erratic bowel movement.
Constipation is a result of a deficient and wrong diet, inadequate intake of fluids or a problematic colon. Babies who take in too much refined food can be candidates for constipation.
So how does one know when a child has constipation? A child may have constipation if he has very dry and hard stools. A person’s feces or solid waste passes through the colon because the latter normally gets rid of the water that is within the stool. However, when the colon is not functioning well, it may remove too much of the water in the feces resulting to very dry and hard stool, thereby resulting to constipation.
In simple words, constipation occur when the body’s solid waste stay in the colon, thereby extracting more fecal stool than what is necessary. This happens when a person‘s colon has lesser movement as a result of a diet that does not properly stimulate the colon to do its normal function. Constipation also occurs when there is a barrier in the GI tract as when there are problems with the anus or a tumor blockage.
Babies, especially those who are breast-fed, do not really experience constipation because the baby absorbs nearly all of the milk and there is little residue left. Infants naturally release their waste less often but it does not mean they are constipated. However, when they are ready to get their feces off, they usually do it with a lot of grunting and forcing. This should not worry parents though because it is normal as the baby’s anus may still be a little taut and needs more stretching before the stool can be released.
It is a different story though for formula-fed babies who can get constipated due to the milk residue in the colon. When these infants become toddlers and given a more solid diet later on, then they can be more prone to getting constipation.
For babies with really tight anus and who regularly experiences discomfort when passing stool, it is best to have a rectal examination by a trusted doctor to make sure there is no obstruction in the anus.
So how is constipation in children treated? One way of avoiding and treating child constipation is to improve his diet. There are mothers and even doctors who recommend the mixture of Karo syrup, the one used for hotcakes, with the baby’s milk. The intake of fruit juices like apple or prunes may also help in loosening the stool.
Always seek your pediatricians advice.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Chlamydia Is Killing Your Child
Title: Chlamydia Is Killing Your Child
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Summary: Chlamydia is one of the most commonly reported sexually transmitted diseases that affect both men and women. Although previously linked to infertility in women, a new study by Spanish researchers have linked the disease to male infertility because it damages sperm quality.
Keywords: infertility, bacterial infection
Article Body: A recent study has given infertile men new hope of successfully conceiving a child with their partners. The culprit may just be a silent bacterial infection called chlamydia lurking within their bodies. According to Spanish researchers, chlamydia can damage sperm quality, thus causing infertility in men. They presented their findings at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference, based on a study done on 143 men infected with the infection. Using a new microscopic analysis technique, samples from the test subjects were analyzed and found to have a level of sperm damage more than three times higher than in healthy men. The sperm damage includes the level of DNA fragmentation, poor sperm concentration, increased levels of shape defects and poor ability to swim quickly.
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection caused by bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis, and is among the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world. It is commonly referred to as the “silent infection,” because about three quarters of infected women and about half of infected men present no symptoms. Those infected with chlamydia often do not feel any symptoms until complications arise from the bacterial infection, occasionally becoming the cause of permanent damage. If symptoms do occur, they can be felt within one to three weeks after infection. In women, its symptoms can range from abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding between menstrual periods, cervical or rectal inflammation, low-grade fever, a yellowish discharge from the cervix that may have a foul odor, vaginal bleeding after intercourse, rectal itching, rectal bleeding, painful intercourse, painful urination, and the urge to urinate more than usual. In men, the most commonly reported symptoms are pain or burning feeling while urinating, pus or watery or milky discharge from the penis, swollen or tender testicles, rectal itching, rectal bleeding, and rectal inflammation. All of these symptoms are often disregarded by those who suffer from the disease, or are mistook for other ailments because they are non-specific. This bacterial infection is commonly spread through vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse, but in rare cases may be passed on by a mother to her child through vaginal childbirth.
Chlamydia has already been linked to infertility in women, but this study has conclusively proven using the microscopic analysis that the quality of sperm declines significantly if the male has the bacterial infection. This is an important breakthrough for couples who have been unsuccessful in becoming pregnant, because chlamydia is a treatable disease. Treatment for the bacterial infection is a course of antibiotics. Doxycycline is the usual drug prescribed, with one tablet taken twice a day for a week. The most convenient treatment called azithromycin because you take four tablets at the same time. During the study, 95 out of the 143 men were treated with antibiotics and reassessed after four months. Scientists found that an average of 36% showed a marked improvement in sperm quality, and during that period 13% of the couples got pregnant. After the treatment was finished, 86% of those treated got pregnant.
The significance of the study goes beyond the infertility issue. It is also a wake-up call for many healthcare professionals to increase public awareness about chlamydia amid the rising numbers of people who have this bacterial infection, especially in the 18-25 age group. If this growing trend is unchecked, chlamydia maybe killing those yet to be born.
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Summary: Chlamydia is one of the most commonly reported sexually transmitted diseases that affect both men and women. Although previously linked to infertility in women, a new study by Spanish researchers have linked the disease to male infertility because it damages sperm quality.
Keywords: infertility, bacterial infection
Article Body: A recent study has given infertile men new hope of successfully conceiving a child with their partners. The culprit may just be a silent bacterial infection called chlamydia lurking within their bodies. According to Spanish researchers, chlamydia can damage sperm quality, thus causing infertility in men. They presented their findings at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference, based on a study done on 143 men infected with the infection. Using a new microscopic analysis technique, samples from the test subjects were analyzed and found to have a level of sperm damage more than three times higher than in healthy men. The sperm damage includes the level of DNA fragmentation, poor sperm concentration, increased levels of shape defects and poor ability to swim quickly.
Chlamydia is a bacterial infection caused by bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis, and is among the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world. It is commonly referred to as the “silent infection,” because about three quarters of infected women and about half of infected men present no symptoms. Those infected with chlamydia often do not feel any symptoms until complications arise from the bacterial infection, occasionally becoming the cause of permanent damage. If symptoms do occur, they can be felt within one to three weeks after infection. In women, its symptoms can range from abdominal pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, bleeding between menstrual periods, cervical or rectal inflammation, low-grade fever, a yellowish discharge from the cervix that may have a foul odor, vaginal bleeding after intercourse, rectal itching, rectal bleeding, painful intercourse, painful urination, and the urge to urinate more than usual. In men, the most commonly reported symptoms are pain or burning feeling while urinating, pus or watery or milky discharge from the penis, swollen or tender testicles, rectal itching, rectal bleeding, and rectal inflammation. All of these symptoms are often disregarded by those who suffer from the disease, or are mistook for other ailments because they are non-specific. This bacterial infection is commonly spread through vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse, but in rare cases may be passed on by a mother to her child through vaginal childbirth.
Chlamydia has already been linked to infertility in women, but this study has conclusively proven using the microscopic analysis that the quality of sperm declines significantly if the male has the bacterial infection. This is an important breakthrough for couples who have been unsuccessful in becoming pregnant, because chlamydia is a treatable disease. Treatment for the bacterial infection is a course of antibiotics. Doxycycline is the usual drug prescribed, with one tablet taken twice a day for a week. The most convenient treatment called azithromycin because you take four tablets at the same time. During the study, 95 out of the 143 men were treated with antibiotics and reassessed after four months. Scientists found that an average of 36% showed a marked improvement in sperm quality, and during that period 13% of the couples got pregnant. After the treatment was finished, 86% of those treated got pregnant.
The significance of the study goes beyond the infertility issue. It is also a wake-up call for many healthcare professionals to increase public awareness about chlamydia amid the rising numbers of people who have this bacterial infection, especially in the 18-25 age group. If this growing trend is unchecked, chlamydia maybe killing those yet to be born.
Choosing The First Step Stool For Your Child
Title: Choosing The First Step Stool For Your Child
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Summary: When your little one grows to be a tot and is capable to walk, it will not take a long time before he starts to run with a lot of speed further on towards his freedom. You can lend a hand to them to achieve their objectives by giving a secure and strong step stool to get to the stuff that is merely away from their contact.
When are you supposed to purchase a first step stool for your kid? A made to order step stool can be an affectionate baby present. It may be used as a c...
Keywords: baby, discount baby bedding, babie bedding
Article Body: When your little one grows to be a tot and is capable to walk, it will not take a long time before he starts to run with a lot of speed further on towards his freedom. You can lend a hand to them to achieve their objectives by giving a secure and strong step stool to get to the stuff that is merely away from their contact.
When are you supposed to purchase a first step stool for your kid? A made to order step stool can be an affectionate baby present. It may be used as a component of their nursery decoration till the kid is all set to make use of it. It would be proper to get the step stool in your house and all set before your kid begins to climb your closets, and hauling the dining chairs over the flooring to the ledge, and ahead of your backside going out from hanging them above the bathroom basin to clean their fingers. If the kid had started to walk earlier, then odds are that he would be all set to use a step stool earlier than the majority.
What manner of step stool you are supposed to buy? In general, there are three fundamental styles:
• Step Stool Chair - the underside rung can be turned over upside in order to craft a chair, as a result it would have double functions. This is fine if the step stool is to be made use of by a book shelf, where the kid is able to get to her most wanted book and then be seated to read the book, or beside the TV.
• Single Step Stool - the rung may be egg shaped (like in cricket), rectangle, square, or round. These are more often than not of a lighter weight and effortless to move from one room to another. Be certain to look for a strong, and properly balanced style.
• Double Step Stool – for nearly everyone this is a well liked and accepted design. The plane back side is strong next to a bed or a cabinet. The upper rung might have out of sight storage space beneath. A number of them have cut outs in the back or side for carrying effortlessly.
It is a tricky selection to make about which color or design to select. Step stools appear in an extensive range of magnificent colors to go with any decoration. Pick a stool that has been hand painted to go along with a subject matter and to turn out to be an heirloom. A puzzle step stool does not just make a good present and make available a step up, but it in addition educates the kid to be familiar with and spell out their name.
Prior to buying a step stool, make your mind up as to which part of the home it would be made use in. A lot of families have a step stool that is kept beside the kid’s bed, 1 in the toilet, and 1 in the kitchen that could be pulled about by the kid. As your kid gets to be freer, do not fail to remember to make certain that household medicines, cleaners, and whatever thing that is harmful stays away from your kid’s reach.
Whatsoever color or style step stool you purchase, you will be surprised at how involved your kid gets to be to his or her own step stool.
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Summary: When your little one grows to be a tot and is capable to walk, it will not take a long time before he starts to run with a lot of speed further on towards his freedom. You can lend a hand to them to achieve their objectives by giving a secure and strong step stool to get to the stuff that is merely away from their contact.
When are you supposed to purchase a first step stool for your kid? A made to order step stool can be an affectionate baby present. It may be used as a c...
Keywords: baby, discount baby bedding, babie bedding
Article Body: When your little one grows to be a tot and is capable to walk, it will not take a long time before he starts to run with a lot of speed further on towards his freedom. You can lend a hand to them to achieve their objectives by giving a secure and strong step stool to get to the stuff that is merely away from their contact.
When are you supposed to purchase a first step stool for your kid? A made to order step stool can be an affectionate baby present. It may be used as a component of their nursery decoration till the kid is all set to make use of it. It would be proper to get the step stool in your house and all set before your kid begins to climb your closets, and hauling the dining chairs over the flooring to the ledge, and ahead of your backside going out from hanging them above the bathroom basin to clean their fingers. If the kid had started to walk earlier, then odds are that he would be all set to use a step stool earlier than the majority.
What manner of step stool you are supposed to buy? In general, there are three fundamental styles:
• Step Stool Chair - the underside rung can be turned over upside in order to craft a chair, as a result it would have double functions. This is fine if the step stool is to be made use of by a book shelf, where the kid is able to get to her most wanted book and then be seated to read the book, or beside the TV.
• Single Step Stool - the rung may be egg shaped (like in cricket), rectangle, square, or round. These are more often than not of a lighter weight and effortless to move from one room to another. Be certain to look for a strong, and properly balanced style.
• Double Step Stool – for nearly everyone this is a well liked and accepted design. The plane back side is strong next to a bed or a cabinet. The upper rung might have out of sight storage space beneath. A number of them have cut outs in the back or side for carrying effortlessly.
It is a tricky selection to make about which color or design to select. Step stools appear in an extensive range of magnificent colors to go with any decoration. Pick a stool that has been hand painted to go along with a subject matter and to turn out to be an heirloom. A puzzle step stool does not just make a good present and make available a step up, but it in addition educates the kid to be familiar with and spell out their name.
Prior to buying a step stool, make your mind up as to which part of the home it would be made use in. A lot of families have a step stool that is kept beside the kid’s bed, 1 in the toilet, and 1 in the kitchen that could be pulled about by the kid. As your kid gets to be freer, do not fail to remember to make certain that household medicines, cleaners, and whatever thing that is harmful stays away from your kid’s reach.
Whatsoever color or style step stool you purchase, you will be surprised at how involved your kid gets to be to his or her own step stool.
child snoring
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Causes of Snoring in Children
Occasional snoring may be normal to children. Recent studies show that 3 to 12 percent of children between the age of 1 and 9 snore. But frequency doesn’t mean normality. Habitual snoring can be a cause of a more serious medical condition called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) or simply, sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by loud snoring with periods of breathing interruptions. Interruptions may be short or prolonged, usually between 5 to 30 seconds. During this period, the child's could not get straight sleep. He rouses and moves to another sleeping position, then resumes sleep. After a while he will once again begin snoring. This activity often happens several times during the night, each night. Although this condition rarely appears on children, it is very important that parents should watch out for symptoms that come along with it.
Symptoms of sleep apnea include
• Poor speech habits - talking that sounds like words over a mouthful of hot potato. • Reduced growth rate. Children suffering from sleep apnea use more energy in breathing during the night. During meals, they tend to eat slowly since it is hard for them to breathe and chew at the same time. The result is, they have insufficient nutrients to support their growth. • Hyperactivity. Lack of sleep can cause drowsiness on children during the day. To stay awake, children act frantically. • Poor performance in school. Since children do not get the right sleep during the night, they tend to appear tired and lack the concentration to focus at school, thus, having a poor performance.
When these symptoms are visible, it is imperative for parents to bring their child to a pediatrician and have him examined. A child can be happy and smiling when he is brought to the doctor and therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if he really has sleep apnea. Parents are advised to record their child's snoring so that the doctor can analyze the situation in actually.
Meanwhile, sleep apnea is not the sole reason why children snore. Other reasons include allergy attack, obesity, asthma, and enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis.
Some allergy attacks can cause swelling on the linings of the nose that can direct to the enlargement of adenoids. This keeps the child from breathing normally. This causes the child to snore. After the allergy attack, the snoring stops.
Obesity can also lead to snoring. In fact, 20% and 40% of the obese children snore. This is because fats can form around the throat that can cause constriction and makes the limited airways. Also, fats in the stomach can cause the diaphragm to function irregularly
Asthma is said to be another cause why children snore. A study revealed that 40% of the children diagnosed with asthma snore.
Enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis also results to snoring. While cold or tonsillitis can be cured by decongestant and antibiotics, adenoid enlargement is treated by surgical procedure to remove adenoids and tonsils.
Underdevelopment of the jaw inside the womb can cause snoring as well. There is also the possibility that the nerves and the muscles cannot control the airway properly and cause that child to snore.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Child's Uniqueness
Celebrate your Child's Uniqueness Just like a snowflake or a fingerprint, every child is unique in their own special way. Every child has a unique way of feeling, thinking, and interacting with others. Some children are shy, while others are outgoing; some are active, while others are calm; some are fretful, while others are easy-going. As a loving and nurturing parent, it's your job to encourage them to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their individual qualities. Allow your child to express themselves through their interests. They may find a creative outlet in theatre, dancing or art, or they may be exceptionally talented in the sciences. Encourage them to embrace what they like to do, what interests them, and what makes them happy. Help them realize that they don't need to worry about being 'like everyone else.' Teach your child to make positive choices, and praise them for good deeds, behaviors and positive traits they possess. Encourage them to become actively involved in their community, and introduce them to activities that promote a sense of cooperation and accomplishment. Be firm yet fair when handing down discipline for misdeeds or misbehaviors, and make certain the rules and consequences for breaking the rules are clearly defined. Show a cooperative, loving and united front with your spouse when it comes to discipline. Accept and celebrate your child's uniqueness. Remember that your child is an individual. Allow your child to have his or her own personal preferences and feelings, which may be different from your own. And finally, encourage your child to be true to themselves by doing the same. Show your child how to make positive choices with the choices you make, and that nobody is perfect and you too make mistakes. Show your child that mistakes can be a great learning experience, and that they should not be ashamed or embarrassed about making them.
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childrens diets
Having a child or children is without a doubt on of the greatest decisions of your life. In fact, they don't really get any more major than this. If you choose to do so, then you are basically deciding to take someone else's life onto yourself. Suddenly this little person's health, happiness, and safety are up to you. You are the one with all the power and responsibility. Does this sound overwhelming? It should, and it can be at times. However, the rewards make it all worthwhile. As a parent myself, I always try to focus on the positive and raise my daughter as best I can. I not only want her to be happy and safe, but I want her to be healthy as well. This is why it ticks me off when I see parents feeding garbage to their kids. No, I'm not referring to the garbage in the trash can. I am talking about unhealthy foods. When it comes to childrens diets, we really need to wise up as a society.
Were you aware of how poor childrens diets are in America? This is pathetic, and it is something that can be remedied rather easily. As you already know, it's all up to the parents. They have the power to make these choices. So stop choosing McDonald's and Pizza Hut. This is such a cop-out. Stop being lazy and start preparing healthy childrens diets. Your little one needs certain vitamins and minerals each and every day. Are you providing these so that he/she can grow up big and strong? If the answer is no, then what are you waiting for? It makes me wince to see children who are not even 10 years old and they're already overweight. This is absurd, and it's all because of the parents. They are not providing their kids with healthy childrens diets. Kids need fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and healthy grains and dairy products. Nourish their young bodies and help them grow up right.
If you can't come up with any decent childrens diets on your own; this is no big deal. Get online and sort through oodles of them. I'm sure you will find a few that suit your child. Always remember, it's up to you as the parent to consider your child's health. If he/she is overweight or out of shape, you need to take action. Get them going early on with healthy childrens diets. This way they will grow up with decent eating habits and live a long and healthy life.
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Were you aware of how poor childrens diets are in America? This is pathetic, and it is something that can be remedied rather easily. As you already know, it's all up to the parents. They have the power to make these choices. So stop choosing McDonald's and Pizza Hut. This is such a cop-out. Stop being lazy and start preparing healthy childrens diets. Your little one needs certain vitamins and minerals each and every day. Are you providing these so that he/she can grow up big and strong? If the answer is no, then what are you waiting for? It makes me wince to see children who are not even 10 years old and they're already overweight. This is absurd, and it's all because of the parents. They are not providing their kids with healthy childrens diets. Kids need fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and healthy grains and dairy products. Nourish their young bodies and help them grow up right.
If you can't come up with any decent childrens diets on your own; this is no big deal. Get online and sort through oodles of them. I'm sure you will find a few that suit your child. Always remember, it's up to you as the parent to consider your child's health. If he/she is overweight or out of shape, you need to take action. Get them going early on with healthy childrens diets. This way they will grow up with decent eating habits and live a long and healthy life.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Childrens fancy dress top tips
Title: Childrens fancy dress top tips
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Summary: In the UK the summer is a time when people are outside enjoying the weather and having parties. For children this includes fancy dress parties and gives them an opportunity to dress up and this for many children is a real treat.
Keywords: childrens fancy dress, outfits, fashion, kids, fun, parties
Article Body: But for many parents this can be quite a challenge as many of the typical high street retailers are not accessible anymore but these have been replaced by specialist online suppliers. If you love dressing up in fancy outfits and playing your favourite fabled characters, Halloween is your dream holiday. And there's nothing better on Halloween than having the best costume in the bunch. Whether it's a sexy pirate costume or a scary vampire outfit, you'll still the show with Disguise Costumes. You'll find creative adult and kids Halloween costumes to make this summer unforgettable. Costume parties are very fashionable nowadays in the UK and all over the world. Being able to advertise your fancy dress business on the Internet as well as selling costumes and accessories online is an important step towards a better and profitable future for the fancy dress costumes industry. Party costume for all adults and children, masks accessories and decorations are all available on specialty web sites and will be shipped to you the next day and for many this makes buying childrens fancy dress very easy and convenient. Children fancy dress parties can take place with any occasion or on national holidays like Halloween, Eastern, and Christmas or World Book day. Parents willing to make a child very happy by looking for the best suiting costume for the child's wish, are free to look in Internet pages for the best costume, theme, accessories and decorations required. Web sites offering children fancy dress requirements offer their services grouped in products for boys and girls. If you are calling a large group of people, a general fancy dress party may be a better idea. Trying to organize a themed party to suit so many different tastes may prove to be too challenging for you and may not sound as exciting to everybody. You can be sure not everyone will be doing cartwheels when they receive your Aliens v/s Predators party invite. Better to give your guests the creative license to dress up or dress down as they please and watch the excitement unfold as you try and guess who is behind each mask. Regardless of how much money you have to spend there are loads of options available for the fancy dress connoisseur! Feeling Flush? Why not splash out on ready made costume with all the trimmings? Watching the pennies? Then put on your best Blue Peter hat and get creative at home. Whatever your budget being dressed up has a great effect on people and is bound to result in an amusing night! Remember selecting your fancy dress costumes is just the start as selecting the matching accessories is also important. Whatever you decide is the best choice for your costume all we really need is some great weather and this a prerequisite for any great fancy dress party in the UK.
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Get Instant Access to 30 FREE Fundraiser Tips, Free Sales Flyers and A Free Sample at http://www.fundraiser.deco-craft.com
Summary: In the UK the summer is a time when people are outside enjoying the weather and having parties. For children this includes fancy dress parties and gives them an opportunity to dress up and this for many children is a real treat.
Keywords: childrens fancy dress, outfits, fashion, kids, fun, parties
Article Body: But for many parents this can be quite a challenge as many of the typical high street retailers are not accessible anymore but these have been replaced by specialist online suppliers. If you love dressing up in fancy outfits and playing your favourite fabled characters, Halloween is your dream holiday. And there's nothing better on Halloween than having the best costume in the bunch. Whether it's a sexy pirate costume or a scary vampire outfit, you'll still the show with Disguise Costumes. You'll find creative adult and kids Halloween costumes to make this summer unforgettable. Costume parties are very fashionable nowadays in the UK and all over the world. Being able to advertise your fancy dress business on the Internet as well as selling costumes and accessories online is an important step towards a better and profitable future for the fancy dress costumes industry. Party costume for all adults and children, masks accessories and decorations are all available on specialty web sites and will be shipped to you the next day and for many this makes buying childrens fancy dress very easy and convenient. Children fancy dress parties can take place with any occasion or on national holidays like Halloween, Eastern, and Christmas or World Book day. Parents willing to make a child very happy by looking for the best suiting costume for the child's wish, are free to look in Internet pages for the best costume, theme, accessories and decorations required. Web sites offering children fancy dress requirements offer their services grouped in products for boys and girls. If you are calling a large group of people, a general fancy dress party may be a better idea. Trying to organize a themed party to suit so many different tastes may prove to be too challenging for you and may not sound as exciting to everybody. You can be sure not everyone will be doing cartwheels when they receive your Aliens v/s Predators party invite. Better to give your guests the creative license to dress up or dress down as they please and watch the excitement unfold as you try and guess who is behind each mask. Regardless of how much money you have to spend there are loads of options available for the fancy dress connoisseur! Feeling Flush? Why not splash out on ready made costume with all the trimmings? Watching the pennies? Then put on your best Blue Peter hat and get creative at home. Whatever your budget being dressed up has a great effect on people and is bound to result in an amusing night! Remember selecting your fancy dress costumes is just the start as selecting the matching accessories is also important. Whatever you decide is the best choice for your costume all we really need is some great weather and this a prerequisite for any great fancy dress party in the UK.
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children in need 24
children in need
We all have our pet charities that we love, and we find time to give them what we can in the way of help and donations. One popular type of charity is one that helps children in need. Children are innocent, and often born into situations that are not the best, but their parents do what they can. This means that the kindness of strangers can mean the difference between starving and having a good meal, or may mean that Christmas is a happy time instead of filled with disappointment.
Most are touched by children in need because they know the child did nothing to get themselves into their predicament. They can’t help how they were born, or who they were born to. Not all parents are bad, some just have bad luck, and they do the best they can with what they have. Sometimes, that is just not enough. Children in need are always grateful, and perhaps that is why so many support those causes as well. Most communities have many programs for children, and they make up the majority of charities that most give to each year.
One popular charity for kids in need is Toys For Tots. Each year, stores and volunteers collect unopened toys to give to children in need in the immediate area. I always try to buy some stuff to throw in the box. No child should be without presents during the holidays, and this is one that always touches me. It might not be as important as putting food on the table, but giving a child joy is something that should be special to everyone. They are always so grateful, even when they have little to be grateful for.
When checking out other charities for children in need, do a little research. If it is a well known charity, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Your money, however, is best spent going to a charity that does not take a lot off the top for administrative purposes. Some money has to go to this, but it should not be a lot of it. If you aren’t happy with the percentages, you are free to give your money to someone else. There are plenty of children in need out there, and plenty of charities that will help them. You can feel free to find the right one so you know the money is going where it should be going.
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We all have our pet charities that we love, and we find time to give them what we can in the way of help and donations. One popular type of charity is one that helps children in need. Children are innocent, and often born into situations that are not the best, but their parents do what they can. This means that the kindness of strangers can mean the difference between starving and having a good meal, or may mean that Christmas is a happy time instead of filled with disappointment.
Most are touched by children in need because they know the child did nothing to get themselves into their predicament. They can’t help how they were born, or who they were born to. Not all parents are bad, some just have bad luck, and they do the best they can with what they have. Sometimes, that is just not enough. Children in need are always grateful, and perhaps that is why so many support those causes as well. Most communities have many programs for children, and they make up the majority of charities that most give to each year.
One popular charity for kids in need is Toys For Tots. Each year, stores and volunteers collect unopened toys to give to children in need in the immediate area. I always try to buy some stuff to throw in the box. No child should be without presents during the holidays, and this is one that always touches me. It might not be as important as putting food on the table, but giving a child joy is something that should be special to everyone. They are always so grateful, even when they have little to be grateful for.
When checking out other charities for children in need, do a little research. If it is a well known charity, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. Your money, however, is best spent going to a charity that does not take a lot off the top for administrative purposes. Some money has to go to this, but it should not be a lot of it. If you aren’t happy with the percentages, you are free to give your money to someone else. There are plenty of children in need out there, and plenty of charities that will help them. You can feel free to find the right one so you know the money is going where it should be going.
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children internet safety
There's a huge door we leave open all the time. It's a door that didn't exist 20 years ago. It's not tangible or even visible for that matter. You can't simply close it with a doorknob or deadbolt. This is a door that must be turned off or shut down. The dangers beyond this door are endless and we mustn't forget that. It's the door that leads to cyberspace. Did you remember to shut the last time you got off the computer? These days it's becoming more and more clear why you should. And I'm not just referring to viruses, identity theft and spam. What about children Internet safety. This is the greatest factor of all.
Most healthy parents try so hard to keep their little ones safe. We put them in great schools, we reside in safe neighborhoods, we watch them when they play outdoors, and we lock them in our homes at night. The last thing we want is for something evil to slip in and hurt them. Unfortunately now days, a physical approach is not our only concern. You see, the Internet has made it simple for evil to slip in quietly. The predator doesn't even have to be near your child. They can be a thousand miles away and still make contact with a mouse and keyboard. I know; it sounds terrifying, but it's our modern-day reality nonetheless. What you need to focus on is children Internet safety. There are ways to keep your child far from the clutches of a sexual predator. You just need to know how to use your computer. With both Macs and PCs, there is an option known as PARENTAL CONTROL. You can alter the settings under your INTERNET OPTIONS or CONTROL PANEL. Put restrictions on your browser so that the minors in your home can't stumble upon unsavory websites and chat rooms. This is a great way to safe-guard them. If you wish to take children Internet safety a step further, monitor them yourself each time they get online. However, this may not work once they're in their teens.
If you allow your child to use the Internet, it's your responsibility to keep track of where they're surfing and whom it is they're chatting with so casually. Take children Internet safety seriously. Come up with passwords your kids won't be able to figure out, because they will try this. It's true that the Internet can be a great resource and tool, but don't forget it's also a dangerous doorway.
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Most healthy parents try so hard to keep their little ones safe. We put them in great schools, we reside in safe neighborhoods, we watch them when they play outdoors, and we lock them in our homes at night. The last thing we want is for something evil to slip in and hurt them. Unfortunately now days, a physical approach is not our only concern. You see, the Internet has made it simple for evil to slip in quietly. The predator doesn't even have to be near your child. They can be a thousand miles away and still make contact with a mouse and keyboard. I know; it sounds terrifying, but it's our modern-day reality nonetheless. What you need to focus on is children Internet safety. There are ways to keep your child far from the clutches of a sexual predator. You just need to know how to use your computer. With both Macs and PCs, there is an option known as PARENTAL CONTROL. You can alter the settings under your INTERNET OPTIONS or CONTROL PANEL. Put restrictions on your browser so that the minors in your home can't stumble upon unsavory websites and chat rooms. This is a great way to safe-guard them. If you wish to take children Internet safety a step further, monitor them yourself each time they get online. However, this may not work once they're in their teens.
If you allow your child to use the Internet, it's your responsibility to keep track of where they're surfing and whom it is they're chatting with so casually. Take children Internet safety seriously. Come up with passwords your kids won't be able to figure out, because they will try this. It's true that the Internet can be a great resource and tool, but don't forget it's also a dangerous doorway.
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