
The Smile-itsme Song

Monday, September 19, 2011

How To Find Fundraiser Volunteers:

Your volunteers can be found at your drop off or pickup area, at the neighborhood function or monthly social gathering. And you might want to display a large poster signup sheet in the hallway, listing your areas of need.

During the initial meeting, line up a healthy reserve of volunteers who rotate throughout the year. But remember, individuals should not be called on for more than one or two fundraisers a year, so that they don’t get burned out.

Busy parents don’t always have your organization’s calendar on their mind. Make folders describing your mission, the people on the team and their contact information. And include a snapshot of the year’s calendar of activities.

Parents who may not warm up to a fundraiser may find it easier to get involved in raising funds for their child’s specific grade level or troop if you target your audience.
And praise goes a long way. Some ideas on how you might acknowledge your volunteers, might be, a prime parking spot with a big sign that says “Reserved for Volunteer of the Week”. Or you might feature a story, complete with pictures of your volunteers, on your website, or in your newsletters and blogs.

Another way to express your gratitude might be an Autograph Shirt Day with one of the SIGnaShirt Fundraiser autograph mementos, with personal messages of appreciation written on the shirts.

For additional information on how SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers can assist in creating memories of appreciation, simply click the video link below or visit

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