
The Smile-itsme Song

Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Select The Best Fundraiser Product:

Product fundraising has been around for over a century. It typically involves the purchase and re-sale of a popular consumer product or products by a group whereupon, the group sponsoring the sale keeps a portion of the gross sales.

Products can be purchased in bulk and paid for in advance by the organization, then re-sold to supporters. The problem with bulk buying is the potential risk involved with getting stuck with inventory that didn’t sell.

One of the basic questions an organization or group must answer is, "What are we going to sell?" There are virtually thousands of products available for fundraising programs. These can range from items such as candy, cookies and other edibles, to wrapping paper, magazines and a wide range of gifts and novelties. When narrowing down the product choices, insist on high-quality merchandise and services.

Allen Williams, president of SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers said, “Concerning quality, our printing and packaging involves a two-step process. The quality is checked at the printing stage and then re-checked again upon packaging so our returns are very low. And concerning the comparison of our product with refrigerated and frozen foods, well there is no comparison.
Our products are not perishable and nothing compares to the fun activity of kids painting or coloring shirts and creating wearable art like our Creativity-Craft Kits. And by imprinting our clients logo directly on each shirt, we found we also create a promotional item, offering our clients the added bonus of free advertising.

Or take our Autograph Shirt Kits for example. Kids and adults, can autograph the shirts, to keep as a memento. And they are safe products, sold through a branded website which removes the worry of door-to-door safety issues.”

For additional information on how SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers can benefit your organization, simply click the video link below. And you can also view the fundraiser program in action and learn why SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers are rated in the Top 18% for Innovation and Marketability at

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