
The Smile-itsme Song

Monday, September 19, 2011

Measuring Fundraiser Goals:

The most obvious barometer of fundraiser success, is whether you met your financial goal. If you expected to raise $20,000 from a fundraising program’s success and you didn’t, it’s important to figure out why. Maybe the goal was set too high. Or perhaps it was based on “possible” rather than “probable” profits.

Often times a fundraiser product sales rep, might over-inflate the revenue you should expect as a profit from your fundraiser, all in their efforts to make the sale. Well, that’s not your fault and shouldn’t happen, if you are working with a reputable company.

Allen Williams of SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers said, “we do our best to under-estimate when dealing with our clients, as our motto is under-promise and over-deliver. We aren’t in business for just one fundraiser program but many repeat fundraising opportunities”.

A sales rep may claim that you can make $50,000 on their product and you end up setting that as your goal, but maybe that’s not realistic. A realistic goal needs to be based on the number of sales volunteers and members you have in your group.

And you also need to look at the motivation of volunteers and administrators. Even, the nature of the economy and very inclement weather or a natural disaster may affect your proceeds.
SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers are perfect for family and school reunions, graduations, and events of all kinds. For additional information on how SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers can benefit your organization, simply click the video link below and learn why they are rated in the Top 18% for Innovation and Marketability.

Or you can also view the SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraiser program in action at Learn of all the advantages that’s in store for you at

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